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MMMM .... Cookie dough!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I think I'm pregnant. (Is the $1,000,000 reward still out there?) Normally, I'm not big on desserts but, woke up this morning with an uncontrollable urge for raw cookie dough. I can't even blame weed, I'm straight as a ruler right now.

So I made my dough, had a cookies worth, maybe two and the urge is filled. That was fast. Now I've a bowl of cookie dough just staring at me ... Guess I'll roll it up into a log and freeze it for next time.

Anyone else like their cookies raw?


lol horror, oh man, your funny shit sometimes man

Yah cookie dough is amazing, but i usually puke after eating the roll.


Active member
I have a fresh batch of ganja oatmeal raisin cookies. The raw dough just isn't the same..
MMMM love cookie dough and raw cake mix too (any raw mix like brownies too)... but I may have you beat on weirdness...

I love to eat boxes of jello with a chopstick (just the raw flavored sugar). :D :D


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Aw, @#$%*! Now I have to get cake mix! I don't think I've ever made one and Mom checked out so long ago ... I'd completely forgotten. That stuff was good.

I love to eat boxes of jello with a chopstick (just the raw flavored sugar). :D :D

Well that's just sick (Just jokin' :friends:)

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