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My blood pressure, lifestyle, and weed. FUCK.


Pull my finger
Dude, seriously, weed lowers my blood pressure. The only reason I know this is because me and a friend took our pressure at a grocery store while cashing a check. After the check was cashed, we went and got a gram of dank a rolled a blunt.After the session we went back to the same store and got munchie food. For shits and giggles we tested again. Pressure was signifigantly lowers than the first test. This is why I always disagreed with the Highschools propaganda that pot raises blood pressure. I knew it in fact the opposite


Active member
Dude, seriously, weed lowers my blood pressure. The only reason I know this is because me and a friend took our pressure at a grocery store while cashing a check. After the check was cashed, we went and got a gram of dank a rolled a blunt.After the session we went back to the same store and got munchie food. For shits and giggles we tested again. Pressure was signifigantly lowers than the first test. This is why I always disagreed with the Highschools propaganda that pot raises blood pressure. I knew it in fact the opposite

I have done it several times myself and thats enough for ME! I am at a huge risk of CVA per historty of A Fib so imperitive that I keep BP down to lower my risks. Hypertensive people out there...try it for yourself and read the research papers.


If your doctor is truly "dumbfounded," seek a new doctor. It's not an algorithm here; you have a genetic predisposition to high blood pressure.

That's it. Nothing else to it.

Your diet and exercise routines are outstanding. While stress could be an underlying factor, it's doubtful; if you were abnormally stressed out, you would have mentioned it. Normal stress is a quintessential aspect of what it is to be a human; a lot of new age pseudo science tends to forget that.

Keep busting ass in the gym and eating right, man. You're doing all the right things.


Active member
If you're doctor is truly "dumbfounded," seek a new doctor. It's not an algorithm here; you have a genetic predisposition to high blood pressure.

That's it. Nothing else to it.

Your diet and exercise routines are outstanding. While stress could be an underlying factor, it's doubtful; if you're were abnormally stressed out, you would have mentioned it. Normal stress is a quintessential aspect of what it is to be a human; a lot of new age pseudo science tends to forget that.

Keep busting ass in the gym and eating right, man. You're doing all the right things.

AGREE totally...but laymen don't know what an algorithm is....

But you are totally right. The practitioner should not have been dumbfounded at all....She should have diagnosed and treated. If this person has a CVA ....the practitioner can be dumbfounded with a lawsuit!
Nurse Madre's humble opinion....LOL!


stone fool
I can believe that weed lowers bp for some folks, it is amazing how our reactions vary. I can feel my bp increase, which most folks can not do, probably why it ain't killed me yet.


Active member
ANY med can hurt SOMEBODY.....Aspirin can kill some.

But each body is a big ol' chemical plant and different people react to the same med differently.

But hypertension is caused by genetics...overweight....aging....hyperlipidemia....hypernatremia....and sometimes it is ideopathic and can't quite be explained. But genetics is a big factor and STRESS is bad in general for any pathological condition.

Mind and body work together and other people "don't" really stress you......We ALLOW others to STRESS US! And I have learned better in my years not to let others stress me.....

relaxation...meditation...tai chi ...positive self love...good weed ....your TRUE friends and family genuine love is the key...



Active member
living in this crazy place long enough will cause high blood pressure...you have to find that inner peace(not trying to sound like a new age eer)..that does not mean just smoke weed although that does help..keep doing what you are doing...maybe even find a hobby that just puts you into your zen if you will....This one remembers when he used to grow, shit could be hitting the fan all around him but as soon as he walked into that closet and shut the door, he was somewhere else...some people can do it in their heads, that would be beautiful...they would have taken me to the hospital years ago, "well I just don't know nurse, he hasn't woken up in years." lol...

Wish I could help you get pap's off the dope, I feel where he is at...shit sucks, gotta get him over to the herb instead, that would be a big thing...the morphine is just like clockin' out, two feet in the grave... I think my paps is in a similar spot...


Active member
sexual activity wasn't mentioned here, unless i missed it. does that fall under work, exercise or eating?


Active member
living in this crazy place long enough will cause high blood pressure...you have to find that inner peace(not trying to sound like a new age eer)..that does not mean just smoke weed although that does help..keep doing what you are doing...maybe even find a hobby that just puts you into your zen if you will....This one remembers when he used to grow, shit could be hitting the fan all around him but as soon as he walked into that closet and shut the door, he was somewhere else...some people can do it in their heads, that would be beautiful...they would have taken me to the hospital years ago, "well I just don't know nurse, he hasn't woken up in years." lol...

Wish I could help you get pap's off the dope, I feel where he is at...shit sucks, gotta get him over to the herb instead, that would be a big thing...the morphine is just like clockin' out, two feet in the grave... I think my paps is in a similar spot...

MSO4/Morphine really is a killer...but not sure WTF you are talkin' about young man...

But you are wise in realizing it is up to "YOU" to control your level of stress.

It is up TO YOU to find happiness...
I used to be stressed out myself but it was killing me and Istarted looking into natural ways to reduce stress and NOW IN ZEN like state most of the time.

I finally took responsibility for my stress and worked to reduce it.
Inner Peace is the key...lose guilt....hate...fear...anger...remorse...forgive others....forgive yourself for anything you did that was wrong...learn to love and accept religious...cultural...ideological...sexual...racial difference and love your fellow men even if they are not perfect because WHO THE HELL IS????

It is stressful times these days no matter your economic status. The rich are bleeding money as well as the middle class....BUT we will come back again as a nation and STRONGER!


Active member
sexual activity wasn't mentioned here, unless i missed it. does that fall under work, exercise or eating?

Pleasure and reproduction it falls under....LOL! But good excersize and burns calories and makes many happy as it produces endorphans....

pleasurable to SOME that is as there is a lot of frigid old bats out there who won't allow themselves to have pleasure when having sex. Their mama or somebody told them "nice girls don't like sex"....you do it for reproduction and the poor guy has to suffer ya know.

But sex is healthy if you are in a manogamous relationship OR WRAP it or lose it!!!!

HIV...HPV...[causing women cervical cancer]epidemic currently BTW! Genital Herpes ...trichamonis to name a few..

So granny says wrap it with a condom.

How in the sam hell did we get off on sex????

But as Martha Stewart says "Sex is a good thing":1help:


Active member
MSO4/Morphine really is a killer...but not sure WTF you are talkin' about young man...

But you are wise in realizing it is up to "YOU" to control your level of stress.

It is up TO YOU to find happiness...
I used to be stressed out myself but it was killing me and Istarted looking into natural ways to reduce stress and NOW IN ZEN like state most of the time.

I finally took responsibility for my stress and worked to reduce it.
Inner Peace is the key...lose guilt....hate...fear...anger...remorse...forgive others....forgive yourself for anything you did that was wrong...learn to love and accept religious...cultural...ideological...sexual...racial difference and love your fellow men even if they are not perfect because WHO THE HELL IS????

It is stressful times these days no matter your economic status. The rich are bleeding money as well as the middle class....BUT we will come back again as a nation and STRONGER!

I may be young but these eyes have seen what they have seen.

oh yeah, attitude too. Attitude is everything. I agree 100% on shedding the hate/anger will help immensely. The truth that dare not speak, is that no one is in control. No one person/people/government are in control(even though they might seem to be). It is a very dynamic environment and circumstance that we all seem to be caught in. This implies that nobody has the 'right' answer. Trivial word imo. But, I do believe we consciously know that if we do something in this outer world, the consequences to others are apparent, & we choose to acknowledge or ignore. In short, your attitude is the only thing we can some what control right? word. (anybody ever here a 'leader' say something like that?)

I don't feel like we are much of a nation...stay with me for a sec here, good attitude and all, imperialism is still here, fact??..is it a must?? can human beings share and explore space or should we come back when they're ready?

what's worth more in this situation...

having more stuff/toys/land/guns than your neighbor/brother(domestic and international) at everyone's expense -or- sharing & experiencing to fullest what this circumstance truly is?

pfff pfff passsss

ps- is business the law of the land? and if so, does that mean someone will always have an upper hand? not trying to be a communist, just a young being that wants to wake up to an exciting world.


Active member
If you can't change things ....then change your attitude about them. The ONLY control we have. I CHOOSE to live with a positive attitude and TRY to live by The Golden Rule which is my personal philosophy these days... BUT there are sooooo many assholes and biotches out there filled with hate...anger...and jealousy that it makes them TOXIC and I avoid toxic people like the plague these days.

BUT "STUFF" don't make you happy really!
Inner peace...self love...self acceptance makes you happy. Spread love and do not spread HATE! HATE IS TOXIC and the reason for many wars and travesties.

You are wise young grasshopper.....


Just want to second / third the recommendation to really, REALLY, watch sodium intake. It worked for me.

I've been a runner since i was 9 -- endorphins are my drug of choice. Built up to a 5 year period of running Ironman triathlons -- 11 hours at 80% of max. heart rate. These days it's just 4-5 miles on weekdays, 6-10 miles on weekends.

With all this exercise I still have blood pressure readings creeping up to about 135/80.

Since heart and blood pressure problems did most of my family in at an early age, I experimented with really cutting back on sodium for a few weeks, even though my diet was fairly healthy already.

The result: down to 120/80 in a week. But if I stop watching the sodium intake for a few days, BAM, it's right back up there.

So, for me, the first step was reducing stress -- fix your head first.
Second, get your body healthy and treat it well.
Third, try a super-low-sodium diet.

I wouldn't quit the cannabis -- I've actually been increasing cannabis while reducing alcohol intake.


Google pottasium/sodium ratios in diet. We originally consumed far more potassium than sodium back in the hunter gatherer days.

A simple trick to reduce blood pressure is bounding on a trampoline for a few minutes a day. Sounds wacky but it works. I'm a CSCS and i've done it with a few of my clients who have blood pressure problems.

Blood pressure is relative to everyone. What may be considered high for one is normal to another, especially in heavilly muscled athletes. Most medical texts miss this fact.

Balancing the alkalinity of the body with lots of leafy greens helps immensely with every aspect of ones health. You mentioned fruits but i'd start upping the green veggies. Kombucha tea is also good for this if consumed sparingly.


Active member
Too much potassium can kill you also. The heart is a muscle. After people exersize they sometimes get muscle cramps from sweating off pottasium. That is why Gatoraide was invented... The cardiac muscle does the same thing... Taking too much potassium can cause hyperkalemia and irregular heart rate. Hypolkalemia can cause irregular heart rate also.


Active member
Google pottasium/sodium ratios in diet. We originally consumed far more potassium than sodium back in the hunter gatherer days.

A simple trick to reduce blood pressure is bounding on a trampoline for a few minutes a day. Sounds wacky but it works. I'm a CSCS and i've done it with a few of my clients who have blood pressure problems.

Blood pressure is relative to everyone. What may be considered high for one is normal to another, especially in heavilly muscled athletes. Most medical texts miss this fact.

Balancing the alkalinity of the body with lots of leafy greens helps immensely with every aspect of ones health. You mentioned fruits but i'd start upping the green veggies. Kombucha tea is also good for this if consumed sparingly.

my girl makes the best salads, but are the greens pointless when you put on lots of dressing?
Too much potassium can kill you also. The heart is a muscle. After people exersize they sometimes get muscle cramps from sweating off pottasium. That is why Gatoraide was invented... The cardiac muscle does the same thing... Taking too much potassium can cause hyperkalemia and irregular heart rate. Hypolkalemia can cause irregular heart rate also.

Hit the nail bang on the head. It can also lead to kidney problems as well. A guy on my football team used to take potassium pills for some stupid reason.( he never did tell me why) Less than a year later he was having big time kidney issues. madrecinco is right ANY drug can kill you if taken improperly or excessively. Even vitamin C.



Lammen Gorthaur
Well the first problem is you don't eat healthy, your what i like to call fake healthy. Stop eating cooked, acidic and starchy foods, this will solve all your problems

And leave you in the enviable position of eating picnic tables and trash can lids in your van down by the river.

Didn't Ewell Gibbons try this and die of a stomach ulcer from eating too much organic, natural, fubar stuff like pine tree branches and turtle teeth?

You can take this too far you know. I don't want to piss on the party (yes I do, I just don't want anyone to fuss when I do) but you are going to die anyway, no matter what you eat and do.

If you have high blood pressure increase the leafy green vegetables and take Niacin - be careful here as some people get "flush" when they take it, so there are two kinds, one of which is a no-flush version of Niacin.

Now, that's all the free medical advice I can give outside the Medicinal Pot Dispensary. If you are really worried, stop in for a free physical. Bring your pot so we can test it.

You'll get this real nifty, full-color report on how you smoke did in our test chamber. Suitable for framing.:listen2:


lol, i need to do a few things. but compared to the general population, i'm far beyond them in eating healthy and exercising. but i need to improve cardio dramatically...maybe i should stick to vaporizing until i build up the cardio...blunts are killin' me.