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need healthy plants! need to correct problem quick!

How long has this problem been going on? 3 days
Are you growing in a PVC grow tent? not yet still vegging, once big enough will go into new hydrohut silver edition( fixed offgassing problems?)
What system are you running? hand watering, run to waste
What STRAIN are you growing? Trainwreck, Critical Mass, Super Silver Haze
What was the establishing technique? clone, recieved them rooted and transplanted into canna coco
What is the age of your plants? about two to three weeks old???
How long have they been in there mixture they are in now? 5 days
How tall are the plants? 7-9 inches
What PHASE are the plants in? veg
What Technique are you using? what is technique?
What substrate/medium are you using? canna coco
What is the Water temperature? 68 F
What color are your roots? White? Brown? Are your roots slimy? white
What Nutrient's are you using? Canna coco A&B, rhizotonic, cannazyme, Dutch master penetrator/ liquid light
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? 7.5 mL/Gal A&B, 15 mL/Gal rhizo, 5 mL/Gal cannazyme , liquid light 6mL per 100mL
How often are you feeding? when medium begins to get dry, dont wait too long. about every 4 days give or take a day
How often are you giving nutrients? every watering
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
What order are you mixing your nutrients? coco a first then coco b then rhizo and cannazyme
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? water before nutes is: 420 ppm, after mixing around 800 ppm i believe will have to double check later
What is the pH of the "Tank"? 5.9 after mixing nutes in
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? blue lab combo meter calibrated
When was your last watering? march 3 2009
What is your water temps?68 F
When was your last feeding change? march 3
How often do you clean your system: hand watering
What size bulb are you using? 4 bulb 2 ft t5, put under a 4ft 8 bulb t5 today
What is the distance to the canopy? 3-5 inches
What is your RH Factor(Relative Humidity)? will have to check
What is the canopy temperature? about 77 F
What is the Day/Night Temp?
What is the current Air Flow? 4" vortex intake, 6" CAP inline with carbon filter
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? intake and exhaust constant
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?no, leaves just flutter
Is your water HARD or SOFT?hard
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? TAP ppm of 420
Are you using water from a water softener? no
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched?
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When? no
Are plant's infected with pest's? no

curly is due to liquid light feeding on march 3 of 6ml per 100 ml of water. believe strenth was too strong but dont know what leaf discoloration is



can't see the pics man, you must have your gallery on 'private' so only the growers in your friends list can see

It looks like ph spotting to me. id recheck your ph and adjust accordingly. im not very familiar with coco, it looks like u got some nuteburn and a couple different deficiencies too. good luck

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
First thing I notice.

You're watering every 4 days in straight coco? I've got the same cocotek pots and water every day when they reach a certain root size, usually after a few days of being transplanted into the pots.

Eventually when they get big enough I start watering approx. 2 then 3 times a day. Never very high. just flooding 2-2.5 inches and letting it wick up.

I may be wrong, but I don't think it's good to let coco dry out. It makes it harder for it to rehydrate I think. Also it retains lots of air. I add a layer of perlite or rocks at the bottom so that the water doesn't stay in the bottom of the pots. Since if you don't angle the tray, after watering, water will remain stagnant in the bottom. Leading to drowning of roots by depletion of oxygen, fungus gnats, root and fungus problems etc.

Good Luck.
before i put the babies in the hut they were in my room under the t5 and werent drying out that fast so thats why i said about 4 days, the top of the coco was still wet.

Abja does you coco dry out, say the top inch of coco, before you water again or do you keep your coco wet always? my plants are on raised trays so they drain out well.
watered today at ph 5.8 lowered it a little to see if they get better. a note on letting coco dry out.
my guy at the hydro store said that letting it dry out a little is good so the roots reach and quench for water/nutes. anyone else hear stuff like this or agree? thanks
This is a good thread about hand watering in coco from people that know a lot more than me.


It is probably better to water everyday with 10% run-off, and many do it more than that with success. I had problems when I was waiting two days between watering.

I have no experience with those strains or nutes, but that seems like a high nute ppm for the size of the plants. I would guess being at around 500 ppm for that size, but again I do not know those nutes. Good luck.
watered today at ph 5.8 lowered it a little to see if they get better. a note on letting coco dry out.
my guy at the hydro store said that letting it dry out a little is good so the roots reach and quench for water/nutes. anyone else hear stuff like this or agree? thanks

I might suggest watering them with plain water with a ph of 5.8 until you get run-off equal to 50% of the size of your pot. If you can capture or somehow test the ph and ppm of that run-off it may give you some more ideas on how to improve. Then make your nutrient solution at about 400-500 ppm with a ph of 5.8 and immediately water again with another 25-50% run-off. Then water every day for a few days with that nute level and see what happens. Again it might be helpful to measure your run-off each day while doing this.

Just my two cents and I'm only trying to help. If anyone has better steering here, please chime in. Those plants deserve a happy ending.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i suggest you look better at the coco chart there some additives you realy don't need like the hygrozyme...there's realy to much salt inthere...i builds up quickly....and i suggest lowering the dose for now....the coco chart says in the first weeks 1-2 ml per 'L' and u used almost 2 ml you wrote....just drop it a bit....and if you water ...always with a 10 % runoff tru the bottom!

Canna coco chart...(pdf)

Core, i agree with the lowered cannazyme dosage, i fed yesterday with no zyme. that chart says canna but i dont believe its the right one for the coco line. or its a pretty old feed chart.
bobblehead, thanks thats a really good link. i agree with the watering once a day. i also agree with the 500 ppm, although my starting water ppm is 420 from the tap.
i will flush today and take the ppm of the runoff. thanks for the input everyone!!!
Doh, starting water of 420 ppm, I totally missed that. WOW, good catch. Then a total ppm of 400-500 isn't going to work. Maybe 200-250 ppm above the starting point for a few days?

That seems like a high ppm for tap water. There might be a lot of salts in that 420 ppm that are contributing to the problem. I haven't dealt with high ppm tap water, but I'm sure there is some more info around here on it.

The culprit might be that tap water.
My tap water is about 40 ppm, so I'm a rare lucky one to have it be that clean. I think the normal range for tap water is 150-250 ppm. I don't know what I'd do if I had to start out with ppm that high, to be honest. I see lots of people using reverse osmosis RO water filters for their bad water, so I might start there. Can't imagine buying that much water.

No I'm using CNS17 right now with a little Liquid Karma, and I might switch to Pure Blend Pro bloom soil formula to finish flowering. I wanted a coco specific nute and that is what the local shop had. I like what I hear about canna though. Wish they had that too cause I would've bought it that day for sure.

I'm watering with 600-700 ppm right now 19 days into flower with bushy 40" tall plants. My strains are low nute strains also. But almost all of that 700 ppm is nutes. For you it would mostly be stuff from the tap water.


I don't have experience with the nutes you are using so I can't comment on the dosage but you are definitely depriving your plants of food if you are only watering it every 4 days. It's true, letting coco dry out a bit will promote root growth (especially true early in veg) but judging from your pictures you are letting it dry out way too much. Never let it dry out to the degree of soil, drying in coco means still moist to the touch and not completely saturated. Judging from the size of your plants and the size of your container, you should be watering it every 2 days. Remember, never ever let the top dry out.
tested tap water again today and its 430ppm/0.9 EC and 5.8 pH
i also flushed and the end of the runoff tested at 1050-1360ppm/2.1-2.8 EC and 5.6-5.8......the ranges are due to testing a few plants not just one. i believe the high pH and EC from runoff is due to not having much runoff during feedings. the plants are looking better today and will get a feeding of 8 mL / GAL coco A&B, 6 mL / GAL Rhizotonic. yesterdays feeding was about 900 ppm which is kinda high.