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Newbie.. help.. im in a bind; transplanting delimma.


New member
I need to know what to do next. I kind of got in a bind because of how close my plants are together. At the beginning I didn't really stop and think about the space issue.. help.. and also can you sex them now?



plant pimp
You need to get each plant into it`s own pot. Your big one is going to overshadow the smaller ones and eventually lack of light will be an issue. Stress for root space is another issue. Seeds put into 1 cup/bowl and sprout need to be moved not long after they pop up. You have let the one grow to much and it`s root system is developing quickly. As for sexing the plant,you could put the plants on 12/12(force sex)but the plants are so young it will be awhile before they tell you anything besides "we are stressed the fuck out"! Put each plant into it`s own pot,give good light,good soil,nutes(as needed)and have some patience. Good things come to the pot farmer that waits!


You need to get each plant into it`s own pot. Your big one is going to overshadow the smaller ones and eventually lack of light will be an issue. Stress for root space is another issue. Seeds put into 1 cup/bowl and sprout need to be moved not long after they pop up. You have let the one grow to much and it`s root system is developing quickly. As for sexing the plant,you could put the plants on 12/12(force sex)but the plants are so young it will be awhile before they tell you anything besides "we are stressed the fuck out"! Put each plant into it`s own pot,give good light,good soil,nutes(as needed)and have some patience. Good things come to the pot farmer that waits!

thats pretty much it


plant pimp
I would start by removing the ones that are farthest from any other plant 1st. The one`s that are really really close to each other are going to be the main problem. Because the roots grow down you really need to be careful when digging into the soil. Feeder roots are near the top. Worse case scenario you lose all plants and start over again from seed...lesson learned. Or you will at least save a plant or 2 and any plant that survives that mess is bound to be a strong one. Remember,Cannabis grows FAST. You need to think everything through real good before you start growing. You may say to yourself, "I have a couple small pots,this will do" But the reality is those small pots will only last you a few weeks. Then plants get pot bound and growth stops. Soon followed by stress. Your plants need a healthy,strong veg to give you a nice harvest...especially when grown from seed. Take your time and remove them,you will get it man.


if absolutely necessary, you can cut them apart with a sterilized non-serated knife. i usually have to prune the roots of at least one of my plants while still in veg as once they are in the finaly container i no space for bigger ones(damn over achieving plants!). they will slow for a few days then recover. weed is an amazingly resilient plant.


From what ive read(cant see your pics) I would segregate the ones that have proly grown together and put them in a smaller(ie. shallow,short) container so they fill it up with there roots quickly, at that point just let your soil dry out so u can pull your root mass up and take a seraded knife and cut them apart, i spray them with a rooting solution the day before so there is no worry of shock. i ran into this issue with my last sog experiment, i didt have any issues with shock or loss of vigour. my general rule for sexing is 3 well developed internodes tall so your not setting back its life cycle like you would if you waited any longer. how old are your plants at this point? ive never had any issues with sexing either, i usually use them as clone stock though, so that may effect them differently.


Active member
Don't see the pics, but you can sex your plant from seed germination within 3 weeks usually and at most 4 weeks. Don't go to 12/12, just use a 20/4 or 19/5, and sex by preflower. Can you obtain a magnifier to look at the preflower?
Not sure how long they have all been in the same pot, most likely root growth is already significant. I suggest preparing separate pots with pre-moistened soil first. Have a hole ready in each pot. With one hand covering the the top soil end of the pot, tip it upside down, the entire soil mass will probably drop out, do your best to NOT let the entire mass break apart, try to keep the root ball intact in your hand. Then try to carefully separate and extract the smaller sprouts, their roots will not be as developed, IMMEDIATELY get each sprout into the premoistened pots, do not let the roots stay exposed to the air. Once all plants are in their separate pots, gently water and soak them in. (Most likely the sprouts will fall over, lightly tamp the soil around the base of the plants, but don't overdo it!). Like others said, lesson learned, never germinate in the same pot, always use a small separate container for each seed. (Pony or color pack used at nurseries for annual color, 21/2" each cell, six per pack) works great. Best of luck.


New member
okay so i transplanted them.. i mainly cared for the two bigger ones.. I hope they survive.. they were like 2 cm apart.. and the root systems were easier than i thought to pull apart.. but I dont know what all broke.. Half way through I realized there were small ants (yes they were ants i made sure they were not other bugs) in the soil i was putting in.. i stopped and killed as many as i could see. are they a problem? I dont think many stayed in the pots.. I watered and put them back in the box... how long until I find out if they live??


Active member
They're likely fine. If you killed them, it will probably be obvious by tomorrow. Even so, if you've shocked them they might look poorly for a few days, but don't give up hope (unless they shrivel up and die). You should be golden now
They are a tuff plant probably will be fine. What kind of soil are using that has ants??? You should be using a sterile potting mix. Hope you are not using outdoor dirt. Ants can also be present if aphids are around.


New member
It was from a bag of potting soil my friend gave me.. I guess it was outside.. I checked on them today and will upload pics ima bit.. They look okay and no not okay..
they will probably be a little shocked by the transplant. Check the underside of leaves to make sure not insects (aphids, mites etc) aren't hanging out. If that soil was outdoors, it could easily be a vector for insects. Aphids will look green, mites are hard so see, they well appear reddish, hold a piece of white paper under the leaves and gently shake, check the paper easiest way to see mites.


plant pimp
The twisted leaves show signs of stress. How much light are they getting and what kind of light is being used. Also potting soil that has been outside is not good to use. Not only may it harbor mites,aphids,whiteflies and whatever other kind of pest,it may also have disease`s hiding in it. You need to spend a couple bucks on some quality potting soil and a good light. Those are 2 things often overlooked by the grower trying to save a couple bucks. However in the end,a good light and quality potting soil is worth it`s weight in buds!


New member
I'm using cfl's.. And yes I know about using outdoor soil.. Didn't use my head at the time. So what do I do if there are aphids or mites?

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