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Homesteading the high seas. New civilization being built. SF Bay looks to be first.

Wow, that's pretty crazy. Seems so vulnerable to high seas and winds though. Interesting concept, I would definitely never live on one though...not trying to sink my house.


I'd go in an instant! That's a pretty cool plan, a bit like sealand but mobile. It's a proven concept so i guess it's just a question of cost and motivation.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I just don't care for the seasteading name, I
prefer the novelty name of 'Seavilization'.......


Anybody here who isn't familiar with Hakim Bey's idea of Temporary and Permanent Autonomous Zones should get to know it. This is a step towards the P.A.Z.!


I think I heard about this, or at least something like it on the local news awhile back. Sounds interesting. Not so sure you'd want to live on the water though in a earthquake prone area like SF LOL.

I personally don't think this will ever take off too much. It would only be a matter of time until someone fucked up and start throwing trash in the water or something and some politican trying to get votes banned it.


Japan has been expanding it's country by increasing it's coastline for many years and they are in one of the worst earthquake zones there is. I would not be so worried about earthquakes when SF is right in front of a rather large ocean which would love to wave a tsunami your way given the right conditions. Coupled with your fault line you could say you'd be safer on the sea than the shore!
hmm....I dunno about that, seems a little scary, but kinda cool. I think people would definitely fuck up and throw trash or whatever else into the ocean. You wouldn't be able to just leave anytime you wanted. Nobody who lived on the sea would have a car, or would we have to have random parking lots on the shore?


why would you need a car, where would you go? All you would need would be a small boat with a few HP motor on and your set. As for trash, you will always get idiots but i'm sure people would be proud of the community and do their best. People only litter today because they dont value their neighborhood. With this that may change.


Garden Nymph
i think people have got enough space on land and have done enough to the land..i don't think allowing people to live on oceans isn't a good idea..just too many irresponsible people!


i think people have got enough space on land and have done enough to the land..i don't think allowing people to live on oceans isn't a good idea..just too many irresponsible people!
The mind is too big for this type of thinking:)