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5 x 5 square pot too small for ebb & flo


Active member
I second that stoney.
How much lighting are you using? Try cutting back to 2 daytime waterings and none at night. Give it a few days and then report back with your results.


I grow in 5.25 pots SOG style w/o issue and have grown some big plants. Also most of my moms are in 5.25 pots and are pretty big. The moms also sit in beds of hydroton.

Did you transplant them or just switch lighting?


Well-known member
Here's some pics. I changed the flooding to twice day lights on. I also added some calmag 2 days ago. My ppm is820 and ph is 5.9. Temp is 78 high 68 low with a rh of 27. any help would be great. Please I dont want them to get any more f'd up there starting to show pistols.Thanks.


Well-known member
Heres a couple more. The pics really dont show the droop maybe its getting a little better but Im not sure about the def.



♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Please I dont want them to get any more f'd up there starting to show pistols.


Yeah bro, it's be really F*CKT up if they whipped out a pistol on you! I dunno if I'd continue to grow if my gals started shooting at me.

Nonetheless, I do use 5x5 square pots and hydroton. I've got a 10 gallon reservoir and I use General Hydroponics Maxigro and Maxibloom powder.
It's a simple formula. My plants are flowered when they are about the length of a forearm. They grow to about waist and chest high depending on the strain....and they seem to love the setup. The ONLY problem I've encountered with such small pots is that they aren't that deep, and the plants have a bit of a stability problem...they need to be staked down with bamboo and made more secure. This is primarily because I don't use rockwool...just straight hydroton....
The rooted plants go right into the hydroton and voila! No fuss, no muss.
I think you may be flooding too much as others have indicated (less is more bro). In fact, you can actually go a day or two without watering and have no adverse results...it's not advisable...but it is something that's possible and not necessarily deleterious. I flood mine 4x a day for about 15 minutes. I do it at 6am, 6pm, 12am, 12pm just for simplicity sake. Has worked fine for years, and there's no reason to fix something that isn't broke. The rockwool tends to hold alot more water than you think...so you can cut things back alot.
You may want to forego the entire rockwool schtick....I never saw a need for it unless you're starting the plant in rockwool to begin with. Since I got an EZ-cloner...the roots are so prolific and abundant that I just put them right into the hydroton. Easy peezy lemon squeezy bro!
In general, you shouldn't have to worry about "root bounding" because the roots can go wherever they want...they'll come out of the pot and grow right out into your ebb and flow table....with no problems. They'll get what they need from the nutrients flowing over them when flooded.
Good luck.
I disagree. 5x5 rockwool is standard for me and I haven't experienced BG's problems. In the past I watered more frequently than 4 times a day with no ill effects. I don't have a better theory on what is going wrong based on the pics, but do have a question. You DID cut off the bottom half of the plastic so the roots can grow out the side and into the hydroton , didn't you ?


Well-known member
Fishhead No I didnt cut anything 5x5 square pots 1/2 inch coco slab on the bottom then filled with hydroton. The pots are just sitting in the tray with nothing in there.


I woulda just left it pure hydroton... Ive seen many people use 5" square pots e&f with no ill effects and some pretty big plants too. Pics would help a lot


Active member
I use 5x5 in my e&f.... and have grown nice big plants.....sounds like too much time flooding.... Start by cutting down your night flood by half and see what happens...


Active member
I'm using 3"x3" in a 3'x3.5' flood/drain table filled with hydroton and I am seeing absolutely no problem at all. I flood for 15 minutes every 2 hours, 24 hours a day and these plants have overgrown the damn cab in flowering and are still going strong @ ~650ppm FloraNova Bloom + Floralicious + Hygrozyme + local-hydro-store-powdered-mycorhizzae - So I'm not sure if you're overwatering with your schedule.