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so here is where im working now...


Active member
still doin natty gas stuff.

this new gig is confusing at first...im getting it tho...

im operating a cryogenic natty gas plant.

we have 3 big ass turbine compressors, and the focus of this plant is to seperate liquids from the gas.

basicly we have a huge ass demethanizer and we generally recover ethane and other heavies and send the liquid out the pipe to a frac plant.

we have a turbo expander/compressor and by changing psi and volume we change temps down to -175 degrees.

like i said learning lots of shit...the cooling/amine shit is abit confusing right now, but sort of getting it.

ill take sum pics this week...cuz this plant is crazy.

anyone else do this work?


The Hopeful Protagonist
Yep....I do a little demethanizing and gas expansion as well, but generally only after big meals. :wink:


Active member
I don't understand any of what you just wrote. LOL!

sort of hard to explain.....i made this thread so it would help me understand it all more...didnt know anyone would be interested tho.

ill post pics of the plant this week.

to try to explain it better:

when they drill a natural gas well my company has compressor sites that move the gas from that well to our plant.

natural gas has many components (methane mostly, but also ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes, nitrogen, hexane, co2....)

..at certain temps these components are converted to liquid (different temps for each component)

we create the scenario to turn those components to liquids...and send them down a pipeline as a liquid to producers who fractionate (break them down more specificly)

maybe that helps explain it more

Lucky 7

Active member
Very interesting stuff . . . I've been around Nat Gas plants but it's been many years, lol.
Do you really work there with dreads in your hair?? Those guys used to be panhandle red if you know what I mean. Hard to visualize you watching the gauges and all. Funny as hell, must've changed a lot!

Did you see that house on the news: they could actually light the water as it came through the faucet! lmao


Active member
ok i said id put up a cpl pics

this is one of (9) giant recip. compressors that pull gas from the wells and we have (3) HUGE turbine compressors that pull the gas through the plant from from where the recip compressors discharge

after the gas enters the plant it goes thru these dehydration beds where water is removed....these vessels are filled entirely of ceramic beads in layers of varying sizes (gas goes thru here at about +125 degrees F)...and (900psi)

then it goes thru a gas/liquid exchanger where a coolant cools it to about 85 deg F at about 800psi

then it goes to a turbo expander where an extreme pressure drop cools the gas to about (-110 deg F) now at about 180 psi


then it goes into the giant demethanizer tower where liquid components of the gas are seperated from vapors....liquids collect at the bottom at about (+14 degrees F)...and vapors seperate and leave the top at about (-150 deg F)

the liquids that are extracted which are mainly Ethanol and Propane some Butanes, go into this tank and then down another pipeline to another part of the state where the are seperated specificly

methane vapor goes out the top of the tower and back into the plant to help cool incoming gas at some other stages

....sorry if that bored you, but i figured someone might find it interesting :wave:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
My uncles' crew works on those big turbines/fixes them/replaces them/anything else needed with them... I was going to join their union (carpentry and millwright union), i even passed the apprentice test with flying colors, but when i turned the test in, they handed me a cup and showed me where the bathroom was, so i freaked out and went to IHOP

I really should have joined that freakin union!

Anyway, he just got back from alaska working at some turbine generator site! He said he was having problems with volcanos?

Anyway, sounds like a badass job, Yukon. CNG is the next big thing


EDIT: where's the pics??


The Hopeful Protagonist
So are you maintenancing/operator of some sort Yukon ?

What's the job title, I don't mean to pry by any means, just curious.



Active member
plant operator...we hire contractors to do any maintenance.

i sit behind 4 computer screens, and make sure everything operates correctly....we can control everything from the computers and from an indoor controll panel for all the compressors

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i was working at a tesoro petorolium plant,, nothing serious,,
i was just the cat that had to climb 100+ feet of scaffolding with
my wire brush to go clean parts of the machinery so the math boys
could come in and take precise calculations. anyway it was only a part
gig for a staffing company. i worked the place for 3 weeks and was done.
about a week later there was a huge fire and a few people died. thankful
to firefighters who risk their life to ensure major damage was not done.
many people lived not far from the plant. very dangerous shit....


stoned agin ...
that is very cool ... usin the physics and chemistry of the various components to separate em out into cool stuff ... maybe even our bho butane. looks like you could make a pretty awesome extractor LOL :D


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Congrats on the job, love the plant. Wish I could play in there...perhaps we could cook up some delightful extractions with all that stuff, on an industrial scale of course. Talk about overgrowing the planet, you would be able to overstone the planet! What a sweet dream - feeding in boatloads of cannabis trim and getting pure THC oil out the other end. And then shipping it out in railroad cars full of the stuff. Where can I apply for that job???


Active member
ICMag Donor
Some of the bases for synthetic motor oils came from the gas byproducts.
Shell specifically pioneered the GTL gas-to-liquid method that makes up a large percentage of several brands of synthetic motor oil base fluids.

We didn't really think that synthetic meant synthetic did we? lol