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Cannabis and psychosis



Just what is the deal here I figure bullshit. Based on knowing people that have smoked way more are way older and have done more drugs than weed. And are not crazy or psychotic.

But I'm looking for some sources to convince non cannabis people
I hear that the risk of psychosis is realy low so that a 40 percent increase cannabis users would be like 2 out of 10 crazy people smoked pot or something but I need actual figures.

Plus there would be like a stupid amount of hippies in mental wards (I know there is allot but seriously half of them are still on this site.:laughing:

Sources please
p.s. this thread will serve further use for anyone in need of convincing others.


If only that guy had posted the figures for the risks.


18 and Doh!
Weed will not cause psychosis but will bring it out in people who have it in their genetic makeup who may have gone their whole life without reliezing they have it.

Say a certain % of people have schizophrenia in their genetics, only a certain number of that % will ever experience an episode or the symptoms, but if they all smoked weed they'd all definitiely experience the symptoms.
Exactly what you said about people you know smoking who are not psychotic.... Well, look at the world over? Billions of people smoke pot, but yet there is no rampant psychosis. Such arguments are of course bullshit. The studies they came out with previously claiming such were wrong and later disproved. The truth was that in persons already schizophrenic or prone to psychosis, cannabis can possibly raise the risk of some symptoms occurring. But you'll never hear that in the media.


Exactly what you said about people you know smoking who are not psychotic.... Well, look at the world over? Billions of people smoke pot, but yet there is no rampant psychosis. Such arguments are of course bullshit. The studies they came out with previously claiming such were wrong and later disproved. The truth was that in persons already schizophrenic or prone to psychosis, cannabis can possibly raise the risk of some symptoms occurring. But you'll never hear that in the media.

Found the link its nice and coherent
now they are educated and can make there own decision.

I lol'd when I saw the symptoms (stereotypical paranoid pothead here)
I got em all but this sums up what I was thinking nicely

Consider: Someone using a substance that is both illegal and socially frowned-upon almost by definition has "ideas or beliefs that others do not share." This is not a sign of mental illness. It's a sign of a rational person realistically assessing his or her situation.


Eugene Oregon
Weed will not cause psychosis but will bring it out in people who have it in their genetic makeup who may have gone their whole life without reliezing they have it.

Say a certain % of people have schizophrenia in their genetics, only a certain number of that % will ever experience an episode or the symptoms, but if they all smoked weed they'd all definitiely experience the symptoms.

Best answer so far, I myself am not crazy.
In my family though there is brain chemistry that makes it so just in general and mostly or when I smoke sometimes I get panic or anxiety attacks.

Its all chemistry and marijuana can for sure make your feelings enhanced so it can sometimes bring anxiety or make you panic.


18 and Doh!
Best answer so far, I myself am not crazy.
In my family though there is brain chemistry that makes it so just in general and mostly or when I smoke sometimes I get panic or anxiety attacks.

Its all chemistry and marijuana can for sure make your feelings enhanced so it can sometimes bring anxiety or make you panic.

Exactly, marijuana is like any prescription drug. Certain people may experience certain side-effects and some won't.


Exactly, marijuana is like any prescription drug. Certain people may experience certain side-effects and some won't.


I have seen this happen wiht several ppl wiht a disposition for schitzophrenia

I like to use the insulin analogy wiht weed to the non smoking conservatives who argue its benefits

insulin saves the lives of diabetics but it can be harmfull to deadly if you inject it and your not diabetic

MJ has suh a low LD that it can be used with little negative side effects regardless

i think certain strains really excentuate the psychosis and others actually supress it but thats a whole nother thread

Bumble Buddy

Active member
As much as I enjoy it personally, cannabis is not for everyone. I have seen several more or less well adjusted people suffer significant psychotic symptoms secondary to smoking pot.


Lammen Gorthaur
I'm in the senior housing business - specifically, the care of demented seniors. In years gone past, our case load was mainly people suffering from dementia due to Alzheimer's Disease (or a related dementing disorder).

Today, the majority of cases are drug-related dementia.


Active member
I feel pretty crazy sometimes

not a lot of people have an idea, you can tell i'm not well with myself though
it's like the head is working by itself

and sometimes it's like I just can't shut it down

it'S like hell

some weed helps
some weed does not

habitual smoking unbalances me
I got to take another break and not exceed


Freedom Fighter
If it was a cause, I don't think the American Psychiatric Association would be endorsing it--

Tim King Salem-News.com
A major move by one of the nation's top medical groups, they are backing medical marijuana and they want the federal government to leave doctors alone.

Courtesy: Marijuana Policy Project

(WASHINGTON, D.C. ) - In a unanimous vote, the Assembly of the American Psychiatric Association has approved a strongly worded statement supporting legal protection for patients using medical marijuana with their doctor's recommendation.

"This is a very large and important medical organization, it isn't some fringe group," said Bruce Mirken from the Marijuana Policy Project.

He told Salem-News.com, "This move debunks a lot of the nonsense from some of the anti-medical marijuana groups. They have been aggressively using false information tactics. These groups allege that there are various links between mental illness and marijuana, ignoring the fact that it is well documented that medical marijuana can be therapeutic".

The APA action paper, which must be approved by the APA Board of Trustees when it meets in December, notes that 12 states now have medical marijuana laws, and states, "The threat of arrest by federal agents, however, still exists. Seriously ill patients living in these states with medical marijuana recommendations from their doctors should not be subjected to the threat of punitive federal prosecution for merely attempting to alleviate the chronic pain, side effects, or symptoms associated with their conditions or resulting from their overall treatment regimens. ... [We] support protection for patients and physicians participating in state approved medical marijuana programs."

This is not the first, but the second action paper calling on the government to facilitate "well-designed clinical research into the medical utility of marijuana" were adopted Saturday with no dissenting votes by the APA Assembly, which represents the group's 74 district branches and 16 allied professional organizations.

"This vote is a landmark, and a proud day for our profession." said Abraham L. Halpern, M.D., professor emeritus of psychiatry at New York Medical College and past president of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. "As physicians, we cannot abide our patients being subject to arrest and jail for using a physician-recommended treatment that clearly relieves suffering for many who are not helped by conventional treatments."

"This unanimous vote shows the growing acceptance of medical marijuana by organized medicine," said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project in Washington, D.C. "Members of Congress who have opposed efforts to protect patients from federal prosecution have tried to portray medical marijuana as a fringe issue. But the APA Assembly vote, along with other recent endorsements including the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, shows that it's those who want to arrest the sick and suffering who are on the fringe."

With 40,000 members and 16 allied organizations (including the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, American Association for Social Psychiatry, American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, and the American Association of Emergency Psychiatrists), the American Psychiatric Association is the main professional organization for psychiatrists in the United States.

Mirken says the the Assembly of the American Psychiatric Association's trustees will vote on the matter in December.

With more than 23,000 members and 100,000 e-mail subscribers nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP believes that the best way to minimize the harm associated with marijuana is to regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol. For more information, please visit MarijuanaPolicy.org.



Active member
Just what psychotic symptoms are we talking about here?

Cause psychotic symptoms are more or less just really weird things someone does.

I do allot of weird shit

Fuck a minute ago I was in my backyard trying to fly a kite with a fishing pole.
Did it look/sound crazy yea but was it actually crazy hell no. Soon as I get that thing to work I'm a be flyin high (pun intended:laughing:)

haha, i rememeber doing that with my dad back in the day... I don't think its considered weird or crazy behavior though.
CBD, it has anti-psychotic effects! So a total couch lock indica is a good choice if you are prone or in a period of having psychosis.

A sativa is a bad choice if this is a problem area for people, even if people never really thought they had issues. I have no idea how CBD effects the nervous system to block actions that psychosis is associated with. Glutimate seems to have a lot of promise to researchers, so I'm not really going to guess. But people do like to smoke cannabis when using 5HT2a agonist (hallucinogens, not dissociative) and different neurochemicals and receptors sites interact so I'm not going to guess but it's around these things.

I know it's a tad rude, but here is a copy and past:

A single 10-milligram dose of nonpsychoactive CBD for a one-kg rat actually increased the density of receptor sites by 13% and 19% in two key areas of the brain: the medial septum/diagonal band region and the lateral caudate/putamen - both motor-control areas.

A single 10-mg dose of delta-9 THC had no change on receptor-site density.

A lot of people would wonder why someone would use the whole herb with THC (that can increase anxiety and some psychotic features, sometimes interesting ones sometimes frightening) to get the CBD effects. Well, I feel nature has ways of guiding us that can be misleading. But I don't need to preach to a choir and I think I said enough.


stoned agin ...
personal experience or experiences related by close friend: had an ex that used to smoke a LOT with her old man from years before. she smoke fine for months, couple years, then said she hit a huge funk, couldn't ditch it, 'til she quit smoking. interesting, thought of it when reading the thread, her brother was clinically schizophrenic, it came out after we were together.


Outside World.

Outside World.

When you smoke so much that reality drifts in and out, that`s the point where One feels a little crazy and on the verge of losing it.
That`s where i want to be.
I want to be here at the end.


Active member
soooo the notion that we are just animals floating around space on a rock does not push towards psychosis anyways?? lol must not be giving it to much thought....i'd rather go through it with cannabis to be honest with ya...:joint:


Check out Syd Barrett from Pink Floyd, most will say it was a combination of fame stress and LSD but even though he did do a lot of dose, the band said he was really effected by marijuana the most..hmmmmmm:abduct:


Originally Posted by Bumble Buddy View Post
As much as I enjoy it personally, cannabis is not for everyone. I have seen several more or less well adjusted people suffer significant psychotic symptoms secondary to smoking pot.

Ogkushowns, I disagree once again. Paranoia and feeling psychotic etc IMVHO has to do with the way society demonizes the herb.

YOU WANT TO SEE PSYCHOTIC WEIRD BEHAVIOR? SMOKE SALVIA, that shitty legal herb that makes people dillusional and want to jump out of balconies and shit..

Herb is not for everyone, and if someone has a congenital brain disturbance, they should be medicated with appropraite meds, and if herb doesn't help them , thenm it's not for them, simple...

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