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Odor question?


I live in a house along with 2 other friends who doesnt smoke or grow. Im planning on buying 2 small darkroom tents and leave it inside my room. The tents are 2x2x4 and 3x3x5, one for my mother plants and clones and the other one for veg/flower. The strain i'll be growing is sfv og kush and it'll range from 8-16 plants. Each tent will come with a 4" carbon filter and fan. For the air exiting out through my bedroom window i'll be attaching a couple sheets of fabric softner at the end to help minimize the odor. I'll also be placing a ona block in my room and a bowl of scented dry plant leaves and a couple air freshner spray that activate spray every 5min or so. Do u guys think i'll be ok? Im also thinking about getting one of the air odorize machine that cost like $200 but thats only if thing gets worst.


anyone who has grown more than 10 plants at the same time, please let me know how bad was the odor and how did u prevent the odor from leaking out?


dude, screw every single thing you said and hook that fan up to a proper carbon filter. its a little over $100 for a proper one and nothing else will do the job it will, it is the best investment you can make. is it not possible to vent into the same room and have say a single 6 inch fan handle the exhaust of both the tents? then have that fan blowing into a carbon filter (either can or carbonaire brand). a Y duct splitter would let you do that easily.

and to answer your question, no, all of that stuff will not be good enough. not even close.


^he said the fans will have carbon filters on 'em...

imo, if each tent has it's own filter, that should be enough...i've never grown in tents though...


yes each tent will have its own carbon filter and fan. Im not gonna share 1 carbon filter and fan for both tents. Dirkdaddy, whats a good brand for the carbon filter? I dont mind spending the extra money.


Do your friends know what your going to do?

no they dont and im planning on keeping it this way. its for my own safety. this house is under my name, 2 of my friends moved in a couple of years ago since they were going to school and needed a place close by. so its not like im doing anything wrong by growing in a house that belongs to them. like i mention they probably dont even care if they found out. they dont mind when i smoke around them or even when im inside the house smoking, but i just feel its safer and better to not let the people around me know about this.
oh ok then. i was just asking cuz if all 3 of you were renters and u got busted then they would probably share in the trouble too. but since house is in your name then its ok.
i wouldnt want to tell them either. im the play it safe kinda guy too.


i sugest buying a vaportek in addition to the carbon.put it in the living room and tell roomies you bought as gift for house

hidhut has them


I live in a house along with 2 other friends who doesnt smoke or grow.

BAD IDEA. I would advise you NOT do this. Too many times have I seen people fucked by roommates, especially ones who do not share our love of ganja. Just trust me on this, they will know within a week, I guarantee it, especially with something that big. Its not about them caring, its about them knowing its there PERIOD esp. since they are 'school age'. When shit hits the fan you'll regret this. Please head the warning...unless you are medical.:2cents:


^he said the fans will have carbon filters on 'em...

imo, if each tent has it's own filter, that should be enough...i've never grown in tents though...

my bad. to indo: it still might be a good idea/more cost effective possibly to just use a single 6 inch vortex hooked up to a matching carbonaire brand carbon filter for both the tents. grab whichever one you choose at www.plantlightinghydroponics.com. carbonaire makes very good filters and cheaper than any CAN filter.

that being said I agree with the man above me. you shouldn't be doing this because your roomies will know within a week. you can't just seal off a bedroom with grow tents in it and never expect them to see inside. even if you lock it it becomes a sketchy bedroom that they may be liable to open themselves when you aren't there and you get surprised by the popo when you come home.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
your roomies will know within a week. you can't just seal off a bedroom with grow tents in it and never expect them to see inside.

This was my first reaction as well. Put a flashing neon sign on the door that says "No Weed Grown Here." That'll fool them.

Cozy Amnesia

If you want to go stealth, it will be much harder to achieve with two giant tents and two loud fans.


Active member
Kick them out. Use their rooms to build proper grow rooms. Problem solved. ;)


lol probably needs the rent money....well at least till first harvest ;)


how are you going to stop others discovering your tents?
Unless you are home all the time or have a lock on your bedroom door others will sooner or later have a reason for entering your room.returning something they borrowed,wanting to borrow something,dropping in mail,washing,crap you have left lying around.they may come looking for you because of a phone call,friends turning up etc.they maybe drunk,stoned or just plain lonely and wanting to chat.hell,they may even be dishonest and rummage through your room on a regular basis looking for trinkets,porn,money or drugs.lol
the point im trying to make is that sooner or latter someones gunnna stick their nose in where its not wanted.
i would try using your closet instead if you have one.


yes i have a lock on my doors and its always locked when im not home and when im home but is not in the room my door is always closed and believe it or not but me and my buddies dont go into eachothers room snooping around. I understand that i cant always stand by my door and guard it but lets just put the friends finding out aside and say if i was to go along with the grow what would be a good set up to use to help eliminate the odor? Or if u have anything else u use such as air freshener, etc. please let me hear it. I already bought 90% of my stuff just waiting on seeds to get here and a few lil stuff and i'll be set. its kinda to late to sell everything now so i would like to just give it a try.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
scale that down to 1 tent and use both carbon filters on it YOU WONT HAVE ANY SMELL. Your room is not big enough for 2 tents. I have 1 dr120 and it is BIG for a room. You need to listen YOUR ROOMMATES WILL FIND OUT NO QUESTION.

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