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If 390 does pass, what is your business plan? Are you ready?


I saw this in there, to me it seems like this makes the bill a "once Federal law allows it, THEN we'll legalize it" kind of bill but maybe I'm wrong and someone can explain it to me?
" 25406. Beginning 30 days after the operative date of the
regulations issued pursuant to this chapter, or 30 days after the
date when federal law permits the possession and sale of marijuana
consistent with this chapter, whichever is latest, the department
shall begin to enforce the provisions of this chapter. "

WHICHEVER IS LATEST. that's the part that I'm hinged on. Even if this bill passes, it'll take years for Federal law to catch up right?


i wouldnt support this bill for a second, and i love how the most vocal of you here dont live in california

all it does is allow smoking in private residences which if you do in cali as it is you wont be bothered.

it also allows for 10 plants to be grown which is similar to what you can grow with a doctors reccomendation.

ONLY thing in this bill is taxation and more regulation

i havent personally heard of anyone in california being thrown in jail for simply smoking in their home keeping to themselves not causing some kinda disturbance or other mischief theyve been up to. its a crap bill and most friends some of whom own clubs arent in favor of it


Smokes, lets go
i see all these thread about 390 and everyone fails to notice arnolds statement that he was going to veto any legalization attempt....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^his veto can be over ridden with a 4/5 majority vote, but we are all just talkin pipe dreams for fun here. So think of a business and dream a little and tell us about it for fun.


Ok Hash Zeppelin, I like your style because I am always thinking of business ideas for shits and giggles. My basic business plan would be like this:
A literal cannabis utopia. One stop shop, if you will. I will sell many different strains, as many as I can acquire/grow! As well as hash and other concentrates (sorry for the fragment but I wanted to put an exclamation point after the last sentence). Seeds and clones will also be on sale. I will sell everything you need to ingest as well: bongs, vaporizers, pipes, chillums, bubblers, papers, wraps, anything you can think of. As well as all the useful things you can use to light it like heat rods, hemp wicks, magnifying glasses, various types of lighters. Cannabis merchandise will also be for sale like shirts, hats, pants, flags, anything that you can use to show off your love for cannabis. There will be a literature section as well with magazines (RIP Cannabis Culture), books, and DVDs so people can educate themselves about the best plant in the world (too many stoners don't know shit about cannabis or even how to grow it!). There will be a separate room where people can chillax and smoke and socialize and purchase munchies (dosed and not) and drinks. There will always be good music of course. And the atmosphere of the place will be very positive, no haters or obnoxious people allowed! We are, by nature, a peaceful and open-minded people so my store will reflect that. I just want a place where people can come and enjoy themselves and their favorite herb in peace, and meet like-minded individuals.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
I think a lot of people are doing with AB390 like they did in the last election. Not doing their homework and are supporting something they no nothing about. If you read it you would'nt be saying what your saying.

Almost all of the ideas in this thread (which are good ones) will not be legal under ab390. There will be no public use of MJ. No front shelf displays of it. No walking through lush gardens of cannabis flowers and no cafes serving Cannabis laced Ice Cream. No coffees shops and no bars where you can choose your brew and toke. If your plant can be seen by a neighbor or from the street it will be illegal. No transporting across state lines.

You will be buy your state grown pot at the local state controlled liquor store where they'll have it locked up in a case in the back (read the bill) and take it home to smoke.

They're making it illegal to smoke cigarettes at your own home if the neighbor can smell it. What makes everybody think pot is gonna be different?

It all sounds good but...............It's a fantasy.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I think a lot of people are doing with AB390 like they did in the last election. Not doing their homework and are supporting something they no nothing about. If you read it you would'nt be saying what your saying.

Almost all of the ideas in this thread (which are good ones) will not be legal under ab390. There will be no public use of MJ. No front shelf displays of it. No walking through lush gardens of cannabis flowers and no cafes serving Cannabis laced Ice Cream. No coffees shops and no bars where you can choose your brew and toke. If your plant can be seen by a neighbor or from the street it will be illegal. No transporting across state lines.

You will be buy your state grown pot at the local state controlled liquor store where they'll have it locked up in a case in the back (read the bill) and take it home to smoke.

They're making it illegal to smoke cigarettes at your own home if the neighbor can smell it. What makes everybody think pot is gonna be different?

It all sounds good but...............It's a fantasy.

yes this thread is about weed business fantasy. join in, keep out the dirty parts.