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First proper grow!


New member
hi guys and girls,

doing my first ever proper grow,got myself a complete system which i built myself from 12mm ply,4ft x3ftx4ft.5" extraction with filter.the whole room is run on HO flourescent tubes 2ft long.in all there is 8 2ft tubes 4 hanging 1 in each corner but im soon to add another 8.Im amazed with these lights very cheap very low vltge so less leccy is used smaller bills!!lol.im using daylight bulbs for veg which are working very well making the plants very bushy plenty of growing tips.these bulbs are used for people with s.a.d as they give pure daylight very low range so no red is given and for bud you can get red spectrum tubes.these tubes are only £2 each!!! ballast packs £5!!!! now thats cheap chaps.

Whats in the grow room you say..... well at the moment i have 2 NYD and 4 others that i cant remember as these were grown about 7 years ago and we found the seeds in a draw lol.all 6 are doing well and have even cloned them all using an idea i was told about by a friend using a bubble cloner which worked very well 100% success so far!!
Well they just gone into bud,bulbs have been change timers adjusted so whatch this space!!!!


Welcome and enjoy your stay..this place rocks :joint:
any luck on getting sum pics up?sounds like yoour on ur way goodluck


New member
think this is gonna turn out way toooo big!!this is the girls as seedlings the one on the left is a hindu kush ive been training which is no longer in there now as theres no room!lol heres another of them now
hope this works lol


New member
now thinking of removin the 2 smaller plants on the left as they are kind of getting in the way and are alot slower than the other 4.i have cuttings of the other 4 so i think the others will go in the green house lol die or survive lol!!


now thinking of removin the 2 smaller plants on the left as they are kind of getting in the way and are alot slower than the other 4.i have cuttings of the other 4 so i think the others will go in the green house lol die or survive lol!!

yeah :D you going great man ! :joint: i wish you biiig buuuds !!!


New member
right took the two smaller slower plants out of the grow room and moved the other 4 about into position.think this is defo the best thing to do.theyre not so cramped now so atleast the light will get through,gonna give them all a hair cut(trim) tomoz let that light in!!slowly getting over the fungus gnat issue.dont see tht many and the strips are very sparce.i been spraying every day and that seems to have dont then job!! think il stik with that until there isnt any leaft at all!!! il let you know how they are getting on oh and good news all 6 are fems!!!! but the two i put out are now in the garden!!

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