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Mr. Tony

Active member
yo if you smoke the shwagg and like the taste of butane be it. but when you start smoking fire, kinda a waste to ruin the taste.


yo if you smoke the shwagg and like the taste of butane be it. but when you start smoking fire, kinda a waste to ruin the taste.

You just don't get it do you? What the fuck do you think fruit stripes gum taste like, shit? After you try it then tell me what it taste like, until then .... and educate yourself, ya dig.


You just don't get it do you? What the fuck do you think fruit stripes gum taste like, shit? After you try it then tell me what it taste like, until then shut the fuck up and educate yourself, ya dig.

Calm yourself down. You are saying it actually tastes like fruit gum? I don't buy it. From my experience vapor tastes nothing like a piece of bubble gum. I think if it tastes like bubble gum then the fumes are having an effect on you, ya dig. ;-)

Either way, it's not a big deal. We appreciate you sharing, it seems to be a cheap, creative, and original method to vaping. But please stop telling people to shut the fuck up, there is no need to show disrespect like that.
Nobody is selling. So don't buy it. No disrespect you feel me i was speaking to one person ya dig. If im pist off so be it. if you read the complete thread you might understand my frustration. All this thread was ever meant to be was a new way to enjoy some ganja but WTF their just has to be somebody that does not get it that fucks the whole idea of the thread up.

Mr. Tony

Active member
no one doesn't understand, well correction you don't under stand that this isn't that productive and that your a troll...
An optimistic one. Maybe i shouldn't say understand thats probably why some dont see eye to eye or I to I. No disrespect Mr. Tony, just a lil frustrated but way over it. My fault.

Mr. Tony

Active member
you may in fact be vaping. but the plus from vaping is subtracted with the inhaleation of mass butane. I mean you say your not, but anyone who looks at the pics can see that what ever isn't burnt is sucked right down in.
bic safer then PBj

bic safer then PBj

you may in fact be vaping. but the plus from vaping is subtracted with the inhaleation of mass butane. I mean you say your not, but anyone who looks at the pics can see that what ever isn't burnt is sucked right down in.

Butane burns off completely at the top of the flame then there is the water to catch any more impurities, dude you can't even get high if you inhaled a bic lighter without lighting it. Peanut butter is more dangerous then a bic lighter.:dueling:


Butane burns off completely at the top of the flame then there is the water to catch any more impurities, dude you can't even get high if you inhaled a bic lighter without lighting it. Peanut butter is more dangerous then a bic lighter.:dueling:

Agreed. Tony acts like butanes the devil. Perhaps he likes his Hakko so much because it doubles as a butt plug? Who knows.

In any event, much props to your creativity. Vapin without a vaporizer. Don't worry about the haters.
Agreed. Tony acts like butanes the devil. Perhaps he likes his Hakko so much because it doubles as a butt plug? Who knows.:laughing:

In any event, much props to your creativity. Vapin without a vaporizer. Don't worry about the haters.
I like your style TwoOhSix. Props yo.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Agreed. Tony acts like butanes the devil. Perhaps he likes his Hakko so much because it doubles as a butt plug? Who knows.

In any event, much props to your creativity. Vapin without a vaporizer. Don't worry about the haters.

Damn didn't think someone from the 206 would hate like that?

have you ever smoked with a hakko?


cant stop wont stop
Agreed. Tony acts like butanes the devil. Perhaps he likes his Hakko so much because it doubles as a butt plug? Who knows.

In any event, much props to your creativity. Vapin without a vaporizer. Don't worry about the haters.

Once again you prove yourself to be a douche.


Everyone needs to grow up. I expressed my concern over butane to him. I am sure he got it the first time. Take his idea and use it if you like it thank him if not just move on.

I know not everyone is going to be friends but we need to be working against our common enemies not each other!!!


Active member
Concern over butane,LOL....the fucking butane arguments getting old!!All you fine tuned connosewer pallets out there,so concerned about health!!!
if health was a concern ya wouldnt be smokin it,ya dig!!!Theres alot worse than butane in a bowl to worry about,PLUS....its already been proven that there is no taste or extra butane after a flame.
Common fucking sense,but there are those 3 or 4 young guns runnin around that love to shout about the dangers of butane,the health reasons,the taste.....Fuck That stupid shit....98% of the smokers in the world use a fuckin bick......fuck the 2%!!!!
Cool Tech Planit!!

Thats the trouble with the world......everyone thinks they have to acomodate the retards!!!!


Damn didn't think someone from the 206 would hate like that?

have you ever smoked with a hakko?

lol, I'm not hatin on the Hakko man, I think i even gave u respects when u started the thread about it. I'm just tired of the way you seem to attack people that don't do it your way. I agree, the Hakko is better than this ghetto butane vape, but its annoying when every time someone suggests somethin you have shit to say except "buy a hakko"

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