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Ron Paul Debates Stephen Baldwin About Marijuana Legalization On Larry King Live

Yes, I believe him. The guy is for freedom of choice which is a basic American right.

I've been in his presence and I wasn't smoking at the time. That's what I've got to say about that. Ron Paul is someone more people should really listen to and understand. Christian or not, he understands freedom. Power over YOU comes from the end of a government gun. Who the fuck gave Stephen Baldwin the authority to outlaw cannabis in the first place? Ron Paul knows that answer. No one in America did, IF stick to the rules.


Active member
I love ron paul, its so sad that he will never be president.

it is very encouraging to see overal support of him and his ideas though, if the repubs elected ron paul he would have given Obama a run for his money.

ron pauls ideas are just so basic and for the rights of the people. yet our upper class continues to elect money hungry politicians who bend over for the lobbyists at the smell of campaign contributions.

god i hate this fucking country so much some times.
I still see that "google ron paul" graffiti sometimes. It's good to know Ross Perot's legacy continues on. A third party would really throw a wrench in the works of our BS photo-op-handshake and bribe based political system.

I don't think I'd seen Ron Paul on TV since 2007 during the Republican debates ("does anyone here not believe in evolution?" all the hands shoot up). Too bad it's so easy to be ignorant and stupid here...


In defense of the anti legalization zealots, this is kind of like Christopher Hitchens debating Sean Hannity on religion. It's not really fair.

Alas, there is no quantifiable argument against legalization, so that kind of helps.
Baldwin is a tool and is simply regurgitating crap he's heard from other chodes. Ron Paul is an intelligent and educated person who understands the importance of individual liberties. Stacking the two against each other is ridiculous. Baldwin was seriously outclassed.


as much as ron paul has some good ideas, i feel that this man would be an awful president because he'd have such a low popularity and therefore never get shit done. also, although i haven't done much homework into the subject, my politically aware friends have all bashed ron paul for having really bad ideas and policies besides his legalization policies. also in that debate he was a complete tool to baldwin never letting him get a word in edgewise because he was basically stalling by ranting on and on when he could easily counter all of baldwin's statements with a max of 3 sentences like, "you know that blazed drivers have been shown in tests to actually drive slower and more cautious than their sober and drunk counterparts" instead he just goes on and on about something thats relatively unrelated to the initial statement ergo avoiding the question for god know why. in fact im rather perturbed by all of your praises of this man and the fact that no one is bringing up a counter point of any form. in fact this thread's content and its contributers, for the most part, seems to be more a practice of mental masturbation than any intellectual debate of cannabis regulation.

tldr: RP is kind of a tool that is unfit for leading america and you people are frighteningly single minded in politics.


Active member
as much as ron paul has some good ideas, i feel that this man would be an awful president because he'd have such a low popularity and therefore never get shit done. also, although i haven't done much homework into the subject, my politically aware friends have all bashed ron paul for having really bad ideas and policies besides his legalization policies. also in that debate he was a complete tool to baldwin never letting him get a word in edgewise because he was basically stalling by ranting on and on when he could easily counter all of baldwin's statements with a max of 3 sentences like, "you know that blazed drivers have been shown in tests to actually drive slower and more cautious than their sober and drunk counterparts" instead he just goes on and on about something thats relatively unrelated to the initial statement ergo avoiding the question for god know why. in fact im rather perturbed by all of your praises of this man and the fact that no one is bringing up a counter point of any form. in fact this thread's content and its contributers, for the most part, seems to be more a practice of mental masturbation than any intellectual debate of cannabis regulation.

tldr: RP is kind of a tool that is unfit for leading america and you people are frighteningly single minded in politics.

your right, i guess the constitution is unfit to dictate how our country is ran,,,,,,,,better to leave it up to the big corps. and the federal reserve bank.

his counterpoint was simple,,,,,,the USA spends billions of dollars each year on a WAR ON DRUGS they can't and will never win. prohibition doesn't work.

puts non violent pot smokers in prison with killers, rapist, and molesters and most of the time for longer sentences.

hhhmmm now that i think about it no more IRS or DEA does sound kind of loony doesn't it.

stay safe and free,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc


your right, i guess the constitution is unfit to dictate how our country is ran,,,,,,,,better to leave it up to the big corps. and the federal reserve bank.

his counterpoint was simple,,,,,,the USA spends billions of dollars each year on a WAR ON DRUGS they can't and will never win. prohibition doesn't work.

puts non violent pot smokers in prison with killers, rapist, and molesters and most of the time for longer sentences.

hhhmmm now that i think about it no more IRS or DEA does sound kind of loony doesn't it.

stay safe and free,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc

i don't think you understood me correctly. im not saying that ron paul didn't have valid points, they were just, for the most part, unrelated to baldwin's points and he was just using them to fill up space which a really big dick move in debate and politics in general

Amstel Light

i don't think you understood me correctly. im not saying that ron paul didn't have valid points, they were just, for the most part, unrelated to baldwin's points and he was just using them to fill up space which a really big dick move in debate and politics in general

How is he supposed to relate to baldwins "points"? debating with religious zealots always ends the same way... obviously ron paul is an agent of the devil, perhaps possessed by the devil himself!
And it's funny that you think given more time, without the satanic ramblings of an old man taking up all the debate time, that Stephen "FUCKING" Baldwin would have ANY points to make about how we should live our lives....


How is he supposed to relate to baldwins "points"? debating with religious zealots always ends the same way... obviously ron paul is an agent of the devil, perhaps possessed by the devil himself!
And it's funny that you think given more time, without the satanic ramblings of an old man taking up all the debate time, that Stephen "FUCKING" Baldwin would have ANY points to make about how we should live our lives....

its not that i think that stephen baldwin would have or not have any valid points given the time im just saying that, as a member of the debate, he deserves the time to say his points or crash and burn as it may be. also i'd apreciate it if you didn't misquote me as i never EVER compared ron paul to the devil, he's just an eccentric tool.

Amstel Light

ok i concede Mr. Baldwin was not given equal time... He is not saying anything new from what i did hear.
do you have an argument as to why a simple herb should get you imprisoned?
do you think given more time, Mr. Baldwin would have presented anything that would have made you believe that incarceration for a plant is justified ?

I never quoted you?

And i think your missing the whole point... Why have a two bit actor turned jesus freak debate a man like ron paul??? because it discredits the whole debate, I would have been pissed at Dr. Paul if he had not dominated the whole discussion!!

Amstel Light

you should just drop it.. i dont think you will convince anyone here that S. baldwin was treated unfairly :nono::nono:


ok i concede Mr. Baldwin was not given equal time... He is not saying anything new from what i did hear.
do you have an argument as to why a simple herb should get you imprisoned?
do you think given more time, Mr. Baldwin would have presented anything that would have made you believe that incarceration for a plant is justified ?

I never quoted you?

And i think your missing the whole point... Why have a two bit actor turned jesus freak debate a man like ron paul??? because it discredits the whole debate, I would have been pissed at Dr. Paul if he had not dominated the whole discussion!!

whether I have an argument as to whether a plant should be illegal is not the point. it's baldwin's responsibility to have one and perhaps, given more time he'd have a good argument however baldwin's ignorance/stupidity isn't whats up for debate, its ron paul's eccentricity and inability to have a mature debate.

as far as the quoting part i guess i didn't convey that properly but when you took my statements, and twisted them into "obviously ron paul is an agent of the devil, perhaps possessed by the devil himself!" i felt as though you were shitting on legitimate points.

also, im gonna reiterate this again, you don't dominate a debate by talking the most, you dominate it by proving your point in an efficient understandable manner which RP didn't do, instead he just rambled on and on about, albeit true, relatively unrelated shit and never assessing baldwin's points directly


Active member
I caught part of this on cnn, and just heard baldwin re-iterate old reefermadness crap like "the gateway theory". Gateway to harder stuff my ass. 1 in 100 cannabis users use coke, and less than 1 use H, and as far as his religious stance goes - Show me some proof of that while you're at it, mr. Baldwin....

IMO, it's Religulous! :pointlaug

But then again it's not about Baldwin or Paul or their beliefs. It's about the FACT that cannabis should be legalized. Legalization does not mean unregulated sales, it means making it a legal product available to, and able to be grown legally by ADULTS.

Like alcohol, which is a far greater poison - alcohol poisonings are not uncommon, and it makes many ppl into monsters - but if you're over 19 here or 21 in USA, you can buy or make your own beer, and consume it all you like as long as you don't drive or raise hell. Same should go for the much more benign substance, cannabis.

What is readily available though - is the proof that cannabis use can lead to a great danger to society called "gardening"! The very existence of this site, and others proves this...


But let's just keep the status quo going, so gangs and org. crime can continue to buy lots of weapons to terrorize society with all the cash they make off this stupid prohibition, while honest ppl who enjoy a garden/smoke now and then can continue to have their assets seized, and wind up caged in prison gangland at massive cost to gov't coffers.

Instead of allowing those who want some to just grow it, or buy it from legit businesses that pay taxes on sales like all businesses - thus taking the money right out of org. crime's hands. Ever wonder why most dealers are against legalization? :rolleyes:

I have the proper phrase for all the seizures of grower's and smokers stuff in this phucked up status quo - it's called Robbery at Gunpoint. There oughtta be a law against crimes like that...



Listening or paying attention to Ron Paul is a waste of time. Just look at his voting record. He was just posturing himself to split the democrat vote on behalf of the GOP. Sucked up about 5 points in the election.


Active member
Listening or paying attention to Ron Paul is a waste of time. Just look at his voting record. He was just posturing himself to split the democrat vote on behalf of the GOP. Sucked up about 5 points in the election.

are you kidding me,,, his voting record is cleaner than fish pussy. for the constitution on every vote for over 20 years and has never flip flopped one time.

i guess FREEDOM is a waste of time to you. maybe you need to look at his voting record before you bash him.

stay safe and FREE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc