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well, my lil bro got busted today.


well I live in michigan and my little bro got busted today

he's 17 bout to be charged as an adult for posession of paraphernalia.
no priors except he's been arrested once before for being out past curfew.
he tried to crotch the pipe, and it fell out.

he was in a car with two friends, one 16 and the other 18 and there was two open beers as well, but no MIP charge

I was wondering, whats gonna happen here? couple months probo? or anything worse?


well I live in michigan and my little bro got busted today

he's 17 bout to be charged as an adult for posession of paraphernalia.
no priors except he's been arrested once before for being out past curfew.
he tried to crotch the pipe, and it fell out.

he was in a car with two friends, one 16 and the other 18 and there was two open beers as well, but no MIP charge

I was wondering, whats gonna happen here? couple months probo? or anything worse?


But I am sure it depends more on judge. First offense will net him a lesser sentence I bet too as long as he has no other priors.

The penalty for the use of marijuana is up to 90 days in jail and a fine of up to $100.

Possession of marijuana in any amount is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,000, unless the possession occurred in a public or private park, which increases the penalty to a possible 2 years in prison.

Conditional discharge is available in all use and possession cases.

Distribution of marijuana without remuneration is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. For cultivation of less than 20 plants or sale of less than 5 kilograms, the punishment is up to four years in jail and a fine of up to $20,000. For cultivation of 20 or more plants or sale of 5 kilograms or more, the punishment is up to seven years in prison and a fine up to $500,000. Cultivation of 200 or more plants or sale of 45 kilograms or more is punishable by up to 15 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000,000.

The sale of paraphernalia is punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a fine of up to $5,000. The arrest for sale of paraphernalia is preceded by a cease and desist order, and if the order is complied with, it is a complete defense to the charges.

Ann Arbor: The penalty for being caught with marijuana is $25.00 USD for the first offense, $50.00 for the second and $100.00 for the third or subsequent offense (and no incarceration or probation). However, laws do not apply on university property i.e. the dorms; the university has a much more strict policy on possession and/or use.


When I got my DUI way back when I had two glass bowls...

One in each cup holder....LOL!


Its a ticket in my neck of the woods. I did get stoped one time and the cop asked me if he could search my ride. So i let him and he found a pack of zig-zags in the glove box. Wrote me a ticket for paraphernalia. No pot at all nothing. SOB was looking hard to for stems seeds spillings ect on the floor......NO POT means the papers could be for rolling cigs i guess. Dick still wrote me a ticket for paraphernalia so i got my ass a lawyer and went to court.....Did not have to say a fucking word or be in the court room for less then 15min. Dismissed! Waved by to mr. piggy and drove the fuck off. Hate the fact that stupid shit like this goes on. Just another way the fucking local cops stay funded. Shit heads. I feel for your bro man hope all turns out well for him. Or as good as it can. Get a lawyer is my advice. Sure you guys have that covered. BamBam


New member
Almost everyone gets busted once. One time i got caught with a small amount and a dugout while i was on probation. I thought i was screwed, but the cop decided to only give me a disorderly conduct, and my p.o never did a damn thing about it.:woohoo:
So i guess what im saying is tell your bro to jus hope for the best. Thats what i did.
Wait what? You can get arrested for being outdoors in a curfew?

Where and why do you have curfews?

P.S. If it's china made glass, he should have ground the glass into the asphalt with his heel over and over again, can't bust you for glass particles.


New member
ya.. thats fuckin rediculous. if he got charged with just a pipe, prolly nuthing. a slap on tha wrist. sumtimes it helps when ur honest..


ya.. thats fuckin rediculous. if he got charged with just a pipe, prolly nuthing. a slap on tha wrist. sumtimes it helps when ur honest..

honesty saved my ass when i got popped. was waiting on a friend, cop rolled up, asked if there was anything in the car, i told him about the tray with a grinder and a little pot under my seat and he went ahead and searched. found a bong in my friends backpack which i didnt know about. had to break the bong and get rid of the grinder. let me off solely on my honesty. said if i had lied i would've gone to jail.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
let me off solely on my honesty. said if i had lied i would've gone to jail.


I would like to know ANY cop who has the ability to prosecute you and put you in jail for anything. I love hearing them say the "can I search your car, better be honest with me or I will throw the book at you"

as if they had that power,

if they ask to search tell them NO. Why make their job EASIER to bust you?

What reason did they have to search ANYTHING? probable cause???

He let you off because he can't do a damn thing to you, hes a beat cop, ticket writing at best and odds are if it went to court not a damn thing would happen to you.

They play that fear card with you.

You have the right to say NO, and what right is it for a cop to be nicer to you or to be leanient on you because you "worked with him". That is playing favorites and could end up getting him in trouble. I don't buy that, be nice and I will bullshit. If a crime happened then it should be an equal punishment no matter how rude, nice, friendly or SILENT you are.

Over in my neck of the woods we had cops raid a party of ours, well I consider it raid because within 2 seconds we had cops hopping our fence, pounding on the front door and separating us a.s.a.p.

they found weed, blew it off the table and asked if we had anymore, we of course said no, they send the under 18's home and left us to enjoy the rest of our stash....

Who hasn't heard that

"Come on, be straight with me now and it will go easier on you later"

name me any cop who tried to HELP you in court????? if they did then what the hell was the point in them trying to bust you in the first place.

judge: "did he have drugs"
cop: "yes but he was really nice"
judge: " well since he was nice, we should let him go"

yeah right


Medmaker420 i agree w/you. Every once in awile you may get a cop who will not arrest you for a dime or a bowl, but they are few and far between. Its better to not consent to any search and not say a word. If they find anything after you have not givein consent to search they are going to have to show probabile cause in court. I know somebody that got caught with a quater pound in the trunk and a digital scale and had the whole case thrown out of court for an illeal search. He got pulled over b/c he had his college parking pass hanging from his rear view mirror. The cop tried to say he had probable cause to search the car because he couldn't understand what my friend was saying (hes from Sicily and speaks broken english). Also b/c he had a temporary VISA and was acting suspicious. My friends lawyer slammed the judge with an illegal search due to racial profileing (yes racial profileing..) After that the officer changed up his story and said he smelled marijuana, but it was already to late. There was no reason for the officer to be going through the trunk period. Moral of the story is just shut up and have a lawyer already in mind always. My friend was sooo afraid of getting deported that he never admitted his guilt. He called a friend who called a lawyer on his behalf paid the bail and fought the case. Initially he was offered a plea by the prosecuter, but he lawyer was so confident he could win the case they took it to trial.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
The hanging stuff from a mirror is a common trick as well. I had my truck searched due to my "bad cop no donut" air freshener hanging from my rear view. Well actually I got pulled over the "obstruction" but then searched due to my buddy having a prior and being able to be searched upon request. Either way, they will try and find any "in" and once they get it they will take their time trying hard to find SOMETHING so it was worth their time.

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