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OG bub

ICMag Donor
cool slips bro, Ill be stopping thru to see more.
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Been very active lately, please pm me for spelling issues etc. I am about to start making stickers and plastering the world with www.cannabiscurescancer.org flyers some times education is the only way to win some wars.

And Growing more pot;

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bageled j

looking good bro.those stickers u gave me have gone up all over the place in my neck of the woods.have gotten thumbs up when puttin em up.hope u feel better bud.stay up


Nice man, I wish there was some way I could help you. Your hard work will help so many years down the road. You maybe in the history books one day. my hats off to you man. peace


Kinda Of found this interesting today, maybe we should volunteer :)


The major active component of the medicinal plant cannabis, Δ9-THC, has been shown in experiments with rats to have therapeutic potential against brain tumors. SETH Group scientists Garret Yount, Ph.D. and Sean McAllister, Ph.D. designed experiments in a time-lapse microscope to test whether Δ9-THC can stop the growth of human glioblastoma multiforma (GBM) brain cancer cells. Using the same tests that are used to judge new chemotherapies, the team discovered that the herbal compound kills human GBM cells at a concentration that is nontoxic to normal brain cells. http://www.sethgroup.org/featured_experiment.html

Email [email protected]
Phone 415.706.8021
The SETH Group
2443 Fillmore Street #288 San Francisco, California 94115

If you would like to support The SETH Group's research programs by volunteering your time and talents please email [email protected]


Today, MPP-sponsored legislation that would direct California's state and local law enforcement agencies not to assist in federal raids on medical marijuana patients and their caregivers made significant progress in the state legislature. In a 9-7 vote, the Committee on Appropriations approved A.B. 2743, sending it to the floor for a final vote of the entire state Assembly.

Please help us pass this important bill by e-mailing your state Assembly member today.

Taking action is easy. Just visit MPP's action page, enter your information, and send an e-mail to your legislator. If you are a patient or medical professional, please modify the message to include that information.

If approved, A.B. 2743 — authored by Assembly Member Lori Saldaña (D-San Diego) — will dramatically improve protections for California's medical marijuana patients and providers.

Most federal raids on California's medical marijuana facilities rely on significant help from local law enforcement agencies; in many cases, local agents have even asked federal agents to raid patients and providers. A.B. 2743 will create a policy of respecting the state's protections for medical marijuana patients and their providers.

Passage of this landmark bill will not be possible without your participation. Making contact with state policy-makers is one of the most effective ways to help change the laws.

Thank you for taking action to support our state's right to self-determination and safe access to medical marijuana for seriously ill and injured patients.

According to our records, you are not yet signed up for MPP’s California e-mail alerts. Please consider subscribing now so that you can keep abreast of the progress of this bill and our other efforts in California.

To sign up for state-specific alerts, click here, fill out the required fields, and make sure that you select the option for California alerts. You can also simply reply to this e-mail with "subscribe" in the body.

Please don't forget to forward this message on to friends, family, and co-workers in California, so that they too can take action.


Aaron Smith
California Organizer
Marijuana Policy Project


Bong Smoking News Hound
Way WOW!~~~ Everyone needs to do there part in this. ASA has done so many wonderful things for California. We really do owe them a lot. Hell yeah ASA! Way to get um.

Thanks for the post bro. Keeping us updated. Love your site too. Freaking wealth of information. Enjoying watching it unfold.

Take Care,


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