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?????What is the best cloner DIY and best techniques Gel? NO Gel? Fog? ???:1help:

rubber made

rubber made

here she is glowing like a champ this is from one my first grows got it up and kicking once more put the clones in it so a little less light


Next Stop: Outer Space!
I noticed magiccannabus suggested honey as a rooting agent.

Very interesting... does it work well?

And will any old honey I can buy from a grocery store work?

"Organic" honey is best just for all sorts of reasons, but any kind works just as well as it does. Honey is anti-biotic(primarily to anaerobes), and it contains an enormous amount of plant sugars, and it has carbohydrates to promote aerobic bacteria in the surrounding soil(but not on the stem). It can be used in water-based systems, but is admittedly messy. I'm going to be cloning with peat pucks this time around, so I will try to report back how that goes.