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Mr. Burgundy

Active member
"you're not from the ghetto, white boy..."

"call in sick"

"practice senseless acts of beauty and random ass of kindness "


Domesticator of Cannabis


Pull my finger
My other ride is your mom

You looked better on Myspace

Dont worry what people think...They dont do it very often

Want me show you how to do a colonoscopy with that camera phone?


Lammen Gorthaur
Don't laugh, your daughter went for a ride in this van.

I'll make up my mind when I'm damned good and ready.

You can always go around me and die, asshole!

I can slow down some more if you like.

Go ahead, my insurance expired a week ago.

Cops who write tickets are bigger assholes than wife-beaters.

Never met a cop that didn't want to spark one up.

Didn't I flush you already?

Don't get mad, get off the road!


Of all the things I've lost
I miss my mind the most!

I'll keep my money
you keep the CHANGE!

The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

We are born naked, wet and hungry.
Then things get worse.

Some people are alive 'cause IT IS illegal to SHOOT them!

Reality is a crutch for those who can't handle drugs!!

You are 98% chimp.


Pull my finger
A man never stands so tall as when he stoops to help a crippled child.

I though this was a really good one.


New member
My step dad had one on his truck back in the day, it read
Australopithecus died for you!

Love it! Really irks the holy rollers and young earth creationists!:laughing:

"When the rapture comes, can I have your car?" is a good one too...

Not a bumper sticker, but I thought I spotted the classic "Forget the dog, beware of the owner!" sign on someone's gate the other day, where there is a background pic of a held revolver pointing at the reader. Cept this one had in small writing below everything "P.S. Just kidding about the dog, he's totally got issues."


My last trip to Florida I saw a car with a sticker that said Abortions tickle. Brave motorist! They bomb, set fire to, and snipe at clinics down there!