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plants can read human minds?



Hi everyone, does anyone feel like thoughts can affect you loving plant??? cannabis is amazing I first discovered that they are really alive when I WAS About 14-15 yrs old... and a grape skunk plant that I had outdoors would turn all her fan leaves sideways 5 min after it rain... this would amaze me every time :) since no other strain did this for me, you could even see her flip them back up if you where staying or looking at her while she did it for a bit. I read alot of research done with lie detectors polygraphs test... and myself been looking to buy one of this because I never seen this done with cannabis plant. The name of the guy who started to do research was steven backster look him up o google/youtube great great documentary :) that I think anyone and everyone can learn from.

one Q

I saw that dvd a friend has it. That shit changed my life. It almost changed my preception on being a vegetarian. Plants are smart. I have a lady friend who states that if you have an ailment and you soak a seed in your mouth the plant from that seed will be able to help you better. sounds crazy! ???


Cool yes I been a vegetarian since i WAS 6 years old... I been inlove with plants since a very young age and always will is my passion and i just cant help it to learn more from it and be amazed. I seen experiments done that say that plants don't need any pesticides, just by writing the word of the pesticide and putting it around your plants can do more than the chemical it self. I always get this amazing feeling every time i WALK IN A ROOM full of them... its almost like i can feel them....their energy.
I've also seen this video shot in germany where plants decide when they want to be watered by electrical means... all plants have an electrical conductivity with in them I found out amazing. also good thoughts will make your cannabis flourish greed and envy or any of those feeling will past that on to your plants...
The guy who first discovered this has movies about how plants are aware of every living organism, Please google or youtube steven backster it will change your love too... now this has been know for over 3 years why dosent everyone know?????


30 years lol i think the experiments where done in cali?????


The Mythbusters ran the polygraph experiments, and aside from one anomaly there was no reaction in the plants they were using, beans I think.

That said I do believe plants are aware, but on a different level that humans are aware of other humans. I think it has more to do with M-theory membranes that vibrate in the presence of the matter that makes up living tissue. If we all exist on the same membrane everything is connected by definition.


Pull my finger
BS! Not everything can be proven by science. Plants do react to animal emotions and actions.

Vice versa can happen too. Ever feel kinda bad if you forgot to water a plant and it is dying? Flora and fauna have a bigger relationship than given credit for.


haha seeing weed . makes me smile lol its amazing, same with all living things ahhh... I need to buy a polygraph and post some experiments... Did you know that a plant will freak out just by me thinking of fire or burning a leaf??? and not having any matches or lighters anywhere near????

swamdank you are right my friend... our science is out of date, so we can't even begin to understand any of this stuff at least most of us. Their is more to reality than we actually believe.... there is a whole new world out there that we haven't even began to explore. The mayas had some of the best feeding systems ever!!! back then our co2 was around the 2,000 so any plant would grow 3-4 times their size :) thats why we can still make use of this ability that the plants haven't forgotten 15,000 ppm works for me :) i also love growing shroomies ahh

Watch this movie secret life of plants and it will change your view of everything


when I grew cubies back in the day I SWEAR they would send out telepathic communication in my sleep or something - I would have the WORST dreams.


really???? I always found mushrooms very mellow but thats interesting for sure hmmm... we do use a bigger % of our brain while sleep..


So I just watched the secret life of plants its amazing I'm already paying more attention to my girls and my thoughts.... last time I had seen the movie was over a year ago and I found the whole version in google... I never seen the end it was quite amazing.... if you get some time watch it!!!!! Also water pays a big part of our girls as well.... I always try to spread the love and gratitude... I should write a message on my 40 gallon tank kinda like What the beep do we know... Messages in water
keep it green


OH! I was thinking these bad dreams being sent telepathically from the shrooms in my sleep were perhaps cries for help? Their conditions were quite poor, although they flourished. Maybe they were gasping from poor circulation or humidity and sending off bad dream vibes so that I would help them.
there's plenty of readings on it, but realize that hominids go back @8 million years. When we were "Lucy" (australopithecus) @ 3 million years ago, I'm SURE we would have been gathering fruits and nuts or whatever we could find. And I'm sure our ancestors ended up eating the psilocybin-containing mushrooms. And after 3 million years of co-existance, there MUST be some type of metaphysical/extra-sensory relationship. :abduct:


lol mushrooms where the first thing in earth... before plants, they used to be wayyyyyyyy bigger tho.... mushrooms actually clean our earth from waste trapped in our soil and gets all the toxics out. There is a movie called shooms can save the would is a short documentary i think youtube that and you'll be growing them things yourself... i used to use corn as my grain in bags and when ready then put them in chocolate bars :) is a great treat


there was segment on home improvement show about plant camera, on stake, that took pictures of plant. range was 1 min to 24hrs. easily expandable.

can set up camera, many frames per sec, and monitor reactions of plants in accord w/ thoughts. if cats/dogs can sense human unease, danger, etc, then plants may be able to as well. their dna is longer than humans'.

enjoy your garden!


the secret life of plants

the secret life of plants

my ex had this book called the secret life of plants.one of the stories was about a person who hooked up his garge door opener to a large chlorophydum which he would send the thought of open garage to plant ,which it did.therewasnother about animals and kids giving plants stressful reactions,gauged thru some measuring device.

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