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My New Grow Tunnel Grow


Hey there everyone, I'm Agent-Smith and I have delayed my introduction and grow thread long enough so here it is. I'm running a modified grow tunnel setup, which was built as a cabinet for stealth reasons. The grow area is 5' x 4' with 20 plant sites and lit by a 600W HPS bulb over a SWC hydro setup. This is my first run in this tunnel since completing it so I can't wait to see what she can do compared to my last tunnel which was only 12 sqft., lit by a 400W, and pulled about 550g total.

The first run is from seed since no cuts were available at the time and I am starting off with some Rosetta Stone beans I made a couple years ago and Farmers Choice. I'm about 10-11 days from seed right now, and I will update every few days or so. So if you want to know any more feel free to ask....
now on to the pics!


Farmers Choice

Rosetta Stone



Looks good so far Smith, Im interested in seeing how that Rosetta Stone turns out.:joint:


Running mid to high 80's, I'd like to get it down some more but will have to wait till I can afford to get a window A/C unit. But I figure it will be fine for now, seeing as how the FC's are from Colombia they can deal with a little heat LOL. :D


Gr8 set up agent smith, im gonna be real interested in seeing how all this turns out for you.... good luck with ur grow


tagged.....really clean for a setup of its size....good vibes and good growing


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
AgentSmith? A likely story.

What did you use to paint the support frames with in shot 5?


A big thanks to everyone who has stopped by, and I hope I can live up to the expectations. :D The good thing is, I know a close friend who is a professional photographer who promised to take some amazing pics and some macros later on in flower so I'm really looking forward to that.CherryBudz, you were right, I was guesstimating so I went back and looked at some earlier pics of them and figured out the actual days. As of today, the FC's are 15 days from seed while the RS's are 13 days(14 and 12 as of yesterdays post). Good eye! :DFreezerBoy, the tray is coated with Sweetwater Epoxy Paint which is used for aquariums, ponds, pools, etc. and once cured is hard as a rock and leeches no chemicals into the water(a plus for us gardeners). Expensive as hell at $80/gallon, but much cheaper in the long run with not having to disassemble and replace pond liner every grow, and keep buying it, and I can just wipe it all down real quick and it's ready for the next grow.http://www.aquaticeco.com/images/subcategories/large/PT2_cmyk.jpg


FUCK!! I just posted a whole long post and it got erased by a poor connection! :mad::mad::mad:

Anyways, here's an update:

I have increased the nute strength in the tunnel today, the readings are as follows. EC = 1860, PPM = 930, pH = 5.9, res temp = 70.
There is alot of new growth lately and it can be seen everyday. They are all around 4 - 5" tall and will be flipped to 12/12 at around 12 - 14". A few of the plants (1FC, 2 RS) got off to a shitty start but have come back from it and are now growing nicely. The FC's stems are really bulking up, which is fine with me, less staking I have to do to hold up those heavy buds LOL :laugh: I took some pics w3ith the lights on and some with it off to show the new green growth better. Enjoy! :D



Lovely grow brotha I been looking into hydro since soil is a messy mess.. Nice clean setup

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