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possibly 500 plants what should i do guys

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Look you shocked us all with 1of your first post being of 500 plants Not saying u can't if you have the money and the space.

THing is i'm sure most ppl here do this for the love,enjoyment,and for the health benefits of this plant. saying you don't smoke and never will says your ALL ABOUT THE MONEY ,and thats a black eye to those who need cannabis to help with their problems(not to just get high)
WE fight everyday to be allowed to do this without the fear of jail,And your doing it to just to make yourself money THATS what LEO"S say's about everyone in this,That we just want it legal so we can get high and make money from it BULLSHIT .

Good luck
I N Hail

P.S $120 for a camera notmuch compaired to what you'll spend on a 500 plant grow


Game Bred
i once had a grow like you describe....
some of the older members may remember the baby pools in my trailer.
i suggest using baby pools. you stack 2 pools in the bottom pool put massive air stones,poke holes in the top pool and set it in the bottom pool. fill the top pool with your medium(i used hydroton). for lighting i used 1000w full spectrum hps. each pool had its own light with a mylar curtian arround the pool and a dedicated exhaust fan. each pool held 30 mature clones with 20 pools in all on a two week rotation. if this sounds like a system you would like to try let me know and ill give you details.

you should know ahead of time that a grow of this magnitude is a full time job. it will also drive you mad with the heebee jeebees.
i used to get freaked out every time i would be coming around the bend to the spot thinking those motherfuckers would be waiting ;)

good luck....
peas from the swamp!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
i call bullshit...9 pages not 1 pic....not even of the space being used...makes me wonder if someone is searchin for attention.
if you are doin this gl...if not why waste our time with the jack and the beanstalk thread?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c

i know damn sure no body around here is going to kiss yer boots or
send you praise. its obvious you is full of shit. even someone whos grown
6 plants in a closet would have an IDEA where to go if wanting to "go big"
and like the other cats said,,, this aint preschool. you dont get to "go home"
...you fuck up....you looking at a MINIMUM of 5 years....

and you keep saying ""i was growing 50 monster trees""

if you can grow 50>>>you can grow 500. personally i dont believe
a fucking word you say because you sound just like the 20 or 30 other
high school kids who have come through thinking they are going to be
a multi millionare grower within the first 6 mos....begging for help
claiming to know what the fuck they are doing....guess where most of
those threads end up going.....nowhere.

almost EVERY cat that has given you advice is BEYOND reputable and have
all slammed out many grows in their past. 50 TREES should be putting
you in the 15-30lb marker depending on your skills (if you have any).

il throw a few pictures up myself,,, but like i said,,, dont expect any
REAL advice from anyone ..... you need to PUT UP ,,, or SHUT UP.
because the other 99.3% of us think you is entirely full of shit

edit::: now were all dipshits and assholes and pricks?hehhehe,,, your
off to a GREAT start buddy!!!!!





You are a disgrace to law enforcement across the country.Your superiors should give you 50 strokes with bamboo for not reading the manual straight.It's been a pleasure, sir....Chaco.:joint::joint:


Can we just use him as a mascot? Our own IC officer in a giant blue suit, we can ask him questions n stuff about growin','cause cops know lots about weed.:joint::joint:
Dude, you can use a fuckin cell phone to take a picture. Just add an e-mail into your contacts and send the pic, that's it. If you are really such a good grower, then post one pic of one grow, just one. Anybody that has done anything worth talking about and also hangs at forums has some pics on ther phone or computer. Also, I tried to give you positive feedback without so much as a response from you, it seems as if you'd rather respond to the negativity then actual good advice. That's the first sign of somebody seeking attention, wanting to argue rather than network. You don't care about good grow advice because you're not growing, right?


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
if you are even thinkin of me when you typed this you need therapy,the day i bow to ur feet theres a trick to it.
and dip shits huh?....you better check our credentials before you go slammin folks lil dude.i know you prolly have big dreams but ur attitude is the thing that gets you flamed,you have all this skill throwin you advice and you still act like a troll in ur own thread.why would peeps continue to help you if yu know it all already?


Where the hell did he go?Oh I forgot he was trimming those tree sized colas@ 25lbs an hour.:laughing:


Take Five...
he got stuck to the wall from the massive amounts of finger hash

He should be back from home depot soon....
to all who contibutes i respect and appreciate there input but 4 those who are very negative about everything the hell with them ya know nothing good comes out the post so its only me trying to reach them but i will defend myself...im going to post a few pics within 30mins hopefully i erased half my prior grow out of my phone i didnt think you guys would react in such a bad way i thought you would welcome me with open arms and help me better the grow... i repeat once again i was looking for the what would "you" do perspective as in you not me not a noob just who ever could visualize so i could input the info to what ihave already in mind 10 heads work better than 1 but if the other 9 are slacking you have no choice but to handle it on your own...but someone wanted proof that im not a dipshit so i am going to post a couple pic on from my cell of the last grow current harvest and clone pics and seeds pics will that satisfy the atheist im like jesus in this forum


Get those pics on dude, it will do your reputation a lot of good. Posting about a 500 plant grow without any pics is only gonna make people think your dreaming, especially since you didnt know what medium to use lol

Post the pics and hopefully youll get some respect and help

take it easy :)


That is a little over the top, ambition is a good thing hell I would love to have fields but I love my freedom. To do this safeley move to central america buy land and have fun. it's done all the time. Peace