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you wanted me to get the facts straight. i felt like informing you on the facts i had that you lacked. i apologize for my rashness, i myself could have been more tactful. the OG is back crossed with 3 different OG's, SFV cut included, looks more indica, like bubba yes, however its an undenialble lemon flavor that every OG fan knows and craves that makes this a great cut. maybe my facts got distorted through the grapevine and its a cross of OG and bubs...who knows, either way i suppose i should be clear when stating i have OG so here it is. DISCLAIMER: my OG is a triple back cross of all different LA area OG kushes known as triple OG.


just the OG in question? or are you claiming wolf tickets on all my strains? wait til april first plus dry time for new pics. oh and by the way, what kind of clout have you put up with all 22 posts of yours that i should even care to take the time to justify this so thoroughly other than the consistent posts with pictures following my grow? just a thought.


My buddy grows this

Mango Kush




one, your buddy isn't you, two, the images are tiny and you were complaining about my crappy pics. i don't know why your coming to the thread to flex your nuts man, i personally have nothing to prove to you. seems like you need to be validated for some reason. so here maybe this will make you feel better, all of my strains are fake, i grow crappy weed and no one should look at my grow-ography. and by no one i mean you. so if you feel like seeing if my herbs are real come on by when its done! or just go hang out in the strains and hybrids catagory wishing you were actually growing sweet sensimilla:joint:


Active member
I would never knock someones grow unless they are doing something blatantly wrong. Especially since I have never posted pics of my grow here. Im only here to soak up knowledge and give props.

If you havent put up.. then you have to...

mrmike dont let someone that hasnt put up get to you.


all the pics i have shown are in fact misturemike's strains
they are all great i know for fact
not only that but the operation he is showing pics of is top notch
put together by him

sorry BRO


appreciated, and your right. i said it before nothing to prove to this negative nancy.

Thanks to all who have looked at my little OP here and have gotten something out of it, i am more than happy to help those that happen to share the same passion for horticulture. and new pics should be taken and up by wed.



elevate your way to some paddle rips so you can fuck with my garbage bubbaXogXultimate indicaXsuperdutyfruityheadband....kush. nice to see you made it on here, next time just say hello instead of messing with a legit thread... darsh.
****so for the record, i know the instigator.... gotta love friends...ass. getting me all worked up over nothin!

Jah Jah bless.

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Glad to see it was a friend.

On another note I'm looking forward to that Bubbaxogxultimeindica.....kush. Sounds like a good strain to round out the decade. Might as well throw in the Chemdawg D as well.

Hope all is thriving.

Jah Bless indeed. Jah Provides


all is THRIVING! the girls are starting to get fat, swellin up and puttin on that freshman 40. The HDF are going to be done in bout 2 and half weeks, i'm getting all kinds of excited! and that super strain is sadly only in my dreams....for now!!!:muahaha: