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Is there more than one good Pheno of jack Herrer?



I have a nie selection of what i was told was jack. It does really well outside and finishes around oct15. it is very different from what i have tried as far as indoor jack. this is fruity, other stuff ive had was spicy. I got the mother from a dude in norcal, is it possible this is Jh? is there an earlier, fruitier pheno?...thanks


ICMag Donor
Jack H from Sensi will have some amazing phenos

some Haze some more NL........

make some F2s for the more winners


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
All phenos in jackherer are good never seen a shitty one i reckon u might have the same pheno as me... Mine is done in 9 weeks and has a real fruity pungent smell reeks during veg..


yup thats the one...stinky long buds that re covered in thc? glad to know that it could be the real thing!


I'm with Kgrown on the 3 pheno's. all 3 were excellent.the nl was good for height restrictions. Taproot


Active member
All phenos in jackherer are good never seen a shitty one

That's the truth. Think it's similar to SSH that way, plenty o phenos and most of em are quality...not surprising considering it has similar background to ssh. JH is definitely in my top 3 most underrated.


I had some really kill JH buds a couple weeks ago and it smelled really danky and had the spicy taste. I wish I had a cut of that 1.
Good luck with the JH BluntedOne


ICMag Donor
"Long Buds".,,,,,,,,,,,,,could be a Haze Pheno

your jack sounds amazing Benj....maybe its packin abit of Afghan..what do you think?


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Hey rick yeah its packin abit of everything bro i reckon its leaning towards the skunk/haze side of the mix taste and high wise but with NL indica dense buds. I have a skunk cutting that looks almost identical but doesnt compare in yield taste or high. My jackH also has alot of stretch 2-3 times in the first 3 weeks flower and rock hard buds its the stinkiest herb ive ever grown fruity/spicey but real pungent dont even hafto rub the stem 4 the stench even clones stink bad...

My bro and a few friends refuse to grow it outside because of the stench carbon filter/scrubber manufacturers dream...lol


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Ill get some flower pics up soon not mine but from a mates got about 30 people i know with the same cutting so ill never loose it...
10 Years strong..


ICMag Donor
There are at least x5 types of Jack Herer [Sensi Seeds] that show up in lineage,, packet after packet... from short NL dom plants to wild look Thai plants.

The most productive mother plants were those that took between 77 - 85 days to flower... these mother plants we'd usually select to clone... to make flowers like this:


Many JH clones circulated in Holland/Europe however come from the early 56-65 day types... which make flowers more like this :



Hope this helps


when i look at jack H you can tell c99 is related to that strain. if i love Cinderella then i know i will love jack. one of my top 5 to grow .the 5 are 1.jack Herrer 2.kalimist i have and growing now.3.super silver haze(i have f2 seeds will grow out soon)4.NL#5 x haze.
5. original haze(mostly as a breeding strain) .

i have some nirvana jock horror i do not know what i have its all in the luck of the draw with nirvana but i have heard mixed reviews .some say its hemp to its the best strain they have and pefer it over the original.


Nice flowers Doc:canabis:,
yeah i'm noticing the 5 pheno's i have are all different from each other, couple are looking like they could be extremely long flowering girls, then there's the 1 at the opposite end of the spectrum - really squat pheno that doesn't stretch much at all (so far), really surprised how short it's staying especially after almost 7 weeks veg - that pheno has only stretched a few inch in the first 14 days of flower, it's less than half the size of the taller girls, a couple have that strong pine smell i love which you notice when moving them about, 1 pheno when your rub the stalk/branches smells nutty, like hazelnut (never had this before)



Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Nice pics doc the bottom one's look exactly like my pheno..


ICMag Donor
doc,,,,that 55 day pheno is defo NL dom lookin "to me",,,i remember phenos of NL5 x Haze Lookin like that,,everywhere in Amsterdam still sells random weed that looks the same!!,,,,not mutch taste ,,the taste is almost "dry" slightly lemony,,but "wow" mega strong "tripy" high...

i emigine Skunk,Afghan,Haze would be the best pheno`s.....NL sometimes makes Sensi`s JH very bland "imo"..... maybe because im young, i see this as generic..but thats the way it seems..

hay benj,,,put some good but shots up bro....i wonder what your pheno is!!

im sure NL used to smell like BERRYS......what happend.??...this bland NL is not the best "is it"???.....

Ive smoked NL crosses that defo had a purple tint.....Slyder, etc.....im missing the purple NL


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Sensi are not the only people who make good Jack Herer seeds, someone else has been working that line, and I do not mean the jock horror ripoff merchants ......

You cannot say his name here, they edit it out with **********************'s


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
sensi seeds - jack herer serious seeds - kali mist mr.nice - super silver haze these are all originals and in my top ten strains alot of breeders/company's make copies while they may be nice i always stick with the original breeders that way u cant go wrong...
If not i suppose buy the next best thing but its just personal choice i guess...