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List of stuff that clogs drippers!


Registered Cannabis User
Ever buy a nutrient or supplement and on the bottle it reads "for use in soil and hydroponic applications". Well ill tell ya what, im scared to introduce some of this stuff to my system in fear of clogging even tho it says its ok!

So im newer at the whole drip thing. I have some pressure regulated drippers and an in-line filter and i am wondering what stuff will clog them.
Heres some things i like to use that im not sure bout....

Liquid Karma
Carbo load liquid
Plant success (powdered beneficials)

I really wanna use some type of beneficals that are liquid cuz i imagine the powdered ones clog. I can only find voodoo juice, but there are only bacillus species in it. I want the whole lot, including Bacillus, trichoderma, mychorrizae (endo and ecto), Rhizobia etc..

So besides my specific question, feel free to list stuff that u know causes clogging of drippers for people to reference..


Hmm. I know that generally, drippers can clog from alot of things, even just minerals found in standard tap water if the heads are allowed to dry out. IMO i would just run anything that disolved into liquid and keep an eye out.

my 0.02c


New member
ok heres what you do now pay attention. take your 1/4 inch drip line where the drip emmiter is. throw that basturd away then buy a 1/4 inch tee then put 2 inches of 1/4 inch drip line onto the tee. then screw in a fine threaded screw into drip line period turn on feedline. fine tune your drip speed by turning screw till you get it where you want it. if it ever clogs just unscrew and then reincert screw. its simple hassle free and will save ya money box of screw is like 1.50 you do the math. dont forget fine thread screw is only one that works


Registered Cannabis User
How are u sposed to clean these things if they clog...?
I was told by blinddate to get a 45psi shurflo pump and i would have no clogging issues. But the psi was wayy too much for the drip heads (they almost blew off), so i got a pressure regulator and set it at 17psi and now the pump keeps cycling on and off rapidly like somethin is wrong (shakes vigourously)... I dont understand why it doesnt work


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
The biggest thing that clogs these things is salt from the nutrients really...

Yes ! A&B, PK, or just plain H2O......you name it, poxy dripers of all brands will clog with it.

I sacked my dripers, got bored of plants almost /dying when they block up.

Now I just use the 4mm [dripper] hose with no labyrynth so it pumps straight out and just water for 2 minutes not 15.

To keep the flow sensible and where you want it, just stick the plantside end into a 3"ish section of 15mm tube ... the weight keeps the 4mm tube where is is meant to be, the agressive jet just hits the inside of the 15mm tube, then dribbles harmlessly out of the open 15mm ends