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Sickly planties


New member
I have 5 female plants that are 3 weeks old and a few of them are looking sickly.

Here's what I am using

  • 150w HPS
  • Earth Juice Bloom and Micronutrients
  • 12h on 12h off
  • Bag Seeds
  • Using a fan
  • Mylar in a closet

They are all different sizes, because they are bag seeds and probably different stains. I am not sure what to do! A few of the plants are turning yellow on the top, but one is really yellow. Please help!!! I do not have a PH tester and won't be able to get one very soon. Could anyone help me try to fix this without a PH tester?

Thanks sooo much :)


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dang that one is really yellow on the top.. i went through Stitch's guide but nothing really seems to fit besides maybe a magnesium def. could be a lockout issue also.

and since u have no ph tester. id personally try to work some dolomite lime in the soil(u are in soil right?) as that will help buffer the ph. Also, if your using tap water, let it sit out for a day so the ph will drop. umm, hopefully some1 else will chime in for ya. good luck


New member
It might be light burn, because it is pretty close to the light, but it has always been close to the light. I think all my plants are different strains, because they were all bag seeds from different baggies and the plants are all growing at different heights. A few of the plants are so yellow at the top and I am worried about loosing them! They are budding so nicely!


You could get an aquarium pH tester from WalMart and use that for runoff pH. I don't know what is wrong either, unless lockout from pH. Good luck, hope they make it!

p.s. You need to paint those walls white or put up some mylar or something to reflect light!


Take Five...
1. Transplant into soil with at least 30% perlite added for better drainage. Those droopy dull leaves at the bottom are a sure sign of inadequate drainage.

2. Reduce your nutrient dosage about 25%. You are burning them. 150 hps is not a lot of light.

3. You can get ph test strips for under $10 at most hardware stores and any pool supply store. They will suffice till you get a digi pen. If you get the bromine test it comes with ppm and total alkalinity - useful when using tap water.

It's nice to see some ladies around here for a change! (assuming you and Lolagal are ladies....)


Take Five...
I looked at your photos again and there is definitely some light burn going on, as some mentioned. Back the light off, or better yet, put them in bigger pots and tie down the tall ones so that all the plants are as close to the same height as possible.

Definitely back the light off further than it is now.


New member
Could someone post a link to a good PH tester? I have a hard time figuring out which kind to get.

I definitely don't give them too many nutrients, because I have been giving them tap water (left open for 24 hours) and I give them their nutrients after every two waterings of tap water. I put one tablespoon of earth juice bloom per gallon of water, like it says on the bottle. I moved them away form the light a little too, because they got too close and burned a little.

Will tying the plants down hurt them or slow them down at their 3 week of flowering?

The tallest plant must be a sativa, because it is way taller than the other plants and has not shown many flowers. It is getting so tall!

Yess I am a lady :) :) :)

Thanks so much!!! Everyone is so nice and helpful!


Take Five...
You are definitely burning them. Pic #3 is nuteburn. It looks like it is yellowing from inside out and following the pattern of the veins.

When the plant is scalded and burnt tough like the edges in pic #4, that is from the light.

1st rule is always do half of what the bottle says. :) They are growing under multiple 1000 watt lights when they concoct these instructions. You are using a fraction of that light. Light dictates how much food your plants will need to grow.

I recommend this tester for about $50. I own a similar one and it has been accurate and problem free for over 2 years. You have to take care of it and follow the instructions for cleaning, calibrating and storage and it will last a long time.

- http://www.aquariumplants.com/pH_Pocket_Tester_Milwaukee_Sharp_ph51_p/te632.htm

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