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whats a good time released fertilizer?


Active member
planting 20 32 gallon trash cans in a swamp. I will be able to water them but would like a good fert for the soil mix.


Active member
check your local home depot/canadian tire/garden store/walmart etc. your bound to find something that will work theres different kinds some 6 months, 4 months,2 months. My question is if you had the choice between a time release 6-12-12 without micros or a 4-12-8 with micros which one would you pick for a veg/flower formula, is it required to have micros in your fertilizer I assume so.


Well-known member
The only ones I know are american pride and marine cuisine. I think they are both made by Fox Farm- not sure- the marine cuisine is though. We used some marine cuisine on some jillybean and then used that soil for a tomato plant and the thing got so big it was unreal!

I hope to use it outdoors this year but I'm tryin' to find more info- I'll post back...good luck:joint:


the thing i love about organics is you can use whatever you want..i suggest adding as much crap as possible to the mix..

bloodmeal:high nitrgien

bonemeal:high phosphorous

horse manure: 0.5-0.1-0.3 but high in trace nutrients

pultry manure:high in nitrgen and enzymes

worm castings: very good all prupose fertilzier,very high in all nutrients,and it has microherd in it..

bat guanoi: theres some with high nitrgen or high p-k


foxfarm peace of mind is a good slow release fert for outdoor use. I say outdoor because it tends to have an unpleasent odor. I used it last year on my outdoor vegetable/fruit garden with good results.


Well-known member
how much of the osmocote do you use? I read that it is made from chems-- would that effect the taste or high??


I am also looking for a good all around fert to use for outdoors this year. Bone and blood would attract animals though I would rather go with guanos and such but they are really expensive if buying in bulk. I would rather do something like osmocote but have never tried chem ferts before in or out. If doing a chem fert outside would you have to flush the nutes out before cutting or would that already be done naturally with the rain? If you do have to flush how do some of you guys flush outdoors seems it would be harder if the plant is directly in dirt and not a pot. Maybe it would be worth the extra bucks to do guanos though so I don't have to haul a shit load of water out to flush everything
Ive just bought 6 tubs of westlands feed-all


NPK 15-6-30

What are thoughts on the ratio?


  • westland-feed-all-slow-release-fasl2k.jpg
    24.3 KB · Views: 14


Active member
thanks man! Keep watching, ill have some pics in the next 2 weeks...

Psssst....I got what you need bro! Been using it for years and won't think of using anything else. The more water you add the more it works. It'll make monster plants in the swamp. Fades out bout flower time too, which is good. Too much N for flowering. Use a water soluable fert for flowering so it's easy to flush.:D



how much of the osmocote do you use? I read that it is made from chems-- would that effect the taste or high??

Mix Osmocote into your planting holes. Just go by the picture on the instuctions. It's real simple. No ill effects as far as smell or taste are concerned. Plants grown with Osmocote can be weighed in pounds not ounces. Use Super Bloom water soluable during flowering for large, dense buds. Every time your plants get watered it activates the Osmocote. The more you water the bigger they get!!!:woohoo:


Still2big- Man if you are just getting started I'll help you out best I can. I've got a grow diary going and you can look there to see what I'm up to. It's the link in my signature. You probably guessed but I'm in Texas at 32N and your location and environment are probably quite different from mine so my grow plan would probably need to be adjusted for your particular situation. However you can get a good idea of what to do to be a succesful grower. This year will be my 18th outdoor crop so I can definately help you avoid some pitfalls along the way. Also BigTex does not advocate breaking the law so know what you are getting involved in.


Active member
Yeah im originally from texas too. Right up around Dallas... TEXAS PRIDE!

This will be my second outdoor season. Last year went well but i got a late start, put out clones but this year going with seeds...Been an indoor grower for years and years but tired of the stress...

im starting 80 jack flash x aussie super skunk seeds in cups. Goal is to plant 4 plants per 32 gallon and end up with 1 or 2 plants per container.

Ill keep you posted

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