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Is it necessary to right a bent over plant?

Dire Squire

New member
I'm a couple weeks away from harvest and some of my ladies have become very top heavy to the point where the tops are bending over sideways.

Is it hurting anything to just leave them that way? I'm assuming since the main cola is now sideways the other ones will fight to become a new top and it's all very ordinary. but maybe I am missing something?

A buddy told me as long as the plant isn't upright it's not going to put any energy into budding and therefore my yield will suffer. :1help:

As far as I can tell the tops that are sideways are still fattening up nicely. Perhaps they simply wont grow anymore lengthwise/heightwise since they cant stretch up into the light?


what i would be worried about is the branches breaking of snapping off.my outdoor plants when nearly ready would be fine untill it rained then they would bend right over so i had to to tie/stake them up.as for indoors,you should be right as long as they dont snap over..


weed fiend
your heavy colas could be getting less light if they dropped below the lamp's sweet spot imo. I wouldn't worry one bit about them not being straight but I'd rig some string or wire to those heavier colas to bring them back to optimum light. sounds like you're doing a good job!


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
if they go horizontal it can [some varieties maybe not all] create a new burst of flowering, popping out of your bud, extra weight, but extra wait ... not recommended, I would try to train them @45 deg to maximise light spread and penetration for all the crop, the best crops are always the most consistent ones .... unless you stunt them all equally ;-)

Dire Squire

New member
Light isn't an issue. I'm using a 1K HPS for every 6 plants.

I don't think any of them will be snapping either. I had a couple that fell over completely and even those didn't snap. I righted those ones as best I could, of course. The rest of them are bent over at about 90 degrees and are being held up by my net from falling over any further.

The only thing I was concerned about was growth, which it seems I don't have much to be worried about. Thanks for all the replies!