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How many watts can be run in So Cal safely?

I wanna run 2 1k's and 2 600's to keep a continuous veg and flower going and I was wondering if something like that would be a huge dent in the light bill that could lead to trouble? I am a medical patient and will be within the limits of 6 flowering per person and all, because theres only going to be 6 per light, and only 2 are flowering. The 600's will be on 20/4 waiting to get nice and ready for the others to finish flowering so they can move in. So would something like this be too much? Im figuring in LA its gotta be around 350 bucks or so to run 2 1k's 12/12 and 2 600's 20/4 ATLEAST am I right? Can anyone throw in some input?!? THANKS!


Active member
If your a med patient...don't worry about it, esp if your at or under limits.

Thats not allot of watts for a house, even considering the fans and other stuff you will need.

I bet its around $200 in usage a month.

theres only going to be 6 per light, and only 2 are flowering. The 600's will be on 20/4 waiting to get nice and ready for the others to finish flowering so they can move in.

Help me understand...."6 per light" do you mean in veg? If so, thats 12 so your at your limit...not to mention a single 600MH would be just fine for this.

"and only 2 in flowering" so your only going to have 2 flower at a time...under 2k?


Active member
VTA? 200 a month for 3200w. Are you crazy. The cost per Kilowatt hour here in Cali is very expensive. I guess that is around 350 a month.


Active member
lol...well I am in socal...our setup is just under 4k total. We had to stop for a little over a month and the bill went from around 500 to just below 200...so thats why I said around 200.
Thats what I was guestimating in cost in cali. A buddy of mine has a 600 for flowering and a 400 mg for veg, so his 600 is on 12/12 allll the time, and his 400 is on 18/6 all the time, his house bill's usually 100 bucks or so and its just about 300 now. Around 290. So I dont know what the average cost is down in LA for Ed or the DWP.......but anyways back to my subject I have 2 1k's that are going to be on 12/12 with 6 plants under each. So there will be 12 in the flower chamber all together. While those are flowering, the cuts I took off them are in the veg room vegging where I have 2 600 watt lights. Their all Digi's, but I was thinking with the 2 x 600's on at 20/4 and the 2 x 1ks at 12/12 at the same time will throw the KW per hour way up there, and was wondering if this is too much or if its considered in kinda a safe zone?
So you understand the plants, theres going to literally be 6 under each light, so 12 in flower, and 12 in veg....know what I mean? I have a 4x4@8ft cab that I can keep the plants in but 12 plants are gonna get pretty crowded in a little 4x4 area like that, so I figure I need another cab thats 4x4 and thats where the second 600 watts going to be hooked up. I figured I will take my new cuttings when the flower room finishes up and the veg room gets moved to flower. This way the cycle never stops, and I dont have to keep any mommas around cause I can just take new cuttings everytime I finish flowering because the veg rooms going to open right back up.
So I have went over the area I have and amount of plants I have with the amount of time I have to veg, and I have been reccomeneded by everyone I have talked to that with 12 plants to veg for 8-9 weeks, Im def gonna need another 4x4 area. I was wondering if # of plants actually mattered though too under lights. It seems a 4x4 is not gonna hold 12 plants from baby cutting to ready to flip to flower in 8-9 weeks....they seem they would just be tooooooo big....but what about doing 4 plants under each light, or 5 under each light? Would 10 plants be able to fit ok in a 4x4 area for 8-9 weeks without getting crowded or would I need to keep 2 4x4 rooms for my 2 x 600 watt lights? I used to do 4 plants per 1k in hydro, and used to get just over a LB about 17-19 OZ's per light, but I know this is WAY different. I just wanna be able to stay within the safe zone, to where I wont have to worrie about the amount of power Im using getting me in trouble. God knows WE as growers have to WORRIE about everything else as is, and I just dont wanna get my self into hot water guys. Anyways I really appreciate the input....Im just worried because of how many hours a day all that juice will be pulled yah know? So I will be OKAY? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP GUYS......VERY VERY PARANOID GUY!


The rule of thumb is 1k watts per bedroom. so 3200k would work in a 3-4 bedroom I wouldn't chance it in a two. I ONLY use a 400 w light, no veg room no nothing else as far as lights. I have two fans plus and inline and a few other things and my bill is $100. Granted I don't live in socal, but I would guess your bill is gong to be around $400 when all is said and done give or take and that for a 3-4 bedroom house is pretty good, maybe a bit high, I have read about a 3 bedroom house being under suspicion for a bill that was I think $340. Keep it around/under 300 and you should def be under the radar. 6 plants under a 1k seems a bit skimp I would cut your veg time down if you can and try to fit 8-10 under there should work real niceley. As stated don't go over your limit though.
So the 3200 plus the fans and stuff might be a little much huh? So how could I keep a good crop going, basically because if all Im gonna have going is my flower chamber, which would be 2 1k's.....how would I keep a mother healthy, so I could take new cuts when the flowering is finished? Im wondering if keeping a mother or two under a T5 would be enough, but how high could they be vegged to, and how could they be kept healthy for cuts every 2 months? Maybe keep the 2 1k's and keep 1 600 in the 4x4 space....and take cuts 4 weeks into flower so their not over grown and crowded in the 4x4 and ready to go into the flower chamber, but not all huge and over grown. Basically a good 4 weeks maybe 5 under a 600 watt should get them to be at least a good 12-16'' but would 12 fill up a 4x4 that tall?