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  • YES

    Votes: 117 72.2%
  • NO

    Votes: 45 27.8%

  • Total voters

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
after years of cruising og and then ic, yes of course. big time


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
lol I knew a biker like that once.."fucking skunk. its too fucking strong man. got any flat press"....LMFAO!

I used to laff at him, but only a little bit, he was a huge hairy biker after all :smile:

EDIT - I've actually had Charras turned down at 20 quid an eighth in preference of soap bar for 15 too....lonnng time ago :smile:


weed fiend
I'm reading all you snobs here and I must say I agree, I'm one also. I mixed some schwag with some fresh today ( for mileage) to smoke with a couple of friends. They got ripped and thanked me for the bake and all I could think about was the schwag filler.

So far at least, here's the king weed snob of the thread imo.

deltronZERO, you my friend are a WEED SNOB!!!!!!

I would deffinetly consider myself a potsnob
I went to UCSC, so thats where it all started, but now, its gotten entirely out of control.
I use ungummed papers because they taste better, and can literally taste all the crappy burning paper in zigs
I keep my weed (that I buy) in glass containers, so it doesnt lose flavor, moisture, or keef
I'll always try and see what flavors I get from different strains, and talk about it, often sounding like a wine taster
My friends will smoke resin often, and I havent touched the shit in forever
I'll pass on a torched bowl that has weed left, but no greens
I'll also talk about the highs and the subetly of the highs much like a wine taster too
I love weed so much, and when i smoke shitty weed, i get a shitty high and a shitty taste in my mouth.
to me, its worth it to spend money for heady nugz

Sorry coctail frank, I picked you a close second.


sometimes my friends think i talk about pot too much. growing it and types and strains.

but i love all the aspects of weed.


Active member
sometimes my friends think i talk about pot too much. growing it and types and strains.

but i love all the aspects of weed.

Chyeaaa, tell me about it... I've been waiting to converse with peeps who actually know something about this culture.. most of my friends don't even care to know what the strain name is.. they just wanna get "f*cked up"... My grow buddies in Cali are the only ones who can hold a decent convo.. If you are as close as I think you are, we def. should roast one and have this discussion. :smoker:

RooR HeaD

You can call me a snob but ive been smokeing for almost 10 year now and when i was younger i was lucky enough to get a bomby connect and ever since i only smoked bomby! and when u smoke bomby and someone wants to pack swag up i said no ill pack up the bowl again dont worry. i rather smoke good weed then dirt! and i dont think their is anything wrong with that! yes its exspensive but its worth it! think about it most peps i know that buy beasters and outdoors roll up dutches and i mean shit u need a gram to at least roll a decent dutch in my area but a gram of bomby will last me 4 days! cause i could take 3 hits out my toro and b high as fuck!

overalll i am a weed snob if u consider it rude to turn down a hit of beasters or worst but i always pass my bomby around even when people dont match or can match but have bad weed!
You can call me a snob but ive been smokeing for almost 10 year now and when i was younger i was lucky enough to get a bomby connect and ever since i only smoked bomby! and when u smoke bomby and someone wants to pack swag up i said no ill pack up the bowl again dont worry. i rather smoke good weed then dirt! and i dont think their is anything wrong with that! yes its exspensive but its worth it! think about it most peps i know that buy beasters and outdoors roll up dutches and i mean shit u need a gram to at least roll a decent dutch in my area but a gram of bomby will last me 4 days! cause i could take 3 hits out my toro and b high as fuck!

overalll i am a weed snob if u consider it rude to turn down a hit of beasters or worst but i always pass my bomby around even when people dont match or can match but have bad weed!

you told me you were 19 in a PM a year or so back. Damn, smoking since you were 9? OR.........


Not since I met this FAGGOT last 4th of july. He bitched so fucking much about the weed at this party, we ended up telling him to leave. He made off with 40 bucks from my buddies wallet, ended up in a hospital bed from some other fuckers that he ripped off. Karma motherfucker.

Since then I've been kinda easy going about the quality of weed people smoke with me. The shit I buy I can never complain about, but jeeze when someone else is bringing the bud there's really nothing to bitch about as long as it's weed and it gets you high.


I won't smoke if it's mixed with tobacco. Can you believe that in Europe some people think that's snobbery?


I'd say I'm a weed snob just because I know a lot about the subject. I've read just about every drug document on the Internet (I'm sure I'm not the only avid erowid reader here), and of course have had experience growing dankity-dank weed.

So people ask me when they have questions, which by your definition may classify me as a snob.

Oh, and I'd rather not smoke than smoke schwag. So that too.
Not yet, but I'm trying my hardest. I've tried three Nirvana knockoffs grown terribly as a newby and Mandala's Hashberry Sadhu and Speed Queen grown decently. Other than that, I have no idea what I was smoking the past decades, and was always just really glad I had some. That said, I hope those days are forever behind me. Weed Snob here I come. I'm only on cheap beans still.


Lammen Gorthaur
I'm not much of a snob. I'm strictly medicating to kill pain. I can't afford to be a snob; I just won't settle for poor quality unless there is no other choice. After filming my commercial as "The World's Most Interesting Man" I have that contract for Dos "Equickies" (a new kind of beer that includes a built-in purging system for those heaviest of heavy beer drinkers)...

I could be a snob. If the upstairs of my house was filled with bushel baskets of primo cool and tasty buds, I could be a snob real fast...

heavy dank nugg

I am without question a pot snob i will not smoke if its not the green hit of the kindest bud (as good or better then mine).


Active member
Yeah, now more than ever.

Yeah, now more than ever.

I used to never turn down anything to smoke.
I did this on principle.

After years of Kali commercial grade (aka shitty mex bricks) and years of Thailand commercial grade (worse than the bricks, trust me)

I have come to the conclusion that im not smoking that shit no more.

Under one condition tho will I oblige...

If they pass it to me then out of respect to the host, I WILL TOKE IT UP.
100% FOR SURE!!!!!!!

Respect is vital to ital....

Peace and positive vibes.
Yes and No. I'm a weed 'lover' and only the best will do. Lucky there's plenty to go around these days. I won't turn down B grade though...I dont always have to get a full on buzz goin and decent B is fine for just messin around

I'm not a snob per se' but I do know snobs who smoke weed. They def' act like 'weed snobs' and love to flaunt all their designer buds when I'm around them.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
I'm a conditional snob LOL... I grow, and smoke top notch shit all the time.. I've had no need to buy or deal with sub par bud for years... If a friend comes over and brings some buds I know I'm not going to enjoy smoking, I go ahead and roll mine first, and smoke them instead:wink: I know their paying to much for their sub par, and I have no fears of ever running out any time soon..

I know in the back of mind though that my good fortune can change in an instant... I have no connects left, like I said I haven't needed one for years.. I have suck it up and smoke the local garbage bud once again... I'm the humble snob I guess LOL :rasta: