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Trimpro Automatix...

Fast Pine

Active member
I believe these machines just hit the market..So I dont expect anyone to know much about em...But I need any info possible...Whats yer oppinion..Have you used it?...How do you think it compares to its much more evpensive competitor, the rolling thunder?...

As far as I can see, this machine is the least expensive, totaly automatic trimm machine avalable...:confused:

It recently suffered a nervous breakdown due to excessive hours spent trimming...


Fast Pine

Active member
Why wont it let me put up a link or use smileys?...I would like to post a link to the trimpro page that shows info on the machine..

Can someone help?

Kush King

Lots of the machine on the market are realy shity. and for the price fuck that... if i were to get nay machine it would be the rolling tunder. dose the best trim job on the bud, all the flat surface machine tend to rip or not get the big ass leaves. and the smaller ones close to the bud the cant reach without realy Rubbing the bud on thhe top of the thing.. stupid

Iv worked around them alot and me and most off the others think its a noise peacs of shit thats just another shit trimmer..


that thing is just the same as the cannatrimer, you chuck in a handful of buds, let them tumble around gettting the leaves sucked through the grid and chopped off, it takes a few seconds and you open the side flap to let the finished trimmed buds fall out into a box.

all that is left for you to do, is to de stem the buds as it can't deal with stems. but you can leave fan leaf on no problem.

i have a feeling the stripper might end up being faster if you have a lot.
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isn't the stripper the one where you use the whole branch or cola in one go?

the one that is similar looking is the canna trimmer, the stripper doesn't have a chamber for the buds. just a flat surface with a grill in the middle, a fan sucks the leaves through the grill and the blade chops them off. it's great for cutting endless fields lol. but it's not very gentle with the product i must say. no of the automated trimmers are gentle, all the tumbling and or sucking is gonna dislodge all the ripest trichome heads. but i suppose for those that hate trimming it's not bad that you guys are getting these kind of products on the market. how about the round one that has a handle which you turn making the buds spin and tumble around inside the dome like in a salad spinner, again a grill and blade cut off the leaves that poke through the grill.


I have a big red shredder and I find it works great ..three guys can do 1.5 # an hour.
It does a good job and the trimmer is pretty much indestructible.The only maintenence is to sharpen the cutter bit after a few chopdowns.I bought one used ..like new..for $750 Cdn.You need a shop vac to pull the trimmins,out which is great for making some nice by-products.It also doesn,t seem to pull much trichs off.Big trick to using it or other trimmers with cutter bits is to spray the buds prior to trimmin,with a spray bottle of water.No gummin,up.Discovered the water thing when choppin some outdoor stuff on a rainy day....prior to this we had had to take the machine apart every hour to get the crud build-up off the bit.If you havent tried one of these they are certainly worth some research on its performance..I swear by it along with a lot of ppl who rent mine on the rare occasion...


Trimpro automatik rules. It's the best thing since sliced bread. I used it over at a friend's and I gotta buy one myself - just looking for the best deal around now (it's 4k+ here)

THe only problem with this machine is if you got a strain that doesn't produce hard buds it might not properly chop it off. The blade is adjustable from what i've seen. Also, to really take advantage of this machine you gotta have two people or more stripping the buds off the stalks otherwise the machine is sitting idle most of the time. It's still faster then by hand but not SUPER FAST. I helped a 4 lighter with two of us...took 6 hrs. With 3 people it took only 2 1/2.

It doesn't use a shop vac so I think it's one of the quieter solutions. The rolling thunder and other big machines are faster but this is the best one IMO.
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Hmmm, good to know man...Its too late to get an automatix for me...Im going to head into harvest with a trimpro work station, and a 3-4 man team,,,,One man hiking plants down to the trim shack, another, breaking it down into sections, the last running it over the table, and hanging them on the lines...

The process may still take too long..if it does, im pretty sure im gonna invest in the automatix for fall 2008.....

Imagine the efficiency of having both machines..



What can you say about the Trimpro Workstation fastpine?
I am about to pick one up...

will it make my nice indoor bud look like hell?
I am used to proper hand trimmed buds that are really AAA quality, and get AAA prices.


Hi neptune...

It wont beat up the budds too bad...Its a about technique...After a coupple pounds you get the dabbing and raking motions down,,,,The key is having another man to be breaking down the plants into workable sections..resembling a popsicle..

its really not necessary unless yer taking down 5+lbs at a time...any less, and you would be better off sticking to scissors....I trimmed the 4kw grow in the opening post with the trimpro, got 5lbs...went down quick and smooth, good clean trimm, with very little bud damage..Hash from the collection bag is always topnotch...

the machine needs to be cleaned often,,,,as you once said,,,"if one is serious about trimming many Lbs, you have better got good strains",,,,i.e, it gets gummed up very quickly when trimming looser airy nuggs, as versus rock hard nuggs..

The trimm will be much neater if you can take off all the large fans, but its not necessary..

Tom H, recommends the silver grills, he says they are thinner and give a better trimm,,,

overall the machine is great, gets work done very quickly...the cleaner you keep it the faster you can work...as soon as the blade gets gummed up, the close trimm goes all to hell..

I recommend using chain cloves,,,,ive sliced my finger baaaaaad wile cleaning the blades...sliced right through my alcohol soaked rag...also, the gaps in the grill ARE wide enough to fit a finger through...if so,,say byebye...that would REALY **** up harvest!!!...so imma try to keep a glove on wile working the machine...may get too tedious though:confused:...
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Yea i'd use those gloves or take the stuff off by running a razor blade across it.
i'm looking to get one off ebay if the shipping works out alright. Shops here charge arm and a leg.


Active member
The thing I do not like about the Trimpro automatik is that it trims in batches, not continuously. By the time you prep the buds, drop them in and wait for the finish, you might as well do them by hand.


this is how i do it:

snap all the buds off the stems (i wouldn't recommend this machine for strains that produce soft buds) and put it all into one big cartboard box.

Once that is all done i'll start up the machine put some in and let it spin around. While it's spinning inside i'll put the new load into the top holder. Release the trimmed buds into the side PVC pipe. Let new load drop into the spinning thing and then open the PVC pipe door to release previous load into bucket.


the trimpro is the shizzle, I duno about the automatik though. Seems like more work, as you have to "buck" down the buds into a box before you can toss em in, and it can't handle colas too well? I like the workstation becuase minimal preparations are needed, as already said, just make a pile of "popsickles" and get going. dab, roll, and rake.. presto.

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