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New member
I don't know how to introduce myself really... I have epilepsy... I used to smoke in college... and I have my fingers crossed for a medical cannabis bill to pass in my state. I had a severe car accident which lead to the discovery of my condition, and I'm not allowed to take pain meds because it would lower my 'seizure threshold'. And while my accident was several years ago, it feels like it was last week, every day.

SO... with that being said, I'm here to read, learn, drool a little bit and hopefully one day soon, contribute.



Hey Rug Doctor!

Sorry to hear about the epilepsy. When was the accident?

There's a lot of us hoping for less hysterical marijuana laws. Here in NYS, we're still dealing with Nelson Rockefeller's legacy of just locking people up, sometimes for life, for pot. If we could ever must the 58% they got up in good old Mendocino County CA to vote in marijuana decriminalization, we'd all be a lot better off, pot smokers, and non-pot smokers. The cost to society of these antiquated marijuana laws staggers the imagination!

Take care of yourself.



New member
It was about four years ago. It was an Eval Keneval grade accident (off the side of a bridge and 80 feet through the air going around 60mph), spent a week in intensive care, broke both of my ankles off on a 90 degree angle (think Stephen King's "Misery"). My face broke the windshield in three places, wrecked my back.

I had lost my job in spite of being able to work from home, I was told my seizures weren't 'professional' and I was given an agreement to receive two more months of medical if I didn't share the conditions of my termination - which I didn't sign.

I've been in and out of the hospital since then from other seizure-related accidents which have added even more injuries. And thus, I'm waiting for the magic day in PA when I don't have to feel pain all the time.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
All the best RugDoctor! Glad you found a new home where you can make many new friends and enjoy the show. Peace...


You made it to the right place, allways nice to have new people as i am one of them and glad you survived your deal, man that sounded scary.WM

Storm Crow

Active member


Well, for the learning part, these might be a nice start!

Epilepsy patients are smoking pot

Experiences with THC-treatment in children and adolescents

Chronic administration of cannabidiol to healthy volunteers and epileptic patients.

Anticonvulsant nature of marihuana smoking.

Cannabis may help epileptics

Hypnotic and Antiepileptic Effects of Cannabidiol

Marijuana: an effective antiepileptic treatment in partial epilepsy?

Marijuana and Epilepsy (anecdotal)

Therapeutic Aspects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids

Treatment with CBD in oily solution of drug-resistant paediatric epilepsies.

Marijuana Use More Prevalent With Epilepsy

Enjoy your reading!


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