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Get some help, the money's out there.......


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
These days money's tight with everyone here and elsewhere.

For the first time in years I was behind in my payments to the power company,
I even got a disconnection notice a couple of weeks ago.

I went and applied for some energy assistance by contacting my local power company to ask if any benefits were available. This has nothing to do with welfare, nobody will come to your home or be too intrusive, yes I did have to answer income questions on a form but that was it.......

It was a non-invasive questionaire based on income & heating needs, so what I found in my mail yesterday was a voucher for $957.00 of fuel assistance for this yr. The $$$'s get paid directly to the electrical company that supplies my heating needs, if you heat with propane the check would be made to your propane provider. In fact if I were living in an apartment or dwelling where heat was included in my rent they would've made that SAME payment to my landlord.

$957.00 is nothing to sneeze at, get the cash while it's available.
Call your local power company's they have ALL the info for sure.

Papa always told me, "Asking's for free son, go find out."
This time it's paid me nearly a grand, please do the same.

my guess is that this WOULD be one of the Govt plans that
Matthew Lesko is always shouting about in his commercials.

No, I'm not suggesting you go buy his Govt Money Plan kit,
just please call whoever you can (power company is best)
today/tomorrow to find out what benefits or 'Fuel Assistance'
programs might currently still be available in your area.



The weird thing is up in a certain area, almost all the growers use the low income hydro/electricity plan, but their bills are $1000+. Kind of ironic if you ask me. Nice find though.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Great find and good for you S4L..I might look into that..Times are tight and that would help..

Great, please let me know if you're successful (or not) and it might inspire
others to get some free $$$, winter is ending in some parts of the country.
Do it now, you might be pleasantly surprised.......


cant stop wont stop
thats not a half bad idea

i myself owe the natural gas company around 600 dollars, yeah not smart on my part but its been a rough few months and in this cold weather they cant legally shut off my gas.

those bastards are fucking thieves, so id be really suprised if they cut me a break.
non the less i think i may try your approach..
whatta you think? i should just go down to the office and ask for money assistance?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
call your power company or the natural gas service and ask them who in your area is offering any fuel assistance, it will likely be a state or county program making govt money available to you. the fact that you're behind in your bill is a PLUS as it shows you're in dire need of benefits and it might entitle you to extra benefits (money). Don't give up if they tell you 'no' or 'I don't know', call the local county offices and ask there too.......


I don't think its the power company or the government supplying the cash. Where i live people pay a little extra if they want to help people in need out. I bet its the same thing. Glad to hear you got some help bro. about what you said ... ya know asking costs nothing. Its true and you will always be surprised by how nice people can be.

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