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Nitrogen toxicity?



Sorry if this is considered a double post, but I was hoping to direct some attention to this topic: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=115575 - The problem seems to be getting worse, I've halted nutes, and I'm not sure if it's nitrogen toxicity or something else.

Help's always appreciated.


I'm not using much in flower, that's why I didn't think it could be nitrogen toxicity at first. The nutrients I'm using for flowering have a very low amount of nitrogen.


plant pimp
Nutes with LOW levels of nitrogen are not going to cause nitrogen toxicity. Nitrogen signals the plant to grow leafy growth. It is p&k you want to boost during flowering. If you are not flushing the plant correctly that will cause you major issues and if not handled asap it could kill your plant. If I were you,I would flush your plant real good with nothing but water. Distilled water or water ran through r/o. Then leave the plant alone,see what it does. The plant will talk to the gardener every time if you are listening. If you don`t have a good grow book you need to get one. I suggest one by Jorge Cervantes called "The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower`s Bible" The book is complete,it covers everything from a to z. Has a nice chapter on diseases and pest`s. Also a good one on water and nutrients. Over 500 color photos. What size container is your plant in and how deep into flowering is she?


I suggest one by Jorge Cervantes called "The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower`s Bible" The book is complete,it covers everything from a to z. Has a nice chapter on diseases and pest`s. Also a good one on water and nutrients. Over 500 color photos. What size container is your plant in and how deep into flowering is she?

Thanks for the advice but I'm way ahead of ya. Have had that book for a year, already flushed, already seeing improvement.