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Anyone ever have surgery on their shoulder for a labrum (SLAP) tear?


Active member
Just wondering about other peoples experiences... Recovery time, pain level, ect. I'm going under the knife in 10 days. Not looking forward to it, atleast it's on my non dominate arm.


ICMag Donor
I had the upper tear with the bicep tendon torn. I had my arm in a sling for a month after having arthroscopic surgery. In and out the same day. It's been a while but if I remember correctly it was 3 or 4 months before it was completely healed....


I'm not sure what part of my shoulder I screwed up, as I was quite young at the time, but I have had two shoulder operations to repair ligaments/tendons.

My arm was strapped to my body for about 6 months after second operation, and I had a further 12 months of physio before I had good range of movement and good strength back in the shoulder.

I didn't have arthroscopic repair though, so I assume this is why my recovery time was that much longer than JJScorpios.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i had a tear in my labrum a few years back.
no surgery, but intense physical therapy.
was not fun.
the PT they put u thru after surgery will be intense.
if you dont workout (lift weights) your labrum will be weak.
you will have a good burn after every PT session.
good luck


Active member
I had labrum surgery about 2 years ago. it was arthoscopic, but it hurt like hell. probably the worse pain i have ever been in, then again, ive never broken a bone though.

After the surgery was the worse though. be prepared to have to sleep sitting up, and a pain in the ass rehab afterwords in order to build your muscle back.

i remember the worse was that i couldnt button my pants, couldnt wash myself in the shower properly, couldnt do anything normal it was terrible. in fact i still need surgery on my other shoulder, but i would rather deal with the minor problems that effect me compared to the 6 months of recovery and intense pain


I had surgery on my shoulder for a pretty messed up labrum. The surgery was easy, its after that sucks.

They paralyzed my arm for about 20 hours, before that wore off I took a few 10/330 Hydrocodone/APAP, then the vicodin wore off and I was in immense pain.

MAKE SURE you get at least 10/330 or an equivalently strong dose of whatever opiate/oid they want to give you. MAKE SURE that you dont get pain pills loaded with ACETOMENIPHEN or APAP becuase that is especially hard on your liver and well...

Popping pills faster than the doc reccomends is just gonna happen and I suggest you time it well because I found if I got in a decent groove poppin a couple pills to start and then maybe 1 every 2 hours or so, will help get you through the first week of pretty impressive pain.

You WILL be keeping your arm slung and immobile especially during sleep so make sure you get a good sling with a foam insert to keep your arm constantly immobile.

After a little while (2wks or so) I started taking the foam insert out during the day but I always put it back in before sleep.

Your arm is going to be weak and you will probably do a little Phys. Therapy, my doc straight up asked me if I needed it and I said no and never got any... Didnt really need it, had full range of motion after surgery and no pain.

HOWEVER, I only didnt want to go because insurance only covered a PT place far from me and I had no real way of gettin there... You should definitely find some exercises to do because it can be hard building that strength back up, I am thankful to be in my prime and recovery was not that difficult.


I have noticed definite pain this winter in my shoulder, not debilitating or anything but enough to make it more difficult to fall asleep. This is perhaps due to nerve damage or arthretis, I am not a doctor but both of those can happen to anyone who has had a labral tear and the surgery needed to fix it. Oh well guess I need to go get my 215 rec. :woohoo:


Active member
Thanks for all the responses. Yeah, I've heard that the pain during recovery is pretty substantial. They better not be stingy with the meds or I'll have to score them on the street. I tried buttoning my pants and fastening my belt one handed and it is definitely a challenge. Not looking forward to this at all... Wish I had a strong indica to help me through.


They won't be stingy just do yourself a favor and ask! You arent pill shopping you are trying to make sure you get through surgical recovery without harming yourself!

Anyway, my guess is you get the 10/330 if not, tell them you want a pill with less or no Acetominephen in it. 500+mg of APAP per pills is not acceptable imo. Especially because you are almost certainly gonna be taking more than doctors orders


Active member
I can't remember what he said he was going to give me but remember him saying it had little or no acetometiphen in it.

razor ridge

Active member
Hey man good luck, I've been a MRI tech for 18 years and have seen thousands of people with trashed shoulders....commit 110% to your PT after surgery...will be a hell of alot of pain at first, but the more you put into it the better your post operative results will be


Active member
Hey man good luck, I've been a MRI tech for 18 years and have seen thousands of people with trashed shoulders....commit 110% to your PT after surgery...will be a hell of alot of pain at first, but the more you put into it the better your post operative results will be

PT PT PT PT its the most important thing man. I worked pretty hard on getting my strength back up. I still get pain when the barometric pressure changes with rain and whatnot


Active member
Thanks for all the responses. Yeah, I've heard that the pain during recovery is pretty substantial. They better not be stingy with the meds or I'll have to score them on the street. I tried buttoning my pants and fastening my belt one handed and it is definitely a challenge. Not looking forward to this at all... Wish I had a strong indica to help me through.

I remember having to ask my roomate to unbutton my pants for me it was pretty awkward to say the least


Active member
I remember having to ask my roomate to unbutton my pants for me it was pretty awkward to say the least

ahahaha! That's funny. The surgery went well. The nerve block didn't take the first time so they had to do it twice which was really weird. Once it finally wore off the pain was pretty intense. It's leveled off now though.

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