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Marijuana Nation on National Geographic



I liked the show but I wish they wouldn't have spent as much time with "the prince of pot", I can't stand listening to that guy talk, to the uninitiated he seems a half step away from the maniacal fiend in reefer madness.


Hehe Did anyone else find it funny that the chick working at the Marijuana dispensary in Cali was wearing a D.A.R.E. t-shirt?


Active member
yup, reminds me of my own friends. i have a friend that wears a straight edge shirt every time he drinks. we found a bunch of them at the salvation army for a couple bucks. i don't usually drink so i just wear one when i smoke.

one Q

iam a total computer Lame-O Cant seem to watch it. Ill just buy the DVD when it comes out! Im getting old... :(


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
If you've downloaded the torrent and can hear the sound but not see any video, you probably need to DL the Xvid or Divx codec.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
looks like they are replaying the shit out of this show on NATGEO...

that could be a good thing...

its on again right now


So, I saw the whole Marijuana Nation thing on Nat Geo and decided to read this entire thread before commenting. So, here it goes, there were some legitimate points, but damn brothers and sisters you better wake up. For anybody who thought that that was a balanced or just view of the portrayal of Cannabis, it is time to step up and get on board. This "potumentary" fails in comparison to HIGH-The True Tale of American Marijuana and to The Union. Look, I was all for Lisa Ling, but I call bullshit! She dropped the ball! This was prime-time cable and has been shown how many times already? They sure as hell won't show fact based documentaries like HIGH and The Union on American television once, let alone that many times. That was an opportunity for prime-time exposure and we got screwed again. But, the beauty behind it all is that the big boys are getting sweaty palms. Because when they are going to this extreme (prime-time television) to make sure the lies stay fresh in the public's mind, then the Cannabis Crusade's making them nervous. Whether for or against it, the masses are going to be talking Cannabis...and that's exactly what we want.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
question about marijuana nation

question about marijuana nation

was watching a video on the national geographic channel about MARIJUANA NATION... on this video this guys shows us his outdoor crop, and i noticed that in one scene he takes a black bottle, pain brush on cap, and starts putting this black goop on the nugs... any idea what hes doin?? stoppin mold?? if so what is he using some kind of tar?? im curious


I believe its just the tar that seals the branch once you cut it. You can tell the top branches had been removed so i think he was just sealing the ones that were cut. Helps against infection and whatnot.

Great show!


Mark Emery is a embarassment. He makes us look like fools! (MJ growing community)...
Its obvious he didnt prepare for the interview, so instead he gets blazed up and acts like a stupid fuck!

I cant understand how this idiot has gained any sort of respect...
I seriously laugh at all the people riding his dick. (browndirt, etc...


Mark Emery is a embarassment. He makes us look like fools! (MJ growing community)...
Its obvious he didnt prepare for the interview, so instead he gets blazed up and acts like a stupid fuck!

I cant understand how this idiot has gained any sort of respect...
I seriously laugh at all the people riding his dick. (browndirt, etc...
LOL he will have done more work for the cause, helped fund more people, and bail more people out of shit, than you ever will. So don't talk about embarssing when you have a forum like this with people coming on how do I start a grow op, when you have a guy like him who never stops questioning the system and actually making it out to political events to go toe to toe with politicians. The Guys facing extradition and is a poster boy for Marijuana advocacy and reform, so complain all you want but getting stoned in your living room and complaining about someone who's actually a figure head who has the balls to get high in public to make it know to be something normal in society, and not just a hidden scary form of drug use. If people see him getting high and functioning just fine it takes away the taboo of what he's doing so the rest of mainstream society can adjust. It's easy to be a hypocrite when you haven't sacrificed even a 10th of what he has.
How more legitimate can you get, selling seeds, a business filing your taxes and proving to everyone in North America how marijuana industry can be just as legit as anything else. While then later having the US pull it's bullshit and having his house raided numerous times, him having to serve time, having his assets ceased, now him facing prison time in the U.S. For running a business openly that nobody told him to shut down in Canada but now is getting crucified over failed drug policy. So yeah Diss the guy all you want but clearly you don't know shit. How many interviews have you done this month? How many public meetings have you gone out to? How many political positions have you run for?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Mark Emery is a embarassment. He makes us look like fools! (MJ growing community)...
Its obvious he didnt prepare for the interview, so instead he gets blazed up and acts like a stupid fuck!

I cant understand how this idiot has gained any sort of respect...
I seriously laugh at all the people riding his dick. (browndirt, etc...
I agree.......
he's done more harm than good to the seed business by opening his big mouth and bragging on how much pot his seeds have produced in the US & Canada, what used to be a quiet and unassuming cottage industry (seed sales) is now scrutinized by the US govt looking to bust him & others like him. US citizens and seed sellers such as Motarebel have suffered the long arm of the law. BTW, when I first got into buying seeds online I noticed that Emery had all of the most popular strains @ exactly twice the price of Gypsy's Seed Boutique, @ twice the price of Reefermans Seeds, @ twice the price of AlienGrowShop, you get the point.......

to listen to him brag himself up on the Nat Geo show was pathetic.......

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I recently watched this special and a similar one on CNBC, and the reporters they select to do these stories always make me laugh. I don't know if they are just acting or playing dumb for the benefit of their audience, but they seem totally ignorant about the topic. They always ask people questions like, "So, what is this 'marijuana' of which you speak?" Or, "You can smoke a 'joint' and 'get high'? You mean people actually do that sort of thing?" OK, maybe not those exact questions, but that's the way they sound. I can even imagine them doing the air quotes with their fingers when they say certain words as if the average person has never heard them before.

Maybe it's just me, but I'd like to think that reporters doing an in-depth report know just a little about the subject matter. And with this particular topic, I'd think it's pretty hard to find someone as ignorant as these reporters appear to be. What are they doing, recruiting from the Amish community for their reporters on these drug specials?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I agree they reporters need some better knowledge.. maybe they can ask some better questions.. and SMH @ marc emery..


I agree.......
he's done more harm than good to the seed business by opening his big mouth and bragging on how much pot his seeds have produced in the US & Canada, what used to be a quiet and unassuming cottage industry (seed sales) is now scrutinized by the US govt looking to bust him & others like him. US citizens and seed sellers such as Motarebel have suffered the long arm of the law. BTW, when I first got into buying seeds online I noticed that Emery had all of the most popular strains @ exactly twice the price of Gypsy's Seed Boutique, @ twice the price of Reefermans Seeds, @ twice the price of AlienGrowShop, you get the point.......

to listen to him brag himself up on the Nat Geo show was pathetic.......
Free market, setting your own prices? Whaaaaat thats unheard of.

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