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Is Pot Good For You?


stone fool
I do not require further input to answer the question, yes, weed is good for me. Alcohol bad, cocaine bad, tobacco bad, trans fats bad, sugar bad, flour bad, eggs bad, marraige bad, cholesteral bad. Weed good.


Lammen Gorthaur
Interesting article. The federal government has certainly bought into the addage that legalization can only be the result of good research, but the government isn't going to allow research. Kind of like the old bullshit on the stamp tax. Only people with stamps can have pot, but nobody is printing stamps and nobody sells them, so there will be no pot.

Except there is pot.

It's like the government has some big UFO-pot conspiracy thing going.

The article had balance. I'll give Time that much, for once they had balance. Not enough that I will ever subscribe to that rag again, but I was impressed with the balance.
I think it has to do with the Gov't being too self righteous to admit that they were wrong/lied about marijuana and it's not nearly as bad as it seems. They'd sooner keep using ridiculous logic and reasoning than admit an error. Talk about being on high horses. Also i don't think the tobacco and alcohol industries would be too happy if the Gov't just came out and said MJ was less harmless then those big 2(bad for business if you look how much $$ they make by taxing them). Just my thought.



It's been much better for me than the stock market has been for others. hahahaha and ha

Kola Radical

The FDA should create a 2 gram per day minimum daily requirement. Or maybe 1 gram.. :)

Yes, weed is good for you. It is not toxic to mammals, period.


Active member
Weed is most certainly a good med for many...many people. I know personally that it is medically beneficial to me and my medical condition. I have worked with ill and disabled patients for 20 years now. But like ANY medication...
It is not for everybody...
ETOH[alcohol] is much worse for your body ...

Chemotherapy pts find it the only way to control the nausea and stimulate the appetite loss.
Many neuromuscular diseases benefit from weed and reduce spacticity...

It is POLITICS and The Moral PO PO who keep it illegal.
They lump weed with meth... heroin...and cocaine...

While they drink their wine and martinis and pop M.D. prescribed pills while deciding what us SHEEPLE can and can't do!!!!

Frustrating to me...
I break NO LAWS but this one and It Is My Act of Defiance!
Buy I do wish it were legal.

Weedman Herb

Weed is good for the World and is the Key to peace amongst Humankind ... without weed I would have had the motivation to start on my Global Quest to become The Supreme Ruler of this Saline & Mud Ball we call Earth. Let's face it ... I wouldn't be able to accomplish this Lofty Goal without the blood of innocents being spilled and I probably wouldn't make a good Supreme Ruler ... so let us have the weed ... ok?


Active member
Weed is good for the World and is the Key to peace amongst Humankind ... without weed I would have had the motivation to start on my Global Quest to become The Supreme Ruler of this Saline & Mud Ball we call Earth. Let's face it ... I wouldn't be able to accomplish this Lofty Goal without the blood of innocents being spilled and I probably wouldn't make a good Supreme Ruler ... so let us have the weed ... ok?



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
certainly is better for me physically then all the dope the V.A. has had me taking for over a decade. especially since it has allowed me to discontinue 60% of what they prescribe!


ICMag Donor
Its the only thing keeping my mind sane,
as i make the break from pills ,and starting monday a gradual methadone decrease..

Until its just "me and my chronic" the occasional beer..to smoke and be happy.......Couldn't have done it ,without it..Marijuana the "..anti drug"


Active member
Its the only thing keeping my mind sane,
as i make the break from pills ,and starting monday a gradual methadone decrease..

Until its just "me and my chronic" the occasional beer..to smoke and be happy.......Couldn't have done it ,without it..Marijuana the "..anti drug"

Man you are in for a rough time and I have detoxed many off opiates. It can be done and you will be much happier sticking to pot and a few drinks now and then. More people are dying of accidental opiate overdose in America than auto accidents.
Weaning off on methadone should help.