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What did you have for dinner tonight? Pleace show pic

I'm gonna be right back with this forum post.!

Chef-student from denmark hehe :p well.. i'm on school right now so we got

Minestrone Soup and ham with creamy potatos and some other bullshit, it tasted like shit so.. no pictures of it :D i'll try to post a lot of pictures in here of my food..


Active member
Seared up a couple pork tenderloins... seared and baked on a cast iron skillet... pulled em out w/ internal temps @ 156F and 158F, let em sit covered for 10 mins before cuttin one up :p just about the most perfect amount of pink :p juicy :D

marinated in Mucky Duck brand Mustard/Garlic Vinaigrette... added a quarter of an onion and 1 clove fresh garlic to the marinade... only got to let it sit about 45 mins...cuz it's late :joint:





darn paddi your a real food enthusiest ,, i bet dinner at your place is always great ,, u can betcha if im anywhere in your neck of the woods itll be dinner at your place .. hehehehe


Ate at one of my favorite places last night...

Ate at one of my favorite places last night...

Started with a cool torchon of Foie Gras, filled with beet juice, on Wasabi dirt...Gobbled up before I got the idea to take pics...

Pickled Beef Tongue with Fried Mayo:

Smoked Trout with Caramel Froth:

Poached Salmon and Lamb Sous Vide:

Desert #1 "Fruit":

Desert 2 "Mint":

Desert 3 "Chocolate":

Desert 4 "Coffee":

Capped off with a big doober of C99xDeepChunk!:joint:


Active member
Wow... that's some strange plating design.... love how they name the deserts... the coffee one looks amazing... How is Foie Gras? Kind of want to try it, but eh I don't know...

Reposting all this cuz it was last post on previous page... pretty sure no one even saw it :p

Seared up a couple pork tenderloins... seared and baked on a cast iron skillet... pulled em out w/ internal temps @ 156F and 158F, let em sit covered for 10 mins before cuttin one up :p just about the most perfect amount of pink :p juicy :D

marinated in Mucky Duck brand Mustard/Garlic Vinaigrette... added a quarter of an onion and 1 clove fresh garlic to the marinade... only got to let it sit about 45 mins...cuz it's late :joint:




Probably the best tenderloins i have ever done :p


Well-known member
I could totely make a nice ass sandwich out of that right there.

porky pig porky pic. yumm yumm yumm Im gunna make u fill my tum.


Oh I saw it. That is one serious piece of pork You did a incredible job cooking that... MMMMMMMMMMM Pooooooooork. (Homer)

Foie Gras is incredible. Absolutely divine! It is usually served seared, which has a melt in your mouth quality, or torchon. Which is usually chilled or room temp. Both ways are fantastic. If you like pate, chances are you will love foie gras.

Breakfast, at another favorite place of mine.


Active member
God damn ct i felt like i need a triple bypass lookin at that breakfast, fit for a king! Im gonna be dropping some canna pesto pictures in here later I finally made some. Basil garlic cilantro and sour diesel flavors combusting out from it. Best shit everrrrrrrrrr stay tuned peeps


Active member
Wow... that looks delicious :joint:

The sandwich.

Smashed a clove of garlic and rubbed it on the slices of bread...then lightly toasted them and assembled as follows.. :joint:

The best dressing ever invented. Seriously.

In retrospect I should have doubled the amount of meat... will do for dinner or lunch tomorrow....


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
sheriff bart. that looks fantastic.. but i cant give you any more rep for a while!


Some of you guys (and girls) should get together and open a freakin restaurant. I'll click through this thread every now and then and I find myself STARVING, in my kitchen, trying to tell myself a bowl of cereal or a grilled cheese will hit the spot, when in the back of my head I'm thinking "Damn, why couldn't I be eating something like what I saw in that ICMag thread?"

I think what I'm learning is that I need to learn to cook more than just omlets and cheese burgers.


Cooking really isn't hard. Try allrecipesdotcom.

Don't sell yourself short, there is something to be said for a good Cheeseburger or omelet...or...Take the cheeseburger and put a over easy egg on it! ahhhhhh