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Bend over, it's time to get high. The low down on Cannabis suppositories.


Active member
Hi everyone, I thought Id share a few links of interest.

The first one go to the UNC school of pharmacy compounding lab: preparation of suppositories. Lots of good info, including labs and vids.


As for the second link, they carry suppository molds. I can not vouch for them and it might be possible there are cheaper suppliers out there. This one go to the suppository page in the webshop:


All the best,


Active member
From: "tod mikuriya" <[email protected]>
To: rsteeb
Subject: IACM Meeting in Cologne
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 20:47:55 -0700

Dear Rick,

First, let me say that I enjoy your travel programs, second, your
continuing support of the medical cannabis efforts.

I just returned from the two day conference of the International
Association of Cannabis as Medicine at the University of Cologne with
physicians and scientists. It is frustrating to watch the advancements
in research on cannabis and cannabinoids taking place that we here in
the USA can only dream of. The dark ages of medicine and science
imposed by the American disease, prohibitionism is painfully apparent.

In the UK clinical research into pain management continues- neurologist
Willie Nottcut, M.D., chronic severe pain, anesthesiologist Anita
Holdcroft, M.D. , post operative pain and neuro protection with major
surgery. Rafael Mechoulam, PhD presented some animal data on
anandamide's stimulation of bone repair.

Vincenzo DiMarzo, Salerno, Italy presented a paper on possible use of a
variety of cannabinoid homologs on cancer stasis and prevention of

The Dutch pharmacy distribution plan has begun. Crude cannabis,
supplied by licensed contractors is sold to pharmacies by the
government cannabis office.

Exhibits were from:
Markus Storz, manufacturer of the Volcano vaporizer.
http://www.storz-bickel.de/en_betrieb.htm Unveiled an adapter for
tincture administration of herbal preparations.
Delta 9 Pharma (subsidiary of Bionorica) Dronabinol tinctures and
capsules. Big OTC herbal manufacturer subsidiary.
THC Pharm THC manufactured from CBD in hemp plants- Niche market for
pharmacy supplier. 3 person company

Sponsors of the conference:
Bayer plc (Sativex)
Delta 9 Pharma (dronabinol)
GW Pharmaceuticals (Sativex)
Solvay Healthcare (Marinol)
THC Pharm (dronabinol)

California was well represented by Dale Gieringer who presented results
of research on vaporizers and comparison of vapor with smoke from
cannabis using GLC, MS that demonstrated absence of carcinogens or
An application for FDA approval for the Volcano as a medical device is
in the works.
Donald Abrams at UCSF presented results of his use of smoked cannabis
for control of neuropathic pain. Application for use of the vaporizer
as part of future designs.

Ethan Russo presented a study on night vision with Moroccan males
smoking their kif-tobacco. It helped slightly.

Tourette's syndrome continues to be successfully treated and Parkinsons
disease as well.

A randomized double-blind trial of THC at the 2.5mg/day range was
ineffectual on appetite stimulation in 243 advanced cancer patients.
How the fixcd subtherapeutic dose was arrived at was the triumph of the
"we can't be too careful" bureaucratic school of pharmacology.

Mahmoud El Sohly presented a paper on rectal suppository delivery
system of THC he characterized as a smoother and longer lasting curve
of bioavailability compared with oral.

The conference had a mix of basic science research, clinical trials,
applied research, and observational studies.

There was no presence of US government like NIDA or NIH. The conference
was able to focus on clinical and scientific issues without the
censorship or taint of bias.

Notwithstanding, I believe it possible to move foreward here in
California with clinicians working on similar problems. At the first
IACM meeting I proposed an international data base of conditions, and
presented the CCRMG draft common face sheet to principals in the
organization for this purpose.

Guest 26753

Thank you all for embracing this thread. I know it is an usual mode of delivery of the medicine, but it does have a vital role in a clinician's armoury.


Active member
Mahmoud El Sohly presented a paper on rectal suppository delivery
system of THC he characterized as a smoother and longer lasting curve
of bioavailability compared with oral.

Hi rsteeb!
I have El Sohly's book "Marijuana and the Cannabinoids - Forensic Science and Medicine". There are numerous authors writing in the different chapters. El Sohly himself seem to be concerned formost with the topic of chemical fingerprinting as a source-type analysis tool of LEO. However, here is an excerpt from one of the other chapters in his book (author Richard E. Musty):

Brenneisen et al. (21) administered multiple does of either THC capsules (Marinol®) or THC hemisuccinate suppositories at 24-hour intervals to two patients who had spasticity due to organic damage. They found that the oral bioavailability was 45–53% compared with the rectal route of administration, because the oral route involves less absorption and higher first-pass metabolism. Both patients experienced lower pain (self-rated) and decreased spasticity and rigidity as measured by the Ashworth Scale and walking ability. Passive mobility also improved. Using physiological and psychological testing, no differences were found in cardiovascular functioning, ability to concentrate, or mood. Finally, the comparative effectiveness of the oral form of administration was 25–50% of the rectal route.

Although our interrest is in the herbal product and derivates therof, this is useful information regarding dosage in the production of cannabis suppositories. An extract can be made directly to a suppository base, or combined with a base after extraction with a solvent. This gives the option of isomerization of CBD to THC prior of adding the extract to the base, although it is possible that CBD might be desirable as a component of a suppositoy as well.


Active member
Hi rsteeb!
I have El Sohly's book "Marijuana and the Cannabinoids - Forensic Science and Medicine". There are numerous authors writing in the different chapters. El Sohly himself seem to be concerned formost with the topic of chemical fingerprinting as a source-type analysis tool of LEO. However, here is an excerpt from one of the other chapters in his book (author Richard E. Musty):

Yikes, that's a pricey book!


Well i congratulate you for being such a brave man and sticking something in your buddies rear when he needed it most. I think the only person i could do that to would be my g/f.

Guest 26753

^It is a very intimate act when medicating with suppositories. I can tell you from personal experience that trust and empathy are critical in medicating this way. The dying process is an ugly business and care must be taken to not degrade the patient needlessly in the process. Near death, patients feel fear, despair and anguish, as everything vital about their life and dignity slips away. It is so important to do this process with a degree of humanity, and of course humour if the situation is right.
I want to stress the role cannabis plays in the dying experience. It truly does alleviate the nastiness as the end nears.
I am proud to have been there for my mate, and I know in my heart that my actions helped guide him to the angels who were calling him.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
All I can think of now for some reason is "new really wierd porn to look at"

"I got jokes, and jokes, and jokes, and jokes, and spegetti spegetti spegetti spegetti." dave cheppel (I think i misspelled his name.)

But on the serious side, i wonder if this could help ease the pain of prostate cancer, or enlarged prostates?

Guest 26753

But on the serious side, i wonder if this could help ease the pain of prostate cancer, or enlarged prostates?
It is a resounding "YES" to easing pain from prostate cancer! Cannabis has been proven to be a very effective pain killer. Time to bend over mate.
Seriously though, this is a very efficacious way of medicating for folks with severe illnesses.



for real guys, are we that desperate to get super high??? I didn't bother reading a lot of this, cuz, the fact is I wouldn't ever stick a fucking pill up my ass to get high. No thanks.

Guest 26753

Then what are you doing wasting your fucking time in the medical marijuana sub-forum? This is all part of what medicinal cannabis is about - helping sick folks!!!!!!!!
You think we do this for fun. Get real mate!!!!! These are used for folks WITH FUCKING CANCER WHO CANNOT SMOKE OR SWALLOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe if you got off yer lazy ass and read the damn thread before you make a fucking glib post. Idiots like you make me so fucking angry!!


at least I stated that I didn't?
I didn't bother reading a lot of this

Sorry? lol, you must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed sir!

Guest 26753

No mate, it's ignorant and rude to lob in on a serious thread/issue and make a smart ass comment when you have no idea what the thread is about, because you are too damn lazy to read what is going on. Why make a dumb comment just for the hell of it. Go figure! I call that the action of an idiot!


Now, are you fucking man enough to go and apologise. I do not give a fuck if you want to post this pm, but god dammit, I will not back down you prick!
