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Caramello eggs


hey guys

so i got me some of these eggs and some ketama.

can anyone tell me where the eggs are from and how they made.

same for the ketama-i know thats morocan first press, thats about it

cheers guys


lol, i know the the only way you get good hash in the uk is from someones arse!

was askin more the place of origin and way its made, seems a lot more spicy and soft than any morrocan ive had in the past.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
in spain the eggs are known as a high grade moroccan, so plenty of cabrons fake them by mixing up decent pollen and repacking it into eggs ... still good, but not the real deal, I have seen them [eg the local growshop owner....] do it several times and still do not know who to tell a real one... apart from smoking it and paying what you are happy to pay


the caramellos come from willy wonkas magic chocolate factory :D well - kind off


the eggs i tried last year were awesome, bubbled nicely when the flame touched it and tasted like honey:canabis:, very moreish flavour and great sedative high:joint:



Pull my finger
Dude, for a minute I thought we were talking about Easter candy.

Mmmm, I love those peanut butter eggs from Reese's.


Well-known member


really creamy caramello eggs


Well-known member
bless up mr haze

looks like some FRESH eggs :)
from my experience with the "caramellos" i found that the older the batches were, the harder the eggs became and less flavorfull (in tearms of spiceiness to hasjiness). also it seems that there are some "fake" caramellos floating around as well, look like normal caramellos (shapewise) but the color is most time black, so BEWARE!

ps.: i think caramellos should be renamed to: ASS HASJ muhahahaha *pun intended


Well-known member
i have seen the phony eggs, look like the real thing but they are nasty, no taste, flavor and not strong


in ketama, the 1st press is known as zero zero and is very rarely sold. it is usually mixed with other grades to produce commercial hash. Its just an ingredient to moroccans - most export moroccan hash contains about 5 percent zero zero, the rest is grade 2 and 3 hash

I lived in temara for 5 years and visited the rif loads of times, never saw eggs once!!! They are a method of smuggling not a product that is manufactured in morocco, just like wrapping heroin in condoms, it is a way to smuggle not a product that is produced for export

I imagine they are made in tanger to avoid customs ( the main shipping point in maroc )

Ps Ketama doesnt mean its first press at all, its just one of 100 places that produces hash ( also the most famous one ) - youll find that if you go to ketama now, hash production is non existant due to years of media coverage
So they just shove those up their poop chute? Do they at least wrap them in something multiple times, before putting them up there?

I almost vomited when I saw the picture, I mean, I'm sure it's good hash and all, but it looked like someone just shit them all out.


So they just shove those up their poop chute? Do they at least wrap them in something multiple times, before putting them up there?

I almost vomited when I saw the picture, I mean, I'm sure it's good hash and all, but it looked like someone just shit them all out.

Ha Ha

Yes they go into condoms or wrapping then up the arse mate

sorry but its the truth, they shit them out usually once they are over the border

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