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total crap seeds

total crap seeds

JackKerouac said:
I tried to get some classic BOG genetics from BC Bud Depot. I swear I got 10 random seeds from floor sweepings.

if you wana get real crap try belladonna it molds and does become very mouldy so it is good to pass along to someone you need to get even with..


Registered Pothead
I would like to add hashberry to the list. I had two phenos that hermed on me. Thinking back none of my other plants hermed so i know it was just the hashberry genetics. I have seen some great hb plants though just wishing i got a pheno like them.


Active member
What's your WORST strain?

What's your WORST strain?

Welcome everyone to WYWS! I've put it in the smoke report section
because that's exactly what I want from everyone a nice detailed description
of the aromas that you didn't like what was bad about the high. Because what
you didn't like some one else might have a taste for.

This isn't just a name and shame I need a good reason why you didn't like what you
had. Was it a scratchy smoke or a nasty after taste. Did all the seeds from this
strain just wither and die right after popping them. Growing infos would be of some
use too! Everyone likes pictures...

My least favourite strain is the Blue mystic and the reason for this is well known.
This strain seems to give you 9 males out of 10 plants, simple reason i know
but it's good enough to be here. unfortunately I can't give you a bad smoke report
on it because the only female I eventually had I used for creating seeds.

The resulting {purple erdbeer x blue mystic} was a fine smoke very fruity,
sweet, lots of giggles and hard core munchies. Not extremely strong but
strong enough.

Here are two pictures of it unfortunately the main cola had serious bud rot
inside. So it had to be chopped.


Thanks everyone I'll be awaiting your feedback...:abduct:


Lowryder and lowlife Auto AK without a doubt. Poor yield and low potency.

Reef's Cherry Bomb is dissapointing, very oversensitive plant. Smells good though..


yea im sure breeders want you bashing their "award winning" products.....and you didnt even smoke it and its terrible? i think the smoke is really the only thing that matters in a plant, smell, production, high, yeild are all bonuses compared to quality and smokeablilty.

i do know what your saying tho but i would hate for someone to bash what i spent time creating.


Active member
I'm sure breeders would like to know what they are doing wrong... Don't over generalise. I think it is pretty
bad and it's a known fact, lots of reviews have commented on the blue mystics poor germ rate and low
female count. if you want to pay high creds of your currency for a single female plant I think that's damn poor.
Breeders should do something about their lack of quality and not just put out crap because they can.
Anyway if its smoking information only your after then that's preference and as I have said what one man
dislikes another may find highly attractive
! So in a way this can also be a point of discovery.

Breeders can work hard as they like but people will soon recognise a plant of low quality.
Take Nirvana seeds for example. They have their followers and no doubt many good productive
high yielding great smoking strains but there are a few phenos that have hermies galore mutations
all over, grow like crap and smoke even worse and I honestly think that criticism is appropriate!
many smokers have recognised this and you find people gunning particular strains all over IC
all I'm doing is condensing it into a single thread so some can gun and others can discuss.
Don't waste my time by posting about your thoughts on morality, the truth isn't about butt kissing breeders!
If you're worried about breeders getting a bad rep you might want to check out my other threads ;)


Northern Lights.Boring Dull smoke.Lazy sleepy dopey weed not in a good way.Good looking bagweed that is it.
Smells ok smokes like shite and effects you like a third of what you would expect.Blandish.


Well-known member
well with so much crap out there, I think it's a great thread! However, maybe a thread that dictates our favorites, germ rates, male to female ratio, potency, flavor report, medicinal values etc..

I have had many dissapointments.. The biggest dissapointment was probably THSeeds

Germination 10/10
Male to female 6/4
Late Herm
2+ lbs per kw/90 days..
Never finished and was spittin nanners around week 10..
Stabile genes. Everything grew and looked identical...
Bouquet: Oregano pizza
Potency: 3 of 10
Flavor: burning crappy weed
High: 3 of 10
A huge pile of huge yellowish polinated buds with few trichromes. Nothing like the photo or description. I was very sad, as I paid a lot for the seeds and was really hyped until I saw it was nothing like described. However, THseeds Kushage is amongst my favorites and I don't even really like most sativa crosses, but flavor potency yield high and medicinal values make it a real treat!


Active member
Sorry I didn't mean to dictate, you can write what you like I was just helping along with some useful
pointers. Thanks for joining in everyone.
toohighmf great little report buddy excellent, there are many hype weeds around just like Cabri
described northern lights. Here's even a thread that links directly to nirvana as I was saying earlier Help with Nirvana Strains


Lammen Gorthaur
For me, it was The Hog from TH Seeds...

Total Seeds: 10
Total Germinated: 4
Total Viable Sprouts: 0
Total Female Plants: 0
Total Plants in Veg: 0
Total Plants in Flower: 0
Total Yield: 0
Potency: 0

The Hog was just a hog for my money. I never felt so stupid in my life as when I shelled out over $125 for these bullshit seeds. It will certainly be a cold day in hell when I recommend them to someone else. I may not have gotten my money back, but I sure as shit have had my revenge for the laissez-fair attitude of the merchants of the seed empire.

Funny thing. The strains I have paid the least for have always turned out the best. I don't know why it is, but there seems to be no correlation (or at least on correlation in the 6 years of my growing career) between the amount you spend on seeds and the amount of satisfaction the resulting plants produce.

Big money does not necessarily equal big satisfaction when it comes to the seed business. Unfortunately, there are too many unscrupulous operators out there and what you get is what you get and what that has to do with what you paid may be two entirely different matters for which you can only hope there is an honest effort.

Good luck with that. Caveat emptor.


I think it's difficult to criticize a strain without knowing how it was grown, dried, cured, and stored. There are so many little things that can ruin good weed. You could pass out elite clones in perfect health to an uneducated grower and probably expect shitty buds when they're done.

This thread is useful but I will read every post wondering if the strain or the grower is responsible for sub-par quality.


Active member
There is always the human error factor thats why the reasons need to be descriptive because
some things just cancel out human error from logic.

I think part of the problem of what mpd was saying is that some
breeders are getting a little strain crossing fever.
Everyone wants to create the new mega strain and is super breeding all their plants.
Not giving the genes enough generations to recover and selecting the strongest of the batch
over a few generations. People may say that's obvious. But there are people who just cross
after cross after cross after every F1 and if you get one of these super bred crosses into a
good genetic linup the gene pool will be contaminated.

Jack Herer is a good example of a good cross, this was done very
carefully over time extremely selectively and subsequently kept very pure just
like OT Haze, just to name some of the more expensive ones.
It's strains like this that have had time to perfect and get stronger that you will
get your 100% germ rate and superb grow, and if the smoke isn't what your after
you didn't like it then that's your opinion but I still want to hear about it!

The cheaper strains are usually old strains too. It seems that people will cross
loads of really expensive strains and expect mega bucks for them but they haven't
done it properly, but this is probably just one out of many possibilities

Respect to everyone who is keeping it real and breeding responsibly


Active member
Excellent thread. Fortunately for me; I don't have a 'worst' strain yet, all that I've ran have so far have each offered their own something special. Least favorite? Yeah, Honeybee; it just isn't my kind of cannabis - too sweet and floral, and the high is too mellow, even though she yields great.

Bender brings up a VERY IMPORTANT point to keep in mind: The same cut can come back from two different growers, looking and smelling completely different.


Active member
Norkali that is exactly what I meant you have a least favourite strain and you didn't
like it because sweet floral mellow etc. but thats exactly what someone else might like.
perfect contribution. and even if it was a mellow buzz for you another guy might think it was
too strong, the point is also with the differences in growing ranging skills or conditions
(hydro/soil etc.) this is only to give everyone a basic idea to go on when selecting their
next potential bud.


Any beasters are terrible, always hated them. they always taste like chemicals. Also skunk always rubbed me the wrong way. Just dont like taste i guess.


For whoever said MK Ultra and the HOG is bigtime mistaken, i personally grew the hog for about 2 years amazing buds i grew the taller more hindu kush version strong stems no need to support and at end of harvest they will droop a bit, and on the MK Ultra i got 2 fem out of 5 seeds and 1 was good looking and shorter smellier and the other wasy a taller sativa looking ( g13) and little poppcorn buds ( as described in the big book of buds) and the nugs at the end of harvest were rock hard and coted wih thrichs and resin Electriftying buzz some of the most potent buzz ive smoked... sadly i was a noob back then and decided what would i want the tall lanky mk and didnt clone it... m39 commercially grown is weak.. lol

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