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Strains for pain ?


Well-known member
My wife has very bad back pain she can barely sleep at night. I was wondering what strains are good for back pain. Anything to help her would be greatly appreciated by me, sometimes she drives me crazy with a little help from mj she comes around. There isnt a day when she dont complain of her back pain.
Thanks BigGreen


Active member
I would suggest....a chiropractor!

Seriously, a chiropractor using the 'Activator Method' would not be a bad idea. Just expect to go see him a LOT... like 60~ appointments for adjustments... back pain will only get worse, and is in fact just a sign that something is wrong... you definitely want to get her to see a chiropractor, before any of her discs are beyond help. Even then, adjustments are just...worth it.

If she does go, just remember the first few adjustments will make her back pretty sore. And apply ice to her back after each adjustment and a couple times a day....

The activator method uses a small airgun instead of physically adjusting the spine via the traditional method. The chiropractor will have her lay stomach down on a bed, he will move her legs around to take measurements, and then adjust the vertebrae that show up during the test. At first it may seem he is just randomly popping them, but over time you'll notice he starts at the base of the spine and works up.

You would be amazed at the amount of things that can stop functioning properly just from a few pinched nerves running down your spine. One of the first things I actually noticed was an increase in urine and my ejaculate actually looked 'healthier'. Random example :p

Ultimately for my spine, I will pay $2,100 for 56 appointments, but $2,100 is worth it. Paying a couple grand to know my spine will be healthy until the day I die, is cool with me... then again, after the initial 56 appointments, I need to go in once a month for 'maintenance'. Oh, and i'm uninsured. So probably half that cost with insurance, or even less...

I will also tell you why I goto him. My mother has suffered over the last 10 years from what started as two degenerated discs, which resulted in a few surgeries, and guess what? She's still in pain, if not worse pain than she started with. That's the only reason I need to see a chiropractor. Avoiding that situation is worth $2,000, it's worth an entire years salary :)


once you get adjusted...yoga and other stretching would be very effective. exercise is key.

as far as strains go...not really sure but white widow has helped me with pain b4.


yeah get her into a chiropractor. granted, when i had to go (still suffer from back pain due to insurance issues) i had something like 12 or so adjustments, and it totalled $1500 (which is still owed because doctor was a dumbass and filed to the wrong insurance). but after the adjustments i felt great. too bad it didn't stay like that.
been told heavy indicas are good for pain, and some purple strains as well. growin' my first ww and mazar's now, so i'll have to get back to you on how well they relieve pain.


Active member
yeah get her into a chiropractor. granted, when i had to go (still suffer from back pain due to insurance issues) i had something like 12 or so adjustments, and it totalled $1500 (which is still owed because doctor was a dumbass and filed to the wrong insurance). but after the adjustments i felt great. too bad it didn't stay like that.
been told heavy indicas are good for pain, and some purple strains as well. growin' my first ww and mazar's now, so i'll have to get back to you on how well they relieve pain.

Damn! That's a ton more than mine charges... I believe he charges $51, and adjusts it to $41 for cash payments...

You just gotta do the once a month visit after the 'initial' adjustments are complete or they will end up how they were...


swishaman ah that explains a lot. i ran into a rough patch and wasn't able to afford gas to trek into the city twice weekly to get adjusted so i just quit going all together and now my back is the way it was before the adjustments.. guess its the price one pays for rolling a car, eh?


Well-known member
She went to a chiropractor for quit a while now she go to a message therapist a couple of times per month along with the dr. visits. Its helped a lot Im just looking for something for her to take the edge off before bed time. If she smokes during the day it makes her mental, shes a light weight. So any strains would be great
Thanks for all the thought and much appreciated


Active member
I feel you :D

I myself have only been to a handful of appointments. I quit until I can outright pay for it all at once, because he will give me even more of a discount. He said my back looked like and had the symptoms of a car wreck, and was almost as bad as my friends. I had 14/24 vertebrae out of alignment. Even though I have never been in a car wreck of any sort. He also said what initially caused my back to start getting so out of shape happened about 8-9 years ago. Which matches up with when I first started football in middle school. My friend also played football, and was in a rolled Integra...

I don't know, I've always imagined my spine being pretty much perfectly okay, and only went to the chiropractor in the first place, because of a severe headache. Which I had previously had a CT scan and even a spinal tap to diagnose, with no luck. Chiropractor fixed it on the third visit. First adjustment he didn't touch my neck area, second adjustment he hit a couple in my neck and the headache shifted to the left side of my head, finally the third visit it was gone completely.

So...I just decided to get all the money at once before continuing...


BigGreen any indica with i'd say at least 50% amber trichomes should do the trick for her. a couple hits, lights out. i always love when i get that bag from my friend that is just complete knock out weed. gets rid of the pains and puts an end to my insomnia for the duration of that stash. so i'd say get her anything you can in the likes of afghani's and mazar's or even some white's or purples. read some good things about white rhino, but also read the high can cause anxiety because of its intensity.

and swishaman i didnt think sports could start affecting the body at such a young age. i used to play socker a lot as a kid, which led to knee surgeries later on in life, and used to skateboard but otherwise nothing major. i driving a nissan 300zx when it rolled. talk about a ride man! never want to go through that again, and my body tells the tale now, just a year later.


I am also interested in which strains people recommend.

I have medium to severe nerve pain in my lower back/hip/leg from an injury and all any doctors seem to tell me is to stay doped up on dangerous heavy narcotics for the rest of my life, which is retarded to hear coming from doctors, but I guess all they know how to do is prescribe drugs.

I have already done chiropractic treatment, the expensive automatic back stretching thing, cortisone shots, massage therapy and pretty much everything else they recommended (that were all a COMPLETE waste of money, as none helped whatsoever, and with no insurance that all came out of my pocket). Surgery helped a bit, but I still have pretty intense pain from the nerve damage.

I heard from people here and elsewhere that indicas should help, I would assume the higher the CBD level the better? Which indica strains have a high CBD content and are good for (nerve) pain relief? I hear people saying WW. I have tried it a few times before and the relief was so-so...any better ones out there?


The revolution will not be televised.....
I agree with the Chiropractor advice. But at bedtime I would rech for some Herijuana for sleep mode. There are alot of indicas out there that can do the job but this stuff is for real pain management. When you absolutely, positively have to knock yourself out. Good luck and sorry to hear about your lady's back troubles.
Has your wife tried edibles? It would help more with backpain than smoking it, in my opinion. and herijuana like last poster said is a great indica.
good luck


Active member
I am also interested in which strains people recommend.

I have medium to severe nerve pain in my lower back/hip/leg from an injury and all any doctors seem to tell me is to stay doped up on dangerous heavy narcotics for the rest of my life, which is retarded to hear coming from doctors, but I guess all they know how to do is prescribe drugs.

I have already done chiropractic treatment, the expensive automatic back stretching thing, cortisone shots, massage therapy and pretty much everything else they recommended (that were all a COMPLETE waste of money, as none helped whatsoever, and with no insurance that all came out of my pocket). Surgery helped a bit, but I still have pretty intense pain from the nerve damage.

I heard from people here and elsewhere that indicas should help, I would assume the higher the CBD level the better? Which indica strains have a high CBD content and are good for (nerve) pain relief? I hear people saying WW. I have tried it a few times before and the relief was so-so...any better ones out there?

Chiropractor probably didn't help because the nerve is already damaged. It might have worked if the nerve itself hadn't been damaged... I believe the nervous system never ages or repairs itself... could be wrong on the repair part though.... hope you can find some relief...I will tell you that while researching for my mom, I found articles about HIV patients.. basically said that damaged nerves can block opiate receptors (been a while since I read it, so i totally forget details :( )

@drtask - Me either! I thought I would damage myself weight training more than football itself lol... eh...could have been weight lifting though, was always top weight room group because of my squats... yeah...squats probably messed my shit up way more than football for sure...


Well-known member
I just did ww and afghani last run. Them didnt seem to do that much for the pain. But then again they were only about 20% amber trics. Herijuana will do the trick . Any good seed banks recommended for that strain.
Thanks for the input


Well-known member
Oh ya and the last time she ate some she kinda freaked out. She said she could'nt breath so I asked her why and she said because she was holding her breath. So I think thats out of the question she wont eat any brownies no more. ha

Jeff Lebowski

I would say from personal exp. anything with Kush attached is your starting point. Make sure it's an indica, preferably all or mostly indica. Someone said 50% trichomes, nah, go for nearly 100% without overdoing it, whether buying or growing. Northern lights is your herald for a dominant indica and gypsy has good seeds I believe. Also, research White Rhino while you're there. I believe edibles are for a smaller group of medicinal users, with most people I talk to saying it's too much of an effect, so I'd stick to rubs or the herb itself. Now, with that being said I must urge you to get a vaporizer. You will get more of the bang for your buck so to speak, you have the leftovers to cook with or use for rubs and it (in my opinion) delivers a much stronger effect whether it's a sativa or indica allowing for a much better usage of the material. Also, with the vaporizer you can dose yourself out very easily and then bam shut it off or leaving it running for a few hours down the road. One vaporized bowl can last me a few days on the right temp, stretching the bud a long way.


Chiropractor = Quack


ever think it a little suspicious they want you to keep coming back up to 60 times?

dude, speak for yourself. chiropractors are better qualified than medical doctors, they have to have an additional 7 years of school. 14-16 years of university, thats alot more than i have.

you have to go back alot because you tend to move around as an individual and unless you have the proper musculature to hold your bones in alignment, inevitably youll need more adjustments. ever wonder how a bridge would support itself if none of the steel was bolted together?

i have been going to the chiropractor on and off for a few years. my first chiropractor used to align my upper back with me on my stomach, his replacement doesnt, unfortunately.

chiropractors are an unfortunate side effect of prolonged immobility or improper musculature. thankfully cannabis REALLY makes me wanna work out, like it unleashes the beast in me. i can row or cycle or lift with much much less stress or strain, perceptively anyway. i find its an incredible motivator. if you combine that with some high quality prowhey, some hemp hearts, some vital green, and a multivitamin and thats all the supplements i need, ever. although thats what i take even if im not working out, thats just what i do to keep my body healthy, or try anyway.

good kharma to all, and try something before you decide you dont like it, and try to remember that just because something isnt for you, that doesnt mean it doesnt work for someone else.


edibles seem to be tricky for people who aren't regular smokers, but for me (a pretty heavy user) an edible just makes me not notice any pain for a few hours without making me feel extremely high. you might try making lighter-dosed edibles or having her try a smaller amount, because they're pretty awesome for back pain and tension.

i also am a big fan of chiropractors, though. i haven't been able to afford one in a long time and i'm really feeling it.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I am also interested in which strains people recommend.

I have medium to severe nerve pain in my lower back/hip/leg from an injury and all any doctors seem to tell me is to stay doped up on dangerous heavy narcotics for the rest of my life, which is retarded to hear coming from doctors, but I guess all they know how to do is prescribe drugs.

I have already done chiropractic treatment, the expensive automatic back stretching thing, cortisone shots, massage therapy and pretty much everything else they recommended (that were all a COMPLETE waste of money, as none helped whatsoever, and with no insurance that all came out of my pocket). Surgery helped a bit, but I still have pretty intense pain from the nerve damage.

I heard from people here and elsewhere that indicas should help, I would assume the higher the CBD level the better? Which indica strains have a high CBD content and are good for (nerve) pain relief? I hear people saying WW. I have tried it a few times before and the relief was so-so...any better ones out there?

Wow, your condition sounds a hell of a lot like mine. I have found Skunks to work as well as Blueberry, and some Hawaiian strains. I'm still searching for my holy grail.

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