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the best invention in the 20th Century



Air Conditioning/refrigeration, without it imagine all of the indoors jobs we wouldn't be able to deal with, and think of all the indoor grows that would never be possible without A/C lol

Sorry, refrigeration invented in the 19th century.


Active member
Willis Carrier invented modern day air conditioning...

Thank God for that man.

Absorption system is the one invented in the 19th century ....so Lola is right.
Chemicals that did endothermic reactions

Carrier used ammonia in a system with a compressor....I read WAY TOO MUCH!

Funky Donkey

The best invention IMHO was electricity. It runs everything in my house except for the water facet. It keeps me entertained, lights up my life, starts my car, wakes me in the morning, cooks my food, cleans and irons my clothes, washes my dishes, protects my house, grows and vapes most peoples herb. It just does everything.



Electricity was a 19th centurty creation. I have to say the greatest inventions have to have come from the medical field Pacemakers, Ct scans, mris, pacemakers, antibiotics, a zillion vaccines and medications, heart lung machines......

Amstel Light

Speaking of great new inventions in THIS century!

Five MIT graduate students just invented a "car/plane" that will fit in your garage and it flies OR drives down the street....NEATO! But the only problem is they will be for sale next year for $200,000 bucks each!

I WANT ONE! But I had better stick with my Toyota!

Well cellphones were like 1600.00$ in 1986, now i can by a burner with minutes for 20.00$ at wallyworld..
Great thread has me thinking!

Playtex Tampons...

The greatest invention of the 20th (or any other) century...


now if they could just invent new "stealth"packaging for men who have to pick it up for they r wives...:whip:


Active member
ICMag Donor
I hate to be the one to break this to you folks...but electricity was discovered, not invented.


I'd say, all the things I have access to that makes my life easier and or funner.......... Heck of a lot has emerged in a few last years of our lives, opposed to before the iron age........


Active member
I hate to be the one to break this to you folks...but electricity was discovered, not invented.

Darlin'.....most things are discovered and not just invented....the transistor was just a discovery by accident. But look how it impacts us today,,,
I once asked my Grandmother, who was born in 1898, just this question. She was from the backwoods of Alabama. Real backwoods. Her answer:"The microwave." She thought that thing was the just the greatest invention ever.
I think it's the internet.


Picked up a MP3 player 2gig, song/artist screen, under $30
Up graded the buds, under $20

NOW TALK ABOUT Technology, it's more about reinventing or refining most "inventions".

This 4 0z device has the most amazing sound I've ever heard!!!!!!!!!!!

Plug in the USB to recharge [15hrs of life], and add/rename/delete.

Have had many Very expensive and large audio systems in my life, this is truly HI-TECH.

How ever the Microwave is a great one, along with thousands more of inventions every year, and it's fun to see how people see things growing (changing) though their lives as they face new things. Just think about the things that are created for things we will never hear or care about, it makes somebody, someplace happy!

Maybe it's just because of a trade called "Engineering"