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an alternative approach to dry sifting



I know we often focus on purity in this Hashish forum ...but here's an alternative method of "hashing" that is the opposite of very pure hash that bubbles.

Here's a "method" of processing bud with maximum quantity in mind, one that I haven't seen posted online before. I do it sometimes.

This simple method is a cross between hash and bud, basically it's a mixture of resin heads and particles of bud. It is stronger than bud as there is a much higher percentage of trichomes, much cleaner for your lungs to inhale as approximately 75% of the non-active plant matter is removed and you can yield alot more quantity than the usual hash making techniques which makes it seem to last longer.

The best part is you are removing 75% of the plant matter while reaping just about all of the available trichomes on the starting material, but also, there is alot more broken up plant matter, which is not that bad as it sounds as it's almost all bud anyway!

and it's fast too...you can process lots of bud in a shorter amount of time, but I usually produce enough so it lasts for only 4 or 5 days...I would think if you wanted to process more than a week's worth of smoke, then keeping the mixture packed full in a sealed glass container in a cool, dry and dark place would be a good idea.

I smoke mostly in a long thin wooden pipe, a one hitter.. so this mixture of bud and resin is a nice smoke for me some of the time..it makes a little go a long way..one pipe full is enough every now and then..but to get a similar level of high I would have to smoke lots of bowls of bud which stinks out the room, the house and the neigborhood .

this method is not for everyone, but every so often when trying out new ferts or methods, we can harvest a plant and it's buds taste like kack, do this method and it smokes much better...do this on buds that are a little low in potency, harsh or grown poorly too...or just try it on your own good buds as an alternative way to process and smoke your medical cannabis.

here's how. Ii's simple, aggressively work all the bud through a 100 mesh screen. The yield will be 15% and 25% depending on the material, the mesh and your technique. You can also use 80 mesh or 110 depending on the starting material....with coarse meshes use a gentler action, with finer meshes be more aggressive...even a very fine steel mesh (chef's) strainer will work adequately for this method ..actually I saw a very fine metal mesh in the kitchen section of Ikea the other day that would be perfect, Asian food stores sometimes sell them as do kitchen supply outlets...but use a 100 mesh for better results.

Use untrimmed bud. I usually break off all the fan leaves at harvest, hang then when almost dry I scissor off the other larger leaves. Leave the smaller, resin encrusted leaves around the buds, these will protect the outer bud trichomes from being smudged or broken off during drying and storage...and after drying/curing I store in glass until dry sifting.

Grind down pre-frozen, aged bud and trim to a finer than rolling consistancy.

Shake, tumble, agitate, vibrate, card to work this ground up material over a 100 mesh.......if the mesh area is large enough, use your fingers tips or flat palms to gently push down and rotate the material over the screen, shake some more then repeat until all the trics have been removed. and of course, use a 30X magnifying glass to monitor your progress to let you know when to stop working the material.

Happy Hashing!


this method is not for everyone, but every so often when trying out new ferts or methods, we can harvest a plant and it's buds taste like kack, do this method and it smokes much better.

my only question is what is this kack your referring to?


i gave my friend my stashbox because i didnt need it, it was a wicca one with two types of screens. i once made an oz of hash out of a qp of jack herer with this box! great box. anyway, he uses it to sift off the majority of the awesomeness of the bud he smokes and keeps the kiff in shot glasses.

its not too hard to add the top screen stuff back to part of the bud and enjoy it that way.



A friend and I have done this before, but we run it through a normal 1 screen grinder, then run it through a 2 screen one which the first screen has smaller holes than the 1 screen grinder, and then rub it through the second screen which is the smallest, it produces ultra fine kief, even though it has a greener tint it is still amazing, tastes amazing, and gets you Blazed.
Well too bad you're wrong dkmonk. There is no green tint at all after it has been through 3 different screens.

Either there was bad lighting, or you have vision problems. It's notably a pure gold, compared to the starting material. The only thing left on top of the final screen, is the green plant material that would be in most normal kief.


Eh i noticed a green tint, maybe my memory just serves me wrong of the event, which is probably true since I was really high.


its not too hard to add the top screen stuff back to part of the bud and enjoy it that way.

don't you mean the bottom screen?..anyway it's not the same thing.

A friend and I have done this before, but we run it through a normal 1 screen grinder, then run it through a 2 screen one which the first screen has smaller holes than the 1 screen grinder, and then rub it through the second screen which is the smallest

not the same, use one mesh 80 ~ 100 mesh (roughly 140 ~ 160 micron)]

Well too bad you're wrong dkmonk. There is no green tint at all after it has been through 3 different screens.

you sound like an authority!..anyway, how would you know what color his dry sift was? lol....the fact is if the starting material is green and the material is worked aggressively then your resin will be tinted green. The green coloring comes from powdered leaf.

When dry sifting with quality in mind, the way to prevent your golden putty from being contaminated with green is to either prevent the plant matter from breaking up and becoming contaminant in the first place by using a gentle, correct technique with meshes matched to the starting material &/or separate this green powder from the resin afterwards by carding it over a mesh that is slightly finer than a majority of the resin heads.

Happy Dry Sifting


Maybe post pictures w/ a step by step of how you do this, so we can see exactly what your talking about, and what your end results looks like.
Chamba, you obviously don't know what I'm talking about. There is no green at all.

There is at first, but when you're finished, all the green material remains on the screen. I've looked at it under a microscope, and if your theory is correct, then my dry sift wouldn't melt and bubble.

There is no green tint. I believe the reason dkmonk might have saw a green tint, is because my grinder is blue. When the kief collects at the bottom, and is amazingly gold, the blue tint from the grinder might shine on it, and give it a green tint.
This simple method is a cross between hash and bud, basically it's a mixture of resin heads and particles of bud. It is stronger than bud as there is a much higher percentage of trichomes, much cleaner for your lungs to inhale as approximately 75% of the non-active plant matter is removed and you can yield alot more quantity than the usual hash making techniques which makes it seem to last longer.

How do you get your 75% figure? When you're about to smoke, most people remove the stems, and I even remove bud leafs.

I really don't see how this is any different, than taking dry weed, and crumbling it into powder. You'll still have the same amount of trichomes you started with, and the plant material doesn't disappear, it just breaks down into small particles.

I wouldn't really consider this "Hash", but more of finely ground bud.

I'm sorry if this post sounds rude, I'm not intending it to be, I just really don't see the point in this... maybe I'm misunderstanding...


How do you get your 75% figure?

it's an approximate that will vary according to your starting material, technique, meshes etc..but don't focus on the percentages, it's a simple concept : aggressive single screen dry sifted bud

When you're about to smoke, most people remove the stems, and I even remove bud leafs.

I remove stick and stem too..but I leave on the resin encrusted bud leaves for this particular method, these will add a little extra contaminant to your end result, but the protection they offer from harvest, drying, curing etc more than makes up for it and keep in mind this method is all about big, fast yields..it's a good smoke!

I really don't see how this is any different, than taking dry weed, and crumbling it into powder. You'll still have the same amount of trichomes you started with, and the plant material doesn't disappear, it just breaks down into small particles.

I wouldn't really consider this "Hash", but more of finely ground bud.

grinding up bud doesn't remove or add anything does it..so how can that be the same as separating all the resin heads (eg a total of 5% ~ 10%) as well as 15% ~ 20% of the bud from the remaining plant matter that contains very little THC (so why smoke it??)..

try comparing this rough "kif" with ground bud and you will notice the high is different...hash, even impure stuff like this, will hit you in the forehead and warm your ears while the bud it came from gets you buzzed or stoned, but on a lower level..it's not the same, this rough hash contains about 4 times more resin heads per gram than the bud it came from.

I'm sorry if this post sounds rude, I'm not intending it to be, I just really don't see the point in this... maybe I'm misunderstanding...

or maybe I'm a shitty explainer? lol!

or maybe have another read through the thread?

anyway, try this with 3 or 4 grams of bud ..what do you have to lose?, you might like processing some of your bud this way.....as it's a simple, quick way to make a cleaner and harder hitting smoke from your bud. and it smokes nice in a bowl.


Well Horror and I will be trying this maybe today, I know for sure tomorrow, but please post a step by step process w/ pics so we know exactly what to do and that way there is no confusion.

In return I'm sure I can borrow a cam and post pictures of our final product and smoke report.


wow. someone definitively thinks they know more than they actually do.

there most likely was green in your dry sift, there always will be, unless your dry sifting kief, and even then there is still a little green.

not to mention the plant matter, kief by definition is mostly plant matter, as the stalks of the trichomes are considered plant matter as well.

so by definition kief not only can contain green bits of bud or leaf but it is chock full of plant matter, even if it isnt always green.

im sure everyone who has experience with dry sift knows that some dry sift doesnt taste as good as others and could even burn differently. i attribute this to uncured terpenes and terpines in the stalk of the trichome rather than the resin gland.

also it is a fact that the longer you dry sift, a greater % of the resulting product will be little green bits. this is regardless of screen size or how many screens there are, its all a matter of time.

please everybody, dont spread rumors, if you werent there, you dont know what happened, and even if you were there its still your interpretation of events. please everybody, think before you post.

thanks, peace and love.

EDIT: also resin CAN and will cure on its own, it can double in size when you cure it in a jar. i cant imagine the taste because ive only seen pictures, i hadnt heard of this when i had resin to spare. the starting product looked like sand and the ending product was 2 or so times as much and looked crumbly like fresh brown sugar. i saw it here on ic so a little searching will confirm that.

you don't understand clide.... dkmonk posted referring something to we do, but we do it different. I'm sure if you smoked some of my dry kief, and put the lighter up to it, you would not see any green, and you would not taste any green, and it would melt and bubble, and you'd be blazed.

we dry sift the actual kief. that's how it is completely different than doing it, with starting plant material. we are doing two different things that chamba.

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Hey Chamba nice post, I'm wondering how exactly you grind up the herb prior to screening it?
I was thinking about using a blade type coffee grinder but wondered if maybe that would smash/smear the trichome heads? I'm wondering how fine, and how the herb is ground before screening...

I've seen macro photos of dry sift that was basically all trichome heads, so no green there, but yea- most dry sift will have some green/brown, no biggie.




we dry sift the actual kief. that's how it is completely different than doing it, with starting plant material. we are doing two different things that chamba.

your splitting hairs really. its the same process, just starting at a different step.

you don't understand clide.... dkmonk posted referring something to we do, but we do it different.

if that is true, which it isnt, your both dry sieving, just starting with different material. in either case, it doesnt seem to warrant your comment does it?

Well too bad you're wrong dkmonk. There is no green tint at all after it has been through 3 different screens.

Either there was bad lighting, or you have vision problems. It's notably a pure gold, compared to the starting material. The only thing left on top of the final screen, is the green plant material that would be in most normal kief.

different strokes for different folks i guess, best not judge :2cents:
How is it not true?

The only reason I posted in this thread, is because dkmonk posted our method, and tried comparing it to Chambas, and the two are totally different and shouldn't be confused.

Don't get me wrong, they are both sifting through screens, just like you said, with a different point.

However, my goal is to get pure sift, where Chamba clearly states in the first paragraph that the goal for his method is not for pure full melt clear dome dry sift, but rather for just a cleaner, more processed bud.

I never wanted to turn this into an argument or debate, I just think there was some confusion along the lines.

I'm not saying my way is better, or Chambas way is better, because they are completely different things. But for you to call me a liar is out of line, I have nothing to lie about and neither does dkmonk.

But to clarify, I don't "Kief" my buds, any more than just grinding them up. I just let the kief collect over time, without shaking it, or rubbing the buds through the screen.

Then, I take that kief, which in itself looks very pure, but there is still some bud powder, as I find out, in my further steps.

I then have another grinder, which I bought only because of it's two screens, the first one 107 micron, and the second 70 micron.

I take my original kief from my first grinder, and pour it on top of the 107 micron screen. I gently rub it against the screen, until I am only left with a very small amount of very small green particle of bud. I discard that material.

I then unscrew that screen, and then all my kief is sitting on top of the 70 micron screen.

I do the same thing, of gently rubbing it across the screen, until all that's left is an even smaller amount of powdery bud, and non glandular trichome parts.

My final product, and I've looked at it under a microscope, is nothing but trichomes. When I smoke it, it melts and bubbles.


thanks for the clarification :D

perhaps next time your response could be worded differently :wink:

peace, pot and love to everybody :joint::respect:


Hey Chamba nice post, I'm wondering how exactly you grind up the herb prior to screening it?

In a herb grinder for small personal amounts

I was thinking about using a blade type coffee grinder but wondered if maybe that would smash/smear the trichome heads? I'm wondering how fine, and how the herb is ground before screening...

These are good for grinding coffee beans, not great for grinding herb. I wouldn't recommend an electric coffee bean grinder as it will easily powderize the plant matter introducing far too many contaminants and to make matters worse lots of trics get stuck to the blades and interior of these screaming machines. If the bud is ground up or broken up to about rolling consistancy to begin with, then after it has been aggressively worked, then hand rubbed over the mesh and all the trichomes have been stripped off then the bud will be mostly worked down to very fine particles, but ideally, not to a fine powder.

and here's a few more points you should note..make sure to not lightly dry sift the material and set aside this blond hash aside, then do the above method or you will be disappointed in the result as you really need all the available trics, not just some, to make it a good smoke/high due to the high % of non-active plant matter in it.

and also use bud, not poor quality starting material like leaves with sparse resin heads

and although you can use a single screen, a dual combination of 80 ~ 100 mesh & 110 ~ 120 mesh works good too.

I've seen macro photos of dry sift that was basically all trichome heads, so no green there, but yea- most dry sift will have some green/brown, no biggie.

There's some macros of Sam Skunkman's dry sift by Bubble man (on Bubble man's hash forum site..I'm not sure if they are posted here??) that show by far the most cleanest hash I've ever seen, it's 99.999% resin heads...I spent twenty minutes staring at the pics trying to find a single spec of dust and couldn't.

Spend some time reading through the various threads here in this Hashish forum for lots of good info about dry sifting, hash etc, you won't find out how to make Sam's 99.99% pure dry sift (as that method is a secret!) but there is lots of info on how to make very clean dry sift....icmag is the premium source of info on all things hashy.

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Yeah those are the photos I was thinking of, pretty amazing stuff. I can't imagine what it'd be like to smoke that... select haze drysift from Sam? Holy crap...

I've read a lot of those threads but your tips help make it clearer, thanks.

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