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Should I wait to flower?



After transplanting newly rooted clones already showing new growth, would it be best to let them recover for a couple days before flowering them, or could I transplant and put directly in flowering?

I don't know if this bit of info matters but veg/clone room is 4x 26watt CFL bulbs, flower is 1,000w HPS.


If you want the tiny yield it'll produce thats fine,the plants going to veg for a couple weeks under the 12/12 photoperiod anyway before it starts to flower.A few weeks of patience if you have the facility is really worth it in the end.I know about sog but if I'm going to root cuts I'm getting ounces from them not grams.But to answer your question they can "recover" just as well under 12/12.They really shouldn't have anything to recover from though


just do it
1.you need a bigger veg light for 1000w of flower
2.its strain dependant, some will triple in size, some wont get any bigger
personally i would let them veg but i dont know your details


My bad bro,very bad mistake I'm sorry.I totally missed the !K part duh.Even at 3 ft or higher I would'nt put freshly transplanted cuts under any HID,even a 250.They can wilt badly and die.A few days at least under a flourescent is a must with freshly transplanted cuts.I imagine some have done it but I wouldnt recommend it from my experience.Photoperiod doesnt matter if you want to start 12/12 thats fine but under flo's


Pseudo - I'm aware more light is needed for veg. I'm making due with what I can until I upgrade.

sparkjumper - Thanks for that input. I had a couple wilt in the past, but they recovered within a day or so and started showing new growth. I figured maybe heat caused the problem, but temps are perfect, so maybe this explains the mystery wilting!

Given that it's a perpetual SoG, I'll let them veg at least a few days, most likely until I see 1-2 more nodes of new growth. I'd like to be able to see a few ounces off one plant in 1 gallon Smart Pots though. What size should I put the clones in if I want a couple oz per plant? Maybe 12" or so?


Its definately the HID light that wilted your cuts,I lost a few when I first started out in just a few hours.You can move the flo tubes literally 1/2 inch above the tops right from the start,its best that way the closer the lamps the less stretch


I'll be getting flouro tubes soon ;) Right now it's just 4 weak ass CFLs. I'm planning on either upgrading the veg room with a 250w or a 400w MH, or a bunch of flouros and CFLs. Haven't decided yet :)

I know about the stretch and all that, I just didn't expect to be started without a proper veg room so it's causing me some headache right now. I've also never gone from a flouro/CFL veg room to a HID flower room until recently :(


You have to keep the compact flo's several inches from the cuts but when you get tubes you can literally let the tops grow between the tubes the keep them so close


Yeah, that's why I want some flouros. The CFL bulbs will scorch the leaves if they touch them (which they haven't!).

I know I can pick up a flouro fixture for $11 or so but I'd rather check my finances and see about a nice MH system instead.


New member
I also veg cfl (4 fixtures with 4 23-27 watt bulbs) and flower under a 1k hps. Nothing set in stone, but I try to cycle them under the hps for more and more time up until they go into flower. Has been working pretty well for me.

I try to use as much of the light space as i can while still keeping it close/ effective. You can fill the space with more plants or veg longer. Good luck.


I've been putting them in the flower room while the light's on too. Seems to work pretty well and they grow noticeably in the 4 hour dark period the veg room gets.

I decided I'm going to take just over half and let them veg 3 more days, and the rest will veg another 1-2 weeks. After a month or two of this my plants will always be the size I want before I flower them. I'm just short on clones and need to play some catch up while getting at least some harvest. :)

Thanks for the input, I've decided what I'll be doing. It just took a bowl to put me in that mindset. :joint:


just do it
i took me a while to get my veg area right, i concentrated on my flowering area and neglected the veg and things didnt click, now my veg is sweet and its like clockwork
good luck