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Abcessed Tooth


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
guess I'll go to the dentist today :1help:

That was gonna be my advice, for what it's worth. I haven't been to the dentist in over 15 years. 15 years ago, I had no cavities and have been lucky to have no problems.

Brusha brusha brusha!!!



Ohhhh my jaw has a golfball growing out of it...
quite possibly the worst pain I've ever felt :fsu:
Been a week with pain, but started swelling yesterday, and this morning its huge, feels like my jaw is broke(infection might be eating my jawbone) along with the nerve pain...guess I'll go to the dentist today :1help:

you have to be careful from what i understand infections in the mouth can travel elsewhere in the head with dire consequence

feel better


Former P.O.W
ICMag Donor
SuperZero you should call the dentist as soon as possible! that swelling and pain will not go away by it self.If you cant afford to go right yet find someone that has some motrin 800 and antibiotics like penisillun or moxicillun .make sure your not alergic to them also. Abcesses can cause more problems if NOT treated.A abcessed tooth is not fun to wake up to or deal with over a period of time,it can also cause other health issues.I feel for you bro,its happened to me also.


I think I would not change dentists now..heehee...

Sorry to hear about your jaw.

Molly Kuehl

If your dentist doesn't return the call, you need to do something, it can be serious. Your dentist will only be able to give you antibiotics(which is what you need) if he was arrested, he won't be able to give you painkillers.


Lammen Gorthaur
My wife bought a house from a fellow who had a toothache. it abscessed and he died of the resulting infection that spread to his brain.

I've never had "show teeth" (as you can see from my avatar picture). I took an oral polio vaccine at like 10 years-old and they turned yellow. Never white after that.

My wife gave me a bunch of shit about my teeth. Easy for her to say, her perfect white teeth all had to be pulled within a year of us getting together - that was 25 years ago. Mine aren't in great shape. Pits, cracks, two of them broken. Cavities and toothaches. had one that broke in half back in 2001. Thought it was going to kill me it hurt so bad so long.

I'm still waiting for that tooth to come out. It's rather loose and has rotted out. It will fall out eventually I'm sure. When I was in the Navy, the dental tech slipped and laid open my gum line from stem to stern. Took 24 stitches to close up my face.

I don't do dentists, can you blame me?

Yes, I am a coward and I freely admit it.

Now that I have quit smoking I thought my teeth would maybe whiten up a bit. No such luck. I drink one cup of coffee a day now (boy was that hard to cut down on!) so I wonder about it all.

Then again, when you look like Alfred E. Newman, does it really matter? It's not like women flock around me. They only seem interested once they realize there's a lot more to the package...

Go to the dentist and have them help you. They have pots of money that donors provide sometimes to help people in distressful situations like you.


Former P.O.W
ICMag Donor
Glad to hear things worked out for you SubZero and yeah no smoking or ya might get dry socket.Sleep should come easy for ya today and when you get up ,rinse with salt water. You then can go back to your normal activities:smoke:


For my tooth pains I always smoked LOTS of weed and it was really helpful, could not believe. Of course a dentist is a must. But while you are waiting for an appointment you can ease pain with lots of spliffs!



For anyone who hasn't had one, abcesses are no joke. Super fucking painful. It's worse than bones I have broke, go to the dentist early!


Active member
i feel your pain man, i just got thru one about 2 weeks ago...it was HELL!!! the whole time i had it i rinsed with salt-water and listerine...popped a couple vicodin when it get really bad....hope you feel better soon.


Lammen Gorthaur
Dude. Stop whining and napping. Just drop me a note and I'll give you the name and number of my dentist. He'll get those choppers fixed in no time. Don't believe me? Just check my smile. It's like totally awesome in a Valley Girl kind of way (if Valley Girls are really like wicked vampires - oops I let out my real identity).

Hi, my real name is Tom Petty and I play guitar with my teeth in this band called "The Heartbreakers". They used to be called the Toothbreakers but people would stare, so...