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Massachusetts to Regulate and Tax the Cannabis Industry


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
so your saying you grow illegally and give your stuff away????? I say your a liar.to this:

I know not everyone would do this, but it's not a lie. I had an existing stealth-micro grow for personal use and I don't give her my entire crop - in fact, a miniscule portion of said. She uses it strictly as medicine, not recreationally, and it's only about 10 grams/month. I do it because she needs it, and because it is a non-med state and her options for discrete treatment are very limited.

If it were a zip every week and I started my op just to grow her meds, that would be a different story. I would expect break-even compensation for my expenses, and would donate my time and expertise. But that's not the case.

There are people in this world who geniunely need someone to step to the plate for them. She is one of the former, and I the latter. It certainly gives me a feeling I like far better than money.



I know not everyone would do this, but it's not a lie.
There are people in this world who geniunely need someone to step to the plate for them. She is one of the former, and I the latter. It certainly gives me a feeling I like far better than money.

I give a lot bigger portion of mine away and it isn't even more medical purposes other than the fact I don't want my poeple I care about smoking commerical chemmical crap.

It is really hard for others who if in the same situation, would not do the same thing, to understand.


half cat half man half baked
Section 11. No license shall be issued to any person who during the preceding ten years has been convicted of a felony except a felony under Section 94C involving cannabis.



Active member

Bout' time the East Coast gets something moving forward. Florida WAKE UP~!!!!!!!!!!
New England area is comin' around.....Rhode Island is on board.

Obama is on TV now......he will help us if he can.....he was a stoner back in the day....normal in Hawaii where he spent a lot of time when he was young.

Gobama is the WORD....is the word...is the word.... But the physicians are shakin' in their boots as Gobama is goin' to save the healthcare systen that is out of control...

AND FINALLY Stem Cell Research can move ahead AGAIN! to cure many diseases.... GOBAMA...GOBAMA...GOBAMA...


follow your heart
ICMag Donor

Bout' time the East Coast gets something moving forward. Florida WAKE UP~!!!!!!!!!!
New England area is comin' around.....Rhode Island is on board.

Obama is on TV now......he will help us if he can.....he was a stoner back in the day....normal in Hawaii where he spent a lot of time when he was young.

Gobama is the WORD....is the word...is the word.... But the physicians are shakin' in their boots as Gobama is goin' to save the healthcare systen that is out of control...

AND FINALLY Stem Cell Research can move ahead AGAIN! to cure many diseases.... GOBAMA...GOBAMA...GOBAMA...

oh yeah, such a great guy for not ending war, and spending your money on a pointless war.. such a great guy he is....
It would be nice if he would end the war, or at least letting detroit and wall street die so they can come back to life in a new form.

I don't know about this bill; meaning I don't think it will pass. I met some really cool people in Mass, but the majority of Mass-holes are big time haters. You have to buy beer at a liquor store, plus they don't know how to drive.

(written while backing up at 30 mph into a parking space while texting and yelling yankees suck out the window)


It would be nice if he would end the war, or at least letting detroit and wall street die so they can come back to life in a new form.

I don't know about this bill; meaning I don't think it will pass. I met some really cool people in Mass, but the majority of Mass-holes are big time haters. You have to buy beer at a liquor store, plus they don't know how to drive.

(written while backing up at 30 mph into a parking space while texting and yelling yankees suck out the window)

I too don't think it will pass, however there was a decrim measures in the house and senate here years ago, even a non binding vote back in 02 or 04 that passed... So if it doesnt pass now, it still might in 4 years, the great depression ended in 1929, and american didnt relegalize alcohol untill 1933.

To the person that asked how much one could grow for personal use... there is no predetermined limit that i read. I am sure as long as they dont bust you selling without paying taxes, or its bagged up into 20 individual dime bags you' would be fine with a whole room full.


Just heard about this today. This is great, we got two states this year working on legislation to legalize marijuana for adults.

The tides are changing. It's only a matter of time before a state finally legalizes it and once that happens it just opens the door for other states to follow and then eventually the federal government.

We saw the same thing with medical marijuana back in 96, California legalized it and now there are 13 states total that have legalized it with many more soon on the way. Now we even have a presidential administration that is honoring these state laws.

Times are changing!

heavy dank nugg

I know not everyone would do this, but it's not a lie. I had an existing stealth-micro grow for personal use and I don't give her my entire crop - in fact, a miniscule portion of said. She uses it strictly as medicine, not recreationally, and it's only about 10 grams/month. I do it because she needs it, and because it is a non-med state and her options for discrete treatment are very limited.

If it were a zip every week and I started my op just to grow her meds, that would be a different story. I would expect break-even compensation for my expenses, and would donate my time and expertise. But that's not the case.

There are people in this world who geniunely need someone to step to the plate for them. She is one of the former, and I the latter. It certainly gives me a feeling I like far better than money.


this is what he forgot from his quote
a care giver service. is not a caregiver. so your saying you grow illegally and give your stuff away????? I say your a liar.to this:

heavy dank nugg

Just heard about this today. This is great, we got two states this year working on legislation to legalize marijuana for adults.

The tides are changing. It's only a matter of time before a state finally legalizes it and once that happens it just opens the door for other states to follow and then eventually the federal government.

We saw the same thing with medical marijuana back in 96, California legalized it and now there are 13 states total that have legalized it with many more soon on the way. Now we even have a presidential administration that is honoring these state laws.

Times are changing!
i agree

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^that is pretty good still compared to a mandatory minimum sentence. The fine would be less than 100 dollars. That is like denver, but for whole state.... full of Irish people who should drink less and smoke instead..... I kid, I kid the irish


Active member
obama is against full legalization.. he said he smoked when he was younger and it was a 'dumb mistake'

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Where would these big corportations grow it in MA... indoors? .. couldnt grow too many strains up north outdoors.

Corporations would buy up the huge cheap plots of land in places like texas, and start pushing for legalization nationwide, so they can grow for cheap. Bud grows huge in the south cause the sun is powerfull here. If you have ever experienced the heat of mid day august in texas you know what i mean.


Active member


oh yeah, such a great guy for not ending war, and spending your money on a pointless war.. such a great guy he is....

Fighting terrorism is not pointless IMHO and I do trust Obama much...
But we need to celebrate the progress in Mass. and not talk war as politics is a volitile subject and this board is not the place to solve a problems that goes back thousands of years and will continue many years to come because people of the world
"NEED TO LIVE AND LET LIVE" but they can't because everybody thinks they have the answers and are right and their God is THE RIGHT GOD....

And everybody needs to be more tolerant of religious and cultural differences...

But I just love the progress currently on the East Coast of America with weed movement. I hope it spreads as most of those people seem to end up here in Florida anyway and hope it spreads down here because these peole down here are not activist. Must be the sun....LOL


Active member


obama is against full legalization.. he said he smoked when he was younger and it was a 'dumb mistake'

True but it was GREAT PROGRESS that the Attorney General said he would look the other on mmj clinics and he had to have the backing of Obama to do that...Plus Obama was going to put Bill Richards in his cabinet and Gov. Richards legalized MMJ in New Mexico and Obama still wanted him, but he could not pass the close scrutiny on the investigation.

So it appears to me that Obama is starting the process, but if you think Obama will solve this whole problem...NO he won't. He just got in office and I have seen more done in that little time than in a while.

One step at a time and I have seen more letting up with him than ANY president SO FAR sooooforgive me for bein' hopeful as that is how I operate.

At least they have the courage to REVERSE the problems with the MMJ clinics that Bush created and the sick in the legal states won't be harrassed...
I am happy for those folks and attribute it to Obama.