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PWC=pacific north west



Yeah, don't stress it. You'll be taken care of in the future I'm sure. I just threw out 20 clones because none of my homies needed 'em... G13, Purple Urkle, Purple Shaman, C99, Cheese and a few others.

It's a routine though. I help a lot of patients get their garden up and running.

Starting seeds is in the cards though, searching for some hidden gems to play with.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
damn i for surly would have taken 1 or 2 of those,i just done want to waste time or money on bullshit bagseed genetics ya kno? iv always wanted to try that C99 and G13 too



I know how you feel as I was in the same boat when getting started.

Over the years though I have learned that it's just a plant. Person A just might grow it a whole lot better than Person B, lending to Person C's opinion of the strain, be it good or bad.

Clackamas Coot passed me a sample of the Jack Herer he grew and it was some of the most annihilating smoke I've ever had the pleasure of sampling. Granted he's a veteran grower of 35-40 years with horticulture in his background.

Now I grew out the same strain, pretty certain the same exact cutting and didn't fair nearly as well. I have 3-5 years of theoretical knowledge from studying the subject at hand 12-18 hour days. Practically applying that knowledge for the last 2.5-3 years.

Yes, some strains are better than others, but it's an opinionated thing. If you find something that rocks your world, stick with it every cycle for a year and watch it get better as you perfect it.

Just trying to say that the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence. :smoke:



Totally. I'm all for that too. Need a few months to build a custom rig though, perhaps we could collaborate and build it together. You said you're a machinist so custom parts aren't a problem, are they? I may use the Venom Creeper as the base.

EDIT: Dude, how much money could we make producing a full fledged line of upgrades for the Scorpion or Creeper? I know how to make things look sexy, if you know how to make a hunk of metal into a part then the only other part of the equation is advertising on the forums and dropping shit in the mail. :2cents::2cents::2cents::D:2cents::2cents::2cents:


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
what you gonna do with the ax10? thers thousands of after market for that thing,machining isnt a problem as long as a machine is open,they done care if i use machines as long as i done interfere with production.

and you planning on goin comp?
you gonna do the side plate platform or build a custom tuber?



I got that RTR as a gift. But I'm a kit type of guy myself. Creates an intimacy with how everything works in unison so in the event of a part failing I can field strip it to the bone without the manual.

Ideally I would be building a custom tuber/scaler hybrid to satisfy form and function in the event that it becomes another shelf queen. :D

EDIT: How much greenbacks are we talking to buy some tools for the job? I want to produce on the level of Unlimited Engineering/SuperMaxx.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
most rc machining quality is way too over rated i know that after being an actual machinist, anything that leaves our shop mostly is kept with in .0005 some tighter some looser but when im able to stay and get machine time is real rare i sometimes have better luck gettin my buddy the swing shift mgr to do stuff, the main thing is drawin up a blueprint and gettin all the dimentions


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
would you be interested in my super stuff? i'll hook it up i put some money into them and its all pretty much new too



Definitely something to consider after I pay some of this grow gear off. What all do you have?

This is cool though, always wanted to meet a machinist that's also into R/C. I think we could come up with a pretty killer rig if we sat down and refined existing ideas and creations of others. With enough money saved up before starting the project so there's no down time or cutting corners.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
i strongly agree man, do you see the prophet that could be made machining parts?? and i have like 100 designs for chassis,set ups,i have some shit in my head that blow minds,id like to take rc to full scale, set up and performance wise and do it electric. And im still new to machining iv only been doin it for 2+ yrs now i love it but production shit is gettin old like a year ago, i want to get my own lathe and mill some day and do my own thing and make money for me, i run 4 machines theres like 35 different machines in the whole shop and my dpt pulls in $80,000+ a week


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Theres the axles built with the after market housings,axle tubes,knuckles,wheel spacers,and big ass beadlock wheels youd get all the OE plastic stuff too, i paid like 600 for it all id hook you up for half that


I was gonna fab up a huge ass custom tube chassis for it but shit happed,


Here's a PNW question:

What is your humidity at, do you dehumidify, and have you ever had mold problems? At what rH?

I'm running around 60-70%, at roughly 82 degrees F (w/ CO2). I think what keeps my plants from molding is 4 oscillating fans and liberal use of Silica Blast, which, in my findings, prevents mold very well.

As much as I hear about bud rot as a problem, I find few people in the PNW that encounter it. Is every body adequately cautious, or are there less weed-molding bacteria up here? Looking for some mold input. Knock on wood.



The problem is more so with Powdery Mildew than mold. You guys started from seed though so you are relatively safe as long as your environment doesn't let it settle in.

You sold me on silica though. I think that is what saved you from having any problems.

Keep it clean and never take clones in from a source that you can't verify is sterile.


I'd try KO kush or the herijuana. All San nies gear is good stuff that I have seen.

I do dehumidify, stays around 40% in flower.

Botrytis sometimes gets into my super huge fat buds. Just clip it away.

Here's a PNW question:

What is your humidity at, do you dehumidify, and have you ever had mold problems? At what rH?

I'm running around 60-70%, at roughly 82 degrees F (w/ CO2). I think what keeps my plants from molding is 4 oscillating fans and liberal use of Silica Blast, which, in my findings, prevents mold very well.

As much as I hear about bud rot as a problem, I find few people in the PNW that encounter it. Is every body adequately cautious, or are there less weed-molding bacteria up here? Looking for some mold input. Knock on wood.


What's good y'all?

This place is a disaster, boxin' up and movin' all the gear out tonight. Have another big disaster waiting for me to clean on the other side too. Miserable circumstances.


god damnit my bike got boosted.

this sucks. 'and fuck school man my first investment is going to be getting out of it.



Welcome to Portland.

Sorry to hear that too as I was looking forward to going on a ride Tuesday with you guys.

I agree about school though. Get that paid off and do your own thing.

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