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[Myths] Fitness



I see some of you guys are doing some Push-ups and Crunches.

I will let you all know one important thing.

You will not develop a Six-Pack of glistening Abdominals by just doing Situps.

You will actually be better off without Situps at all.

Cardio is the Key. Everyone has a six-pack of muscle under our layer of fat on our stomachs, its just not visible because of the layers of fat.

The only way to have these muscles show is to have a BodyFat level of 12% Or lower.

So you guys have to RUN, or be moving. You can do 1thousand situps everyday, for years, and never see your Six-Pack.

Goodluck all :joint:


I've got a six pack round my stomach and my BMI is 28. I will confess thats because i just robbed the off license but hey, a six pack is a six pack!
a thousand situps would take at least 20 minutes. 20 minutes of exercise a day might bring your body fat percentage under 12. not to be annoying.
but in any case, the pushups and situps are just a start or a goal. they're not a be all end all fitness regime.
I get what you're saying, but, isn't it true that the more muscle you have the more calories you can burn? So....wouldn't it still be beneficial to do the crunches and push ups, to up your muscle content? Besides...strong abs are a must for any woman (I'm not saying a six pack, just some strong abs), especially one who wants to have kids....the stronger your abs, the less likely they are to tear beyond repair. So, if you want your stomach to just kinda bounce back after having kids....build ab strength now! Bird-dog is an awesome pilates move for building core strength...I highly recommend it to anyone!


Active member
this is true, holding onto muscle does burn calories in itself.... but to keep that muscle on you , you gotta eat past your maitnence calories (CLEAN WHOLE FOODS) since the bodies homeostasis is to not keep extra then whats needed.
I get what you're saying, but, isn't it true that the more muscle you have the more calories you can burn? So....wouldn't it still be beneficial to do the crunches and push ups, to up your muscle content? Besides...strong abs are a must for any woman (I'm not saying a six pack, just some strong abs), especially one who wants to have kids....the stronger your abs, the less likely they are to tear beyond repair. So, if you want your stomach to just kinda bounce back after having kids....build ab strength now! Bird-dog is an awesome pilates move for building core strength...I highly recommend it to anyone!


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
cardio is actually not the best way to burn fat anaerobic work is. Don't believe me... who has greater muscular definition... a sprinter or a marathoner? the more muscle you have the more calories you must burn to maintain that mass. That doesn't mean you have to get huge to get cut it simply means that getting stronger (building muscle and using muscle at high intensity) requires more calories than low intensity cardio work therefore you can burn fat faster with anaerobic work. on top of this the preferred means of cardio, jogging, is detrimental to MOST people as the repeated impact of jogging creates a inflammatory response in muscle tissue (that's not to say that you can't do it just that your bodies physiology must meet certain criteria before it can perform the exercise without an inflammatory response ie. tissue damage. for those who don't know inflammation is the precursor to almost all disease (cancer, heart disease, arthritis, even degenerative brain disorders), it should be avoided at all costs, it accelerates the death process. we are taught that inflammation and soreness are a natural part of physical exercise but that is a load of bull shit. you can train your body (build it up) without tearing it down first you just have to know what your doing.


I believe swimming is the best way to do cardio. I was just letting everyone know that they gotta move around if they wanna loose the waist.
sprinters do a hell of a lot of weight lifting to get that explosive power, and that's what you're seeing. definition, not just lack of fat. excess muscle weight would just slow down a marathoner over all that distance.
marathoners in general have less body fat, though. although at the world class level, they're both gonna be miniscule.


Aerobic vs anaerobic = fast twitch vs slow twitch muscle fibers, not fat burning. Elevate your heart rate for 30 straight min 3x's a week, and you will start to burn fat. Whether it's by doing 60yd wind sprints back to back to back (anaerobic exercise) or 30 minutes of heavy breathin in the pool (aerobic), if you get your heart rate up, you burn more calories all around.

Best way to 6/8pack abs? GENETICS!!! Thank you Mom and Dad!

For me, midsection definition has NOTHING to do with what I eat. I'm within 15lb of HS. graduation weight w/o ever watching what I eat. When I do exercises like push ups and pullups (properly), My core muscles are working very hard to stabilize my body/maintain proper form. My abs were more sore than my arms/chest/back for the first week.

Leg lifts, either on the floor, or on a pullup bar are the JimmyJam for ab exercizes.

EDIT - Thank you Mom and Dad! Didn't make fullsize, cause I'm not that douche.

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