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you know U are a real grower when:


Lammen Gorthaur
You sample the air - not to breathe - but to see if there is any dope being grown in the area.

I can now smell a bag now from a distance of ten paces. Fuggin' dope dogs have nuttin' on my ass...

It used to make me nervous around my kids. When they were youngsters in high school they couldn't believe how quick I would find out if they were using a drug...

"Uncanny," they called it.

"Experience," I called it.


When you tell your neighbors your an internet trader.
When you come from shops or garden centers you strip naked before entering grow.
When you learn molasses isn't for pancakes.
When you buy premium quality surgical instruments to save a seedling from it's hull.
When you drive a date around for 45 minutes trying to remember if you closed the grow.
When people come over you say what's that smell just to test them.
When friends want to pay for stash 3 months in advance.
When your exdealer wants you to become his dealer.


High Grade Specialist
When you wait and save money for 3 years to go to thailand just to notice you can't go because you got a grow running and don't trust anyone to look after your babies :D


Active member
When you take the dog for a walk in the woods just to look for new places to grow. When you start dreaming of taking your dog for a walk in the woods to look for new places to grow.

When the rest of your house is dark becasue you are trying to keep the electic bill lower

When butter just isnt butter to you anymore and you have some "green butter" in the fridge

When you eat more brownies than your kids. When you hide your brownies from those same kids.

When more than half the weed smoked within 20 miles of your house came from you!


-you look at a room or house and think about how much weed you could grow in it

-you're constantly juggling numbers

-you can never get weed, but you've always got it

-you smell nasty shit like a dead skunk and think about how you like the smell

-you've smoked enough every day, to get sick of whatever super strain everyone else is dieing for

-you've lost that anxiety of illegality in your mind to some extent, and have to try to keep from casually talking about pot like any other plant

-you know way too much about short day plants, and yet you know almost nothing about other types of plants

-you get frustrated having to correct all the misinformation your friends believe from hightimes

-you've finally stopped having to worry about where to get weed


you know exactly which appliances you can run without tripping a breaker during lights on.

you can tell a sat from an indy by smell and calyx structure.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
You have to start a real garden to hide all your used dirt.

You can't throw away a 2 liter bottle.

If it came down to a lighting debate you would OWN the manager in your local lighting store.

You look like Joe Dirt but can tell me what EC and PH is.


Home Depot: You can grow it we can help
Sticky fingers and dirty knees country boys aim to please


Active member
when you constantly risk being locked in a cage for the rest of your life so that you can grow this sacred herb

when you have no choice but to grow this herb

when every noise you hear is a swat team surrounding your house

when you'd rather go on icmag and talk to you people instead of banging your woman "cmon babe please, you've been on that stupid computer all night."
then you tell her to be quiet this is more important lol

when you find yourself contanstly searching for the holy grail strain

when your friends tell them u havent called them in long time and you say what are you talking about?

when you can remember the exact day you flipped to 12/12 but forget your father's birthday (sorry dad lol)

there's so many i love this thread!!

its so true about contantly looking at spaces and beeing like thats a perfect grow spot, i do it all the time. (if i emptied that bigscreen out i could fit a 30 gallon dwc with.....etc)

one Q

-you look at a room or house and think about how much weed you could grow in it

-you're constantly juggling numbers

-you've lost that anxiety of illegality in your mind to some extent, and have to try to keep from casually talking about pot like any other plant

-you know way too much about short day plants, and yet you know almost nothing about other types of plants

-you get frustrated having to correct all the misinformation your friends believe from hightimes

Line for line, like WHOW. Damn, I need to check myself
grower when

grower when

you dont plow the driveway hoping ppl walk throu the snow,

there arent enought hours in the day for a real job and your room.

when you have no girl friend or friends cause there not worth the risk,

when even your grandma has growen out your clones, for real, love you nanny...

when you steal your internet connection just to to upload pics of your grow.

when you have a camera that watches your vent outlet outside to make sure no one is sniffing around,
when it costs you 2500$ for a security system so you know no one has been around.

when you relocate roadkill skunks to your road.

when your still smoking and the town you live in is dry.

you know you grow the bomb when an ex girlfriend will still come around for smoke even thou you had sex with her sister...

your clothes have nowhere to hang...

you dont need to be here but you are to help others and give back what you learned.

you know a ballast/bulb isnt at its max potential.

you dont have to grow but do cause bitches are just too sexy not to have around.

your daughtters name is mary jane.

you wont use your dehumidifier to help dry a flood in the basement cause your in week 8 and its not worth it.

you only hang out with people who grow weed themselfs

you dont take 2 weeks off in summer but around the end of september,

can throw away cuttings/plants cause they dont meet your high

youve flooded a road cause you filled the ditch with used bags of dirt.

its not a trimming party but a trimming hostage taking, come in naked, leave naked and not before its all done,

you grow sativa cause you know what you want.

you dont need deodorant, perfumes, air wicks, glads, and all that odor masking shit cause you my friend have to all dialed in, your can pulls out more cfms then you intake moves in,

your plants drink RO'ed water and you drink tap...

you are known as skunkor, from he man lol..

you can relate to me. lol

you are always looking for that next house to set up in.

when 6kw aint enough

you have your hydro shop on speed dial. and they know you by your first name,

you dont sleep unless your ladies are sleeping too.

there is not a day that goes by without having sticky fingers,

you dont give a shit to buy baggies cause its the least of your worries.

you have a flat black car for parking in fields at night.

you no longer have problems to fix, only room for improvment,

your getting 2lbs a light, (1k) every 49 days,

your flowering room is never empty

everyone hates you cause your an anti social bastard

there is nothing to do in your room, you still clean or whatever,

your growroom shelves are more solid than the front steps of your house.

your fingers are yellow and you dont dont smoke cigs and arent broke,

still spending money during the recession

can afford to drive a hummer.. lol

anyways great thread,, funny shit, glad to see so many people like me out there, this ones for yous:joint:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
drop some seeds and they grow you puff puffage and then do it again.. peace.



ICMag Donor
when you are riding in the passenger side of the car and looking out the window at the internode spacing of road side plants.

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