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The real reason LEO supports cannabis prohibition

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I was out with some clients, and one of the more attractive females
told me that her I.Q. was 265. I guess sometimes you just have to let
people believe what they believe.....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
---well, you make a few good points kiddo. too bad your kinda coming across like a self important jerkoff.im glad to see you say you don't consider yourself a genius, cuz u izzent. i know without question your IQ score is not 141, it is blatantly obvious by the composition of your post alone. and how exactly are you sick of posts like this? im sick of the situation, not people expressing thier opinions on cannabis prohibition in a thread located in the "CANNABIS LAWS AND LEGISLATION FORUM" on a CANNABIS WEBSITE for cryin out loud!!!!!:laughing:
anyways, enjoy your genius level IQ


Sorry if i came off like a jerk. My ego is a little bigger online, and I had a shitty day at work

im am just using myself as an average comparison. I dont just sit here and spell/grammer check every detail for an internet forum. i just try to get the point across.

I know i am not a "genius". Also i took the I.Q. test for a high school class several years ago. They told me 141. I wont argue if you say they were wrong, cause some of those tests are bullshit. My cousin has an I.Q. of 153 and he is the biggest idiot i know. I was just trying to make a point like i said. Oh ya.(in a joking manner) where i live in texas i am comparativley a genius. God damn there are some dumb people where i live.

I.Q. does not equal wisdom.

by the way 150 is genius level. I dont qualify. All I know is that I have never have to study, I read info once, walk in, take the test and make an "A". plus i have a semi photograpghic memory that helps. there is different degrees of photograpghic memory. Im nothing like that guy who can ride around the colusium once and draw the whole thing with every detail perfect. My grandfathers is like that though.

Also, that post on how they come up with average i.q. very interesting. thanks

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
oh ya and the reason im sick of threads like this is because it perpetualizes the "citizens vs. government, and government cant be beaten attitude." Which just creates apathy, and stregthens stereotypes against pot smokers.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
well, maybe i was a lil premature calling you a jerk. i like how you handled me jumpin your shit.i think i will take that back now. and i think you made some more good points.
---ironically enough, with most standardized I.Q. tests, the younger the subject, the higher the average score. this is why mensa requires(or did) yearly testing.
---as far as individual activism, lets not forget for decades the movement was partially handicapped by the simple fact those who would have been most effective at getting legislation changed were underground growers. still the case in many instances. FEAR has been as big, if not bigger, a hindrance than apathy. but again, youve made some good points. peace:joint:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I say we elect the guy with self professed iq of 141 to lead our army of lazy potheads in revolution!! He obviously is smarter that the rest of us and we are so lazy, he should be our leader. I mean I would have never figured out on my own that we live in a Democracy or that majority rules. What would we do if he wasnt here to show how childish this site is for threads like this that he is now tired of reading after just few months of being a member!

Just look at greedy lazy ass americans. the average I.Q. in america is 100. mine is 141. I do not consider my self a genius at all, so this says alot to me about your average american. They have to actually get angry and emotional to change anything, so it has to effect them directly. This is a trait of stupid people.

I mean at 141 you are not just gifted you are extra gifted! Us lazy Americans just cant comprehend all this intelligence you have shown over your last few posts! How have we made it this far without the help of whatever super iq having uterus you spawned from? Please help us that are too stupid to help ourselves please! That is if you dont mind helping those with less iq than your large cranium offers!

I.Q. is not wisdom. Im am just making a harsh observation to show how people react quickly with their emotions before thinking. If i didnt make you angry enough you wouldnt have written that post. Your quick sarcastic reaction proves my point. thank you.

Also I said i do not consider my self a genius because of some number.

Your comment about you just being a goldfish is correct. you said one thing right. i guess you are like the rainman. can you count cards too?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
well, maybe i was a lil premature calling you a jerk. i like how you handled me jumpin your shit.i think i will take that back now. and i think you made some more good points.
---ironically enough, with most standardized I.Q. tests, the younger the subject, the higher the average score. this is why mensa requires(or did) yearly testing.
---as far as individual activism, lets not forget for decades the movement was partially handicapped by the simple fact those who would have been most effective at getting legislation changed were underground growers. still the case in many instances. FEAR has been as big, if not bigger, a hindrance than apathy. but again, youve made some good points. peace:joint:

I will totally agree with you on the fear aspect. I totally forgot about the fear propaganda. knock me down to 140 man :) ha


Active member
of course its all about the money, these filthy cops love getting seized money so they can trick out their dodge chargers and buy new m-4s.

did you read that article about the loser bum cop that wanted to charge Michael Phelps with possession, the guy was driving a porsche seized from a dealer, basically sounds like carjacking to me. fuck vice cops, fuck narcs, and most of all.......PPHUCCKKKKKK the DEA!


The revolution will not be televised.....
Hey who was jokin? I think you should be the leader of the revolution! Obviously as a Goldfish my leadership skills leave much to be desired! So I think it would be best for someone with your keen insight(not intelligence) and finely honed and sharpened sense of true knowledge of the situation at hand to lead us. As far as average goes, the way I see it 141 in Texas is like 161 everywhere else cause you gotta figure you lived thru alot to get here and still be conscious. Respect you even more now!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
take it easy. you are alright man. i am just giving you a hard time with the goldfish thing. I hope I didnt offend you bad.. really.

I will agree with calling what the DEA and vice cops do, robbery.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
Hash Zeppelin said:
I am sick of seeing threads like this. You act like the people have no power. we do. The government is not us keeping down, your wide spread lazy attitude is what is keep us down. When enough people speak up and get angry things change. majority rules.

I don't get your point, AT ALL.

You are sick of seeing threads that point a finger to the problem? How would you propose that someone draw attention to issues? Would it suit you better if people didn't talk about it at all?
What gets me is that you ASSUME that we just sit and whine about it, without knowing anything about any of us.

You have no idea what any of us do in real life.

So blow me you friggin troll!!!

I personally choose to add information to this forum that is of interest to our community and I hope that anyone that takes time to read it, can benefit in some way from the shared information. Everyone can contribute something here to the forum and it doesn't have to be about how to make your WW extra frosty.

If it offends you that much, then DON"T READ IT!!


Active member
I don't get your point, AT ALL.

You are sick of seeing threads that point a finger to the problem? How would you propose that someone draw attention to issues? Would it suit you better if people didn't talk about it at all?
What gets me is that you ASSUME that we just sit and whine about it, without knowing anything about any of us.

You have no idea what any of us do in real life.

So blow me you friggin troll!!!

I personally choose to add information to this forum that is of interest to our community and I hope that anyone that takes time to read it, can benefit in some way from the shared information. Everyone can contribute something here to the forum and it doesn't have to be about how to make your WW extra frosty.

If it offends you that much, then DON"T READ IT!!

We all do what we can do,,,,but we must be able to vent here also. Not everybody can risk being a radical activist. SomeGuy is certainly a kindred spirit and SUPPORTER of MJ rights I think.


New member
I think that the seized assets are only one of the reasons behind this heinous act of keeping cannabis illegal. As pointed out adrenaline is a major factor for the narco-fascists... As i'm sure there are other reasons. I do agree that i see a lot of thinking of the problem and not the solution though especially from the people i hung around with upto a year ago. To bad the only way the gov lets go of a bone is if a bigger one can be taken in it's place. To legalize cannabis, i fear what rights will find itself in the jaws where cannabis once rested...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
All three of you have good points. These are all reasons that contribute to prohibition. These reasons lead me to think we must expose the drastic measures law eforcment will resort to, by provoking them with civil protest. I know that is what this tread is about. It is just the atitutude that which it was posted in, came out as venting with no solution. This is anti-productive to me.

you do not have to be a radical activist to speak up or protest. We have first amendment rights. Dont be controled by fear propaganda. Subrob pointed this out.

When I think about it deeply, I see that fear propaganda has been pumped into me and the rest of americans from childhood through many different mediums.

This brings me to think about the fear installed in minorities during the civil rights movement. It was against the law for blacks to be in white restraunts, bus seats, schools and bathrooms, etc. . The law was not changed until brave black people blantently broke these laws, and forced huge, daily, national attention on them.

This is why I like the 4th of july smokeout the white house idea from a different thread. The more huge public smokes outs we have the more attention will be forced. Just keep the peace. It must be not violent.

by the way, i thank the people who have contributed to this converstion in a serious manner, with constructive critisism. I do like to hear multiple view points from others, when they are logically thought out and expressed.

lets keep dicussing though


Active member


All three of you have good points. These are all reasons that contribute to prohibition. These reasons lead me to think we must expose the drastic measures law eforcment will resort to, by provoking them with civil protest. I know that is what this tread is about. It is just the atitutude that which it was posted in, came out as venting with no solution. This is anti-productive to me.

you do not have to be a radical activist to speak up or protest. We have first amendment rights. Dont be controled by fear propaganda. Subrob pointed this out.

When I think about it deeply, I see that fear propaganda has been pumped into me and the rest of americans from childhood through many different mediums.

This brings me to think about the fear installed in minorities during the civil rights movement. It was against the law for blacks to be in white restraunts, bus seats, schools and bathrooms, etc. . The law was not changed until brave black people blantently broke these laws, and forced huge, daily, national attention on them.

This is why I like the 4th of july smokeout the white house idea from a different thread. The more huge public smokes outs we have the more attention will be forced. Just keep the peace. It must be not violent.

by the way, i thank the people who have contributed to this converstion in a serious manner, with constructive critisism. I do like to hear multiple view points from others, when they are logically thought out and expressed.

lets keep dicussing though

People are motivated by fear into apathy. Fear of losing your job...Fear of losing your professional credentials...fear of being arrested and incarceration...

I know I myself was afraid to come out and protest UNTIL NOW!!!!!!

And I plan on being in Baltimore in July and join the protest.

BUT you are right. WE NEED TO KEEP AT LEAST TALKIN' ABOUT IT! And organizing...and losing our FEAR!

Saftey in numbers...If many...many showed up and toked they can't arrest us all.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Word sandwich. (that is positive incase you are wondering)
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