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South Carolina Cops: No Charges Against Phelps

Hey all, just heard this on TV, that there was not enough evidence to charge Michael Phelps in the frat party bong caper.

Feel free to post any wire or other written report qas I hadn't found one yet when I posted this.

Seems to me someone with some common sense must of gotten into that sheriff's hear. Nobody that was caught with stuff at the house will be charged either according to this report I heard.

Encouraging when I thought about it though. The Sheriff, in a very conservative part of the USA, decided on second thought that it was politically stupid to continue down the "Sgt. Stadenko" path. For those that don't know, Sheriff's are elected county officials here.

Associated Press:

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - A South Carolina sheriff is not going to charge swimmer Michael Phelps after a photo of the 14-time gold medalist showed him smoking from a marijuana pipe.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott made the decision Monday.

The photo showed Phelps smoking from a marijuana pipe at a University of South Carolina party in November when he visited the school.

Phelps has called his judgment bad and said he would learn from his mistake.

He was suspended by USA Swimming for three months in the wake of the photo, and Kellogg Co. said it would not renew its endorsement deal with one of the world's most acclaimed athletes.




It was nothing but a power play/publicity stunt for their sheriff's office.Shameful and disgusting.They originally said he would be charged with possession.I'm no lawyer but someone has to explain that one to me.possession of what exactly?Thats like saying if you openly admit to using regularly you can be charged with possession.What nonsense.Possession of a controlled substance means exactly that.Possession.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
I think Barney really overstepped his bounds and thought he was just going to charge Phelps and get his name in the news.
What he didn't count on was that his tactics to gather (intimidate) witnesses would also get him in the news and not in a very favorable light.

I need to put a google alert on him so that I can post WHEN HE LOSES for reelection.


stoned agin ...
That picture is Gold for us.

i agree. think about it, he had bad judgement, naughty boy ... but the other kids get slammed. people gotta think, what, if you're an olympic hero you get a bye but if youre joe sixpacks kid you get busted? and, you can smoke pot and be the best in the world at something? its gotta make people shake their heads and think ...


man, the whole thing is friggin stupid, its cannabis for Christ sakes not cocaine or anything like that.!!!

and yeah , once the sheriff realized that this would be the embarrassment heard round the world, he must have pulled back. thanks "sheriff bart" for making the US look like even bigger dicks after W was in office. make all that noise only to pull everything back?!.. . yeah real bright.

and i say again: F**K KELLOGS!!! they have the nerve to be worried about a morality clause?!?!? the place was started by an obvious maniac and the present day company should come under the same scrutiny as phelps for making that unhealthy, disgusting ass cereal!! KELLOGGS has the nerve to be worried about a morality clause?


cant stop wont stop
hey why not charge him with possesion of crack cocaine too!?
fuck no one really knows what was in that ROOr that he wwas hittin

the concept of charging someone with possesion over a photo is beyond me.

not suprised the least bit the charges where dropped.
and kellog's needs to grow the fuck up.

Ms Carter

Bill Mahr said it best when he said something like, "The olympics suspended him? How is that possible? The olympics are over! What? Is he not allowed to go in his own pool until they lift the suspension?" I was cracking up. You can never convict someone with misd. possession based on a photograph. It was ridiculous to think anything would come out of this anyway. A state attorney can charge anyone they want with whatever they want. Whether they subsequently attain a conviction or avoid a malicious prosecution law suit is another story. I could imagine them going in front of a jury with a photograph of someone that looks like Phelps and a yellow bong, with NO PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. If I was in the jury, I would laugh the prosecutor right into a South Carolina bar review of his license.


It was nothing more than a scare tatic.
They figure it was $ well invested to keep the college kids shitting themselves and rolling over on each other. :rolleyes:
Part of their HIGHER education....


Pull my finger
I knew this was coming. Talk about an attorney shitstorm if they would have tried to prosecute a gold medalist with absolutely no evidence.


WINNERS DO FUCKING DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shove that up your dare addled arse ya lying turds!



668, Neighbor of the Beast
WINNERS DO FUCKING DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shove that up your dare addled arse ya lying turds!


I suppose that if he didn't smoke weed he'd have won EVEN MORE gold medals?

The number of outstanding athletes getting in trouble for possession of weed really suggests that somebody has been lying about its affects on adults.


Active member
So... they aren't charging him, just the people who were caught from this whole incident? How many did they get warrants for? like 8?

So, now they aren't going to charge him, even though he fully admitted it on national television, but they're going to charge the college kids.


How fucking retarded,


Active member

Phelps has called his judgment bad and said he would learn from his mistake.



Hello all,

Notice the wording...never a mention about marijuana and that he was sorry for smoking....no, he says, my judgement was bad....Got caught smoking a bong....would learn from his mistakes (of getting caught) and not do it again.

Nothing is said about mj or drugs though clearly implied it is not specific.

I bet he lawyered up.

Its all good, the man as to protect his life(and of those around him) and livelyhood first.



someone on icmag posted something along these lines:

Phelps should say: Yes, I smoke cannabis and I am better at something then you will ever be at anything in your entire life.

maybe Clinton and Obama will say the same thing, not to mention all the other countless idols that have also smoked. People need to wise up. They need to recognize the fact that cannabis is not bad. How bad can it be?

worse than cigs and alcohol? .....I think not..
I'm imaging Phelps sittin court...wearin all 8 medals from this olympics, and the ones he has from the last olympics, just flossin that snaggle puss smile at the jury. Prosecutor gettin madder and madder...


spreadin da love
this was in the letters to the editors section of the state paper and its fucking high larious if you ask me.. i love this guys art.

Kola Radical

South Carolina Republi****s.

They would re-start the KKK, but they can't SPELL IT!